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How cold was it today? The raft disconnected from the bed (covered by masking tape).
Had the brilliant idea to glue the raft back to the bed (fairly simple with some CA).
That was the easy part.
The harder part turned out to continue printing.
Made a few attempts to manipulate the G-code, but was unsuccessful.
Finally just re-sliced it in Cura with 1st layer height at 1.2mm.
Print start
Prusa i3 and variants
I remember you posted it, that's why I printed and posted mine.
Yes, the fan was on.
I'll try printing at 195°C @ 120mm.s
Prusa i3 and variants
Guys! Stop Fighting!
Look at my Marvin!
Setting were:
Extruder temp 210
Bed temp 60
layer hight 0.1 mm
Print speed 50 mm/sec
Prusa i3 and variants
News flash!
So I looked around and I found someone in the EU selling the Wanhao i3 for less then 400EURO (closer to 300 without EU VAT) and less then 100Euro shipping.
It comes with the MK10 extruder - is it any good?
also they have a refurbished one for 20% off and only 6 months warrenty - how about it?
Prusa i3 and variants
The Wan Hao does look nice, but you have to consider the price,
390$ for the printer
250$ for shipping (give or take)
+17% VAT
+100$ commision to the local shipping company (don't ask)
= ~850$
Is the Wan Hao worth 850$? In the event the customs won't confiscate the power adapter (which they very much like doing).
P.S. Just checked, they now sell the V2 and don't offer shipping outside the USA
Prusa i3 and variants
I have a lot of tools,
I have basic wood-working skills,
I can solder (although it always comes wrong and I melt everything :/
I don't have a workshop/garage, I can used the dinning room table to build and I have a small bench (25*60) I can use and have a vice mounted on it.
Not wanting to waste your time (J-Max) I gave this a thought over the weekend and I think it'll be best to buy a ready 3
Prusa i3 and variants
The XL is better. Feel free to pay twice the price of my seccond link for a worst kit. Your money, your printer.
Funny thing,
The kit you recommended costs 650$ (with shipping, before tax)
and the kit from build23dprinter costs 600Euro (with shipping, before tax)
this has linear bearings, 2020 profies, but small print area and RAMPS...
BTW, regarding the folgertech
Prusa i3 and variants
After some research, I think I'll get a delta printer, question is, which? Kossel (Mini? XL?) Folger Tech? Sintron?
I'm inclined to go with a Kossel mini with Duet electronics (rather then an XL with ramps), but am more then willing to hear other opinions!
Prusa i3 and variants
J-Max, So I've Looked into your recommendations and I think the Printrbor and Mini Fabrikator are rather small, which is nice on it's own
The WanHao is a fancy i3 basically, which is nice, but other then having a more rigid frame and coming assembled, mechanically speaking,
what makes it better then buying an i3 kit and a steel frame?
also, any thoughts on delta printers?
Prusa i3 and variants
As you're talking about Hephestos, I guess you want a good printer,
but you probably did not save enough money to buy a good kit.
And you ask yourself if a cheap kit can be a good start.
The awnser is probably no.
If I wanted to spend a 1000$+ on the start I wouldn't be here
But I am looking for a good kit to start with.
I think this thread can be moved elsewhere since it no
Prusa i3 and variants
Had a "Conversation" with my wife yesterday...
I need your recommendation for a cheap printer that wouldn't require as much work on as a kit ,she fears I'll be frustrated quickly if something doesn't work and the printer will just take up space and collect dust until the end of times
Prusa i3 and variants
I've decided to buy a 3d printer (on a budget) and the Prusa I3 caught my eye.
Thing is, many of the kits are not available to me (shipping constraints, and/or price due to shipping cost and taxes), So my question is:
Can I buy a simple kit from eBay and buy parts to upgrade it to "Hephestos" (for example)?
Prusa i3 and variants