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What companies for extruders are reputable/recomended? I see people offering the parts along with the extruder and want to make sure I go the right way.
Yes, sorry, I meant extruders. I was interupted at least 6 times during that one post.
I ask about them because people offering parts are sometimes selling the extruder in the "kit" that their parts are built for.
Thank you all for your responses. I also discovered the whole hackerspace community through this thread.. very interesting as I am alway wish I had more room for projects I am currently watching the forums on printed parts for sale. The people including the extractors... are these extractors proven to be good? I just like to do things right the first time and research before I make desisions.
The first choice I had was the Mendel but shortly after I was looking at the Prusa so....
Who here is in the Miwestern United States?
Southern Wisconsin to be more exact on my personal lacation.
Originaly I was lead to believe building a mendel to begin with is hard. I kept reading people suggesting to user something like say a makerbot as a "repstrap" and print your parts. These replies h
I came across this community while browsing files Heeks CAD/CAM and have been impressed so much on what I have seen (on people's videos) and the whole concept of a 3D printer that duplicates parts to build more that I have decided to join in the fun
I would like the first step to be the best. There are a handful of other people offering "kits." Or is buying parts cheaper and just as accurate
I guess I am going to end up pathing my own yellow brick road.
How much traffic do you all get?
I can machine all my parts to do what I need to do but others talk about buying a kit and also then the makerbot as being the mother which seems to have derived from this project. I'd just like some info... or at least where to go to find an active community.
"Hello, I'm a designer." "I'm an engineer."
I am neither a designer or engineer. I just like to make things happen the right way in both ends of design. In the end I am just a geek that found this group and is VERY interested. I started as a job shop machinist and now.. I just want a job... and this group seems to be the place. lol.
In all honesty, in this economy I am in, I see the very few options to make something happen but whe
"Hello, I'm a designer." "I'm an engineer."