Any chance you fried the right hand motor pololu? or that there is a bad connection on it?by misan - CoreXY Machines
No worries. Among the two we have covered the details of the math for others to seeby misan - CoreXY Machines
@marcossf: then I guess it is 200x32=6400 steps/revby misan - CoreXY Machines
@marcossf your z-axis rods should be aligned with bearing axis for best misan - CoreXY Machines
I suggested it to slow down the fall, not to keep it still . For keeping it still without power use a brake for the stepper, but if you keep the z-motor powered at all times the fact that the bed falls after shutting down the power is only a problem if it falls very fast and then crashes badly at the bottom (shock absorbers may be an easy fix for that too). Alternately, if the stepper used hasby misan - Tantillus
What a about an aluminum disc and neodymium magnet (maybe from a broken hard-drive). It could act as an eddy current brake: Alternatively, shorting or loading z-stepper coils when power is removed will use the stepper to damp the fall too (it might be done with a relay that when de-energize will connect the load to the coil and remove it when power, or stepper enable, is back on).by misan - Tantillus
Have a look at printer settingsby misan - Delta Machines
First thing is to tell your slicing software to position the parts at 0,0 (not at 100,100 like many cartesian printers with 200x200mm beds). But when you home your printer x and y should be at 0,0.... what firmware are you using? have you tried starting with Richard's?by misan - Delta Machines
Puedes configurar en Slic3r dónde quieres que se centren las piezas. Cuando lo instalas basta con que es especifiques el tamaño de tu camaby misan - RepRap en Español
Hi Traumflug, But what to do if you want to go beyond the constant torque zone? (Please note that torque is not even constant but higher than holding-torque for a while ) As the speed increases, the inductance effect forces the drive to stop acting as a current source and to act as voltage source (PWM stays on as desired current is not reached within the step time). Then is when it pays off tby misan - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Hi Traumflug, That seems to be the case till you reach corner speed, according to But it is unclear to me whether we are passing that limit or not on our machines. misanby misan - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
After having a look at different firmwares for 3D printers and CNC machines I see that all of them assume there is a maximum acceleration which is a constant. Trouble is that stepper's torque depends on the speed of rotation (rate of steps). The faster the speed the lower the torque. Choosing a maximum acceleration right requires to be quite conservative (or to face the consequences of missed sby misan - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Torque vs speed graph on stepper motors is what you are looking for. Basic idea: torque decreases with speed. Holding torque is the max torque it can achieve (zero speed). Torque increases with current (up to a point when it won't increase anymore but you still can fry the motor).by misan - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
¿Has comprobado que en ese momento la tensión de tu fuente es de 12V? parece que podría ser que la fuente baje la tensión al no soportar esa misan - RepRap en Español
Aquí tienes la explicación y una posible solución si estás dispuesto a actualizar tu misan - RepRap en Español
Absolutely, and what is worse is that electrical tape adhesive will loose grip when heated material is layed on top, so large parts will warp easily. I can only recommend this for printing a small part on a cold bed when you have run out of other misan - General
@Funkymonk: some of the ones I have tested did not work ok at 5V so I have to power them from 12V (actually mine are spec'd 6-30V DC). If powering them at 12V be careful on how you connect it to the input (NPN one I connect it with a diode, with catode to the probe and anode to the RAMS signal pin).by misan - Delta Machines
Parece un problema de tu fuente. Comprueba que da los misan - RepRap en Español
Prueba con este programaby misan - RepRap en Español
I have already bought three of them and they work greatby misan - For Sale
La Prusa i3 es una buena elección, puesto que es sencilla de montar y de ajustar. Comprar un kit te evita tener tú que elegir materiales y posiblemente te permite tener resultados más rápidamente. Es difícil decir si puedes conseguir un precio mejor comprando tú los materiales, pero lo que es seguro es que esta opción requiere más paciencia y más tiempo. El presupuesto que tienes es misan - RepRap en Español
The max speed of an stepper motor is connected with the voltage of the supply. The same motor that stalls at 12V at a certain rpm, can run faster if you double or triple the supply voltage (still the same current on the driver). Steppers are known to show a significant drop in torque as they speed up. No idea what the maximum achievable speed on these motors is misan - For Sale
I have mounted my aluhotend below the platform instead of above (to have room for a fan). This approach eats valuable Z-length so I will try to rework it misan - Delta Machines
I've used these type of sensors as end-stops in CNC machines. They can be triggered with aluminium but then it has to be pretty close. Iron or steel gets detected at 3 or 4mm if thick enough (an M8 nut for example). Dibond aluminium layers being so thin I reckon detection will happen only if it is practically kissing the surface ... just my misan - Delta Machines
Puede que la velocidad máxima del firmware sea excesiva, bájala y vuelve a probar. #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500, 500, 5, 25} // (mm/sec) en configuration.h en Marlin. Ponle 2 en vez de misan - RepRap en Español
It seems like a good idea, but not sure the sales will offset the cost of making a misan - Delta Machines
Maybe it is a bit too late but in my experience most (if not all) postprocessors of Aspire will create lines of code without G0/1 at the beggining. They are valid g-code but at least Marlin won't like it (I guess the same holds for Repetier but I have not tested). One simple solution is to add a couple of sed rules to add G1 to any line starting with Y,X or misan - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
You can use it as it is, but you may want to use grbl firmware instead (which is a bit more tolerant with gcode from many CAM software). OTOH, you will need a different software to create the toolpaths for milling the volume you want (similar role to slic3r but for milling, I think carve option from skeinforge can do it but I have not tried it myself). Vectrix has several easy programs (non freeby misan - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Tienes un ventilador en la parte superior del hotend? El PLA se dilata con el calor, si no lo evitas te atasca el misan - RepRap en Español
Tienes un ventilador en la parte superior del hotend? El PLA se dilata con el calor, si no lo evitas te atasca el misan - RepRap en Español