Hi, for me it was a bad board.. got a new one and working well. Other issues may be also.by pikelo - Firmware - Marlin
Hello guys, I got an Einsy Rambo board and wanted to make it work with my own Prusa i3. Trying to configure it for HOMING SENSORLESS feature an also with BLTouch Z sensor for bed leveling. I tried to compile the Marlin but got always the same error: sketch/Marlin_main.cpp: In function 'void servo_init()': Marlin_main.cpp:969: error: 'STOW_Z_SERVO' was not declared in this scope STOW_Z_SERVby pikelo - Firmware - Marlin
Hello guys, I have two issues with an H-BOT printer, here I attached a picture with the two issue what I think it describes much better than explain it.. 1.- I setted the H-bot printer as picture, motor 1 and 2 at back side. Y-min endstop at back left, & X-min endstop at left side. It seems the X-asis print in the right direction but inverted at Y-axis?? How could I solve this issue in a H-bby pikelo - CoreXY Machines
Hello guys, I have two issues with an H-BOT printer, here I attached a picture with the two issue what I think it describes much better than explain it.. 1.- I setted the H-bot printer as picture, motor 1 and 2 at back side. Y-min endstop at back left, & X-min endstop at left side. It seems the X-asis print in the right direction but inverted at Y-axis?? How could I solve this issue inby pikelo - General
Hi, torque seems to be quite good. If I hold the filament it really grip it fine and even holding strong the step motor keep extruding. I tried to do this job without hotend, just the extruder to check torque. It's like it can't push the filament inside the hotend after a few minutes.by pikelo - General
Yes, I just forgot to mention, I'm using Arduino+Ramps 1.4. You mention overheated due to overload working preasure or due to distance with hotend? This last one not possible due bowden system is 60cm separate hotend-stepmotor. About overheated due too much work, does the motor would be hot? Mines are absoloutly cold..by pikelo - General
Hi guys! I have a couple of Prusa i3 working perfectly. Then, I decided to upgrade one of them with a dual extruder set. I have tried to mount two hotend aparts each other x-axis of 24mm. • Firstly, I tried to use 2 x Universal 1,75mm – 0.40mm nozzle E3Dv6, both of them of course with cooling fans. Results: filament slip everytime after a few minutes. Tried from 185ºC to 230ºC but temperatby pikelo - General
Hi guys! I have a couple of Prusa i3 working perfectly. Then, I decided to upgrade one of them with a dual extruder set. I have tried to mount two hotend aparts each other x-axis of 24mm. • Firstly, I tried to use 2 x Universal 1,75mm – 0.40mm nozzle E3Dv6, both of them of course with cooling fans. Results: filament slip everytime after a few minutes. Tried from 185ºC to 230ºC but temperatby pikelo - Printing
Hi, 3) I'm using Marlin & slic3r. I didn't use any custom g-code at "tool change script" so I guess the wait for user message comes from Marlin settings. I didn't find how to lock this and go on printing even when change temperatures on tools change. Any idea? I didn't fin either any M0 or M1 at generated g-code.by pikelo - Slic3r
Hello guys, It is about two features/issues while trying to print two colours, same material (PLA) with a dual extruder (E3Dv6) with an offset on X-axis of 26mm. 1) Is it possible to do a "skirt" around the 3D printed object with both extruders? I think it's possible to print a skirt with only ONE extruder, is it? 2) As known, ooze when using two extruders can be minimized with wipe towers, iby pikelo - Slic3r
MANY NEW ITEMS!! GET YOURS! 3D PRINTERS-SHOPby pikelo - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
Dear Klev, Just take a look at REPRAPTURKIYE and check the best prices. Shipping to Germany with tracking number (delivery time around 5-9 working days and very reliable) cost is +7.50€. Regardsby pikelo - Wanted
Pico, You can send us a model that you would like from Thingiverse and we will give you the best price. Shipping cost worldwide around 8.00€. REPRAPTURKIYEby pikelo - Wanted
We could get them for you shipping from Turkey with tracking number ( around 5-7 days delivery time) for +7.50€ shipping cost.by pikelo - Wanted
New Pictures! CHECK OUT AWSOME QUALITY!by pikelo - For Sale
ROSTOCK FULL KIT PRINTED WITH YELLOW PLA. Parts ready for shipping within 48h after payment cleared. Pieces are shown on picture. Please, if you need any modificated part, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will offer your a good price. If you need more info, please don't hesitate to contact us or visit our webshop: REPRAPTURKIYEby pikelo - For Sale
Instalada, el problema venía de que la placa Arduino esta estropeada. He puesto una nueva y va bien. Gracias!by pikelo - RepRap en Español
He probado a instalar el Marlin (recien descargado) para instalarlo con la pantalla LCD comprada en G3D y me da este error. Como podría solucionarlo? Graciasby pikelo - RepRap en Español
Hola, Me he dispuesto a volver a cargar el firmware (Sprinter) con algunas modificaciones y calibraciones (tipo de pasos por mm para calibar las distancias). El problema viene a la hora de compilar el firmware en el Arduino. Se queda eternamente "Compiling..." sin terminar nunca. He probado con Arduino 0023 y la version 0019 y sucede lo mismo. Alguna ayuda? Gracias de antemano y saludosby pikelo - RepRap en Español
Imprimiendo PLA AMARILLO 3mm de RepRapWorld a 220º y muy buena impresion.by pikelo - RepRap en Español
Despues de millones de vueltas y sin localizar el problema, desmonte toda la electronica y fui revisandola toda. Al fin, fallo localizado, un contacto con una mala soldadura que claro, al paso del tiempo y las vibraciones ha llegado a hacer contacto con la soldadura contigüa y de ahí todo, gracias que no ha acabado quemandose nada.. Gracias a todos!by pikelo - RepRap en Español
Creo que es lo unico que me falta por probar y lo que seguramente este jodido.. no tiene otra explicacion que pueda vislumbrar.. Mañana seguire con las pruebas a ver si logro encontrarlo.. Mantendre actualizado el hilo por si a alguien le sucede lo mismo.. Gracias!by pikelo - RepRap en Español
He cambiado todos los LM8UU y las dos barras lisas por unas nuevas. Tambien he cambiado la correa T2.5 por una nueva recien comprada y comprobada, y esta bien tensada y el eje calibrado. Pero sigue fallando y dando este problema.. Muy interesante desde luego.by pikelo - RepRap en Español
Como podria saber cual si eso ocurre? Te adjunto el GCODE entero de esa impresion (no se como mirar en el gcode si es suficiente o no el torque). Las piezas de menos tamaño las imprimio bien, pero las Z mount siempre falla. Gcode:by pikelo - RepRap en Español
I also tried to go down to 500 and still same problem. Here I attached the last three attemps with fails. Still no idea of how to solve it even I unassembled and assembled the X axis again..by pikelo - Printing
Aqui adjunto las ultimas tres impresiones intentadas. Sigue el mismo problema tras haber desmontado y montado el eje X que es donde falla..by pikelo - RepRap en Español
La verdad es que es muy sorprendente este fallo. El vastago del motor tiene una superficie plana y el tornillo permanece bien fijo. La cuestion es, que para mi, pierde pasos cuando falla en esas capas. Este fallo es de manera aleatoria, bien un mismo archivo .gcode falla a la quinta o 10ª o 35ª capa.. He probado pololu nuevo y nada. Las velocidades son relativamente bajas y la aceleby pikelo - RepRap en Español
Adjunto una imagen de los valores de aceleracion de Sprinter. Otra de los valores de velocidad de mi config. de Slicer. En cuanto acabe de probar con una impresion medire la Intensidad del pololu.by pikelo - RepRap en Español
After two printings again it failed. No idea about how to solve it. No belt problem, no pololu problem, no acceleration max problem (I decreased it on Sprinter to 1000mm/s^2).. Any other idea? my brother is having the same issue but at the other axis..by pikelo - Printing
Hola de nuevo, he comprobado el Pololu tanto desde menor potencia a mayor (sin pasarme claro) y tampoco lo he solucionado. Hoy he vuelto a imprimir varias piezas y las piezas mas altas han vuelto a fallar desplazandose dos o tres capas.. Sin ninguna idea de que puede ser. Tambien le he bajado la aceleracion maxima en Sprinter y sigue igual.by pikelo - RepRap en Español