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Afternoon All, just thought i would give this a little bump as i have noticed people talking about durability of the linear bearings,
The Mendal that i have written about here has now been running since early 2010 and has been very reliable. Although it has gone though teething troubles, and a few upgrades, all the main mechancical parts have been sound! Its whirring away as i right this, lol
General Mendel Topics
Thought i would give this a bump as my Cupcake is still available! PM with with any offers of interest!
For Sale
Hi all, im just looking at any interest people might have in my old MakerBot Cupcake i have for sale! its in great working order, although runs old Gen 3 electronics, with a relay to protect the extruder control, this runs both the HBP and the Nozzle. I am based in Gloucester in the UK, i would consider sensible offers, or if someone local mearly wanted to rent it off me so they could print there
For Sale
just to say that you dont have to run with endstops! i have ramps 1.4 with marlin, the only changes i had to make were in slice3r, where i changed the start and end gcode, all i do to run a print is manually jog the head down to the bed, set the height with a piece of paper, then hit the print button.
i had tried the opto end stops but these were very unreliable! with the slightest of touches t
General Mendel Topics
Just to add another variant here, i am still using the old "Squashed Frog" base, with LM8UU bearing mounts, an ally top plate, that can be leveled again uses original Mendal printed springs, a layer of insulation on the top plate then the heated pcb, with another ally plate on top to ensure flatness, i have this flat with in 0.1mm from all 4 corners, and has stayed that way for a while now!
i wo
General Mendel Topics
Just thought i would post an update, i have now dumped all the old Gen3 Electronics, was causing more hassle than it was worth and looked like a train had just driven across it!, now have in place Ramps 1.4 with marlin and running Slic3r with pronterface. i have to say this is a great bit of software! much better than repg, only pain i find is the manual control panel.
am now working on a n
General Mendel Topics
Eamil Sent chris.
Does anyone have a working Gen3 main board they want to sell off? i think mines on the blink as the SD card reader is not working, and i have intermittant HBP and Nozzle thermister readings..
im in need of a makerbot relay, if anyone has one lurking around...i can get one from makerbot but the P&P will cost more than the relay!
Hey guys, thought i would say hi here as im based in gloucester, with a Cupcake (heated bed) and linear bearing Mendel. any chance of tagging along to the next meet?
West of England RUG
Im just curious to see if there are many in the Gloucester area who are building or have running Repraps? maybe arrange a gathering for a pint and chat!
General Mendel Topics
I have been googling my eyes out looking for details of how to wire up a Mk2 Mendel heated bed to the old Gen 3 electronics, can it be done the same way as the Cupcake heated bed? all i have found so far is that people have upgraded their electronics. i do not want to do this as i have only just got my gen3 Mendel up and running, and printing some very nice parts!
Ant advice would be very welcom
General Mendel Topics
Test prints completed over the weekend, with only one problem, the z axis is missing steps! when i am watching a print 90% of the z moves work perfect ok, and then the odd one will simply make the motor buzz with no movement.i have tried allsorts, adjust the pot to min and then slowly edged it up untill working, still has the problem, turned it to max still has the problem, swapped stepper board
General Mendel Topics
Well, i got over excited and tested my frankencable with a 4th stepper board last night, and its running as sweet as can be, left it feeding filiment for about 15 mins to check on motor and board temps and all is good, just need to re-assembly route a few cables and get printing now!
General Mendel Topics
Try Alibre Design! i use it to design Robot handling equipment, and can simulate movement, and it converts to STL! i thinks its £150 ish.. so good value for money!
3D Design tools
Bump! lol, thought i would re-invigerate this post as i have finaly got motivated to get my linear bearing mendle sorted of and running! have just been going through a testing phase with the old Gen 3 electronics that i bought 2 years ago for it, and all seams sweet, except for the stepper extruder running from the H brigde that noisey as hell so i have opted to go down the Frankencable route to
General Mendel Topics
I have just had a batch of the Thin sheet opto flags laser cut from 1mm alu, thought this might help to solve a few ridgity problems with cutting them out of cans! they are listed on ebay, but if you contact me through the forum i will do them at half price!
For Sale
I still have sets of these for sale on ebay! the same deal still applies to forum requests!
For Sale
Hi guys, thought i would add my 2 pence here, if anyone is interested i have had a batch of the Flags laser cut from 1mm thick ally! no more bending problems. i currently have them on ebay, but if you contact me through the forum i will sell at have the ebay price!
General Mendel Topics
ok, new price for 250m long spools (appox 2 KG) will be £70 + P&P for black or natural.
For Sale
So price will be more than quoted above, not sure what yet, I have requested various quotes now, for a batch of 20 spools of 250m in length..any interest let me know.
For Sale
i make to be 4g (approx) per 1m of ABS so about 250m. Good spot Nophead! thanks .
For Sale
I am currently thinking about buying a big bactch of ABS, in Natural. thought i would see if there is much interest, i am thinking of a price around £45 + £15 P&P. Approx 2KG (5lbs) and will be 50m in length. let me know how much interest there is!
For Sale
Hi Conrad,
I have just emailed you with details. if you didnt recieve that email then contact me at
To all others, i now have another batch of these parts in stock, the forum deal still stands, but they are also on ebay. be quick with your orders as the last batch sold very quickly!
For Sale
Just thought i would mention, that you dont realy need nichrome with insulation, i bought mine off ebay! one layer of Kapton tape on the brass, wire rapped around thread, another layer of Kapton,and then wrap wire back over again, I currently have 150 ish print hours on this nozzle! and its hasnt missed a beat.
I have used the demo version of the STL import plug in for Alibre, and the models you get are perfectly ok, they are easily editable, can be saved in Alibre format, and then Re exported as an STL, i havnt bought it though as it costs around £90 so almost as much as the basic Alibre package!
Hi Wade, im just printing your extruder design to go with it! (nice work there). What was there method for running the bearings then?
ive actualy purposly put alot of twist into the frame now to test for binding. an the darn thing still runs smoothly..lmao. the only way i can get it to bind is if i purposly make the guide rails not parallel, even this has to be out alot(over 2mm), i think the
General Mendel Topics
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