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Hello, all!
I am an artist with lots of 3d modeling/ design experience that i am eager to share.
Not even looking to get paid, but more interested in trading custom modeling or design work for printer parts so i can get on board with 3d printing without having to break the bank.
if you have, or can print me some parts, and need work, please hit me up here or email:
"Hello, I'm a designer." "I'm an engineer."
hey, again.
just following up on our brief correspondence. im still available to provide custom modeling in trade for printer/parts. any updates?
For Sale
Team Fortress characters should be well within my abilities... which ones? resolution? do you have specific reference as far as weapons and poses?
as my post said, this will be my first printer, so i am definitely open to suggestions. id like to keep costs to a reasonable "ouch". i do have several key parts such as microcontrollers and steppers.
let me know what we could get going!
For Sale
Hey people. I would really love to get started with 3d printing and need some parts to get me going. ive managed to put together some of the mechanical parts, but need the printed parts.
I can offer my badass modelinig abilities for your next project so you dont have to spend way to much or settle for janky free 3d files. I do both mechanical and artisitic modeling, and can provide examples of w
For Sale