Hi, I think one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a 3D printer owner is a failure near the end of a long print, and that's what happened to me tonight, for the first time (I'm usually aware of any problems near the start of the print, and once it's around half an hour in I tend to leave the printer to do its job). So I was printing the X-end motor holder for our Prusa I2. I've sby TBJ - Printing
Here's our multicoloured i2, it's a work in progress. We're printing it on a slightly old and crumbling i1. I know it's nothing special, but I'm proud to finally be getting good enough prints out of my i1 to be building another printer. Also, I don't think I've seen a multicoloured one before.by TBJ - Look what I made!
Hi, I am trying to decide whether to go for a Bowden setup on my i2. I want fast print speeds, and I've noticed that on the i1 the moving mass of the extruder tries to shake the machine to bits on fast X carriage movement, so I am thinking of going to a bowden setup on the next machine. I am using a Greg's Wades Reloaded and a Hexagon metal hot-end, and I think I should be able to find/print tby TBJ - General Mendel Topics
That's what I thought. I like the I2 because at least you can print the majority of the frame parts yourself. Just wish I could find out why the bearing holders are mis-sized on github.by TBJ - General Mendel Topics
Double post, but perhaps the i2 is a horribly out of date machine now and we shouldn't be trying to print it at all... I just like it because there are no laser cut parts required... if we want a rigid, fast machine should we be making an i2 or should we just forget about it and build an i3? Cheers.by TBJ - General Mendel Topics
I have the LM8UU, which are the asian ones and are 24mm long. I definitely used the files from the "metric-prusa-lm8uu" directory and they are definitely 25.5mm long and not 24. (This is measuring from the inside faces of the bearing holder in the stl file itself, not the print.) I measured the files in the "metric-prusa-lme8uu" directory and they are the same. I even tried running the "generaby TBJ - General Mendel Topics
Well, I measured the STL file using a program I found (can't remember the name) and compared it with the dimensions of the parts using a digi caliper, and it's pretty close, I think the printed part is actually .2mm smaller. Also my bearing is pretty close to 24mm. So that was my question - has anyone had any experience with this part? Is it just supposed to be like that? Can anyone recommenby TBJ - General Mendel Topics
Hi all, I have got my Prusa v1 working and I'm using it to print parts for another printer a Prusa V2. One of the first parts I printed was the Y bearing holder in the attached file (the file is y-bushing.stl from the prusa i2 repository). My slight concern is that although the dimensions of the stl seem to match the dimensions of the part (by 0.2mm or so at least), the LM8UU bearing is not aby TBJ - General Mendel Topics
Hi, I have just ordered a Mk2B heated bed for my Prusa Mendel v1. There appear to be a variety of ways you can mount these. My plan is to mount the heatbed above the 18mm MDF bottom plate with screws and springs, and then clip the glass on top. Is this the "right" way? Will the flex of the PCB be an issue? Should I put the heatbed on another thin MDF sheet and then mount that onto the bottomby TBJ - General Mendel Topics
Been working on the hot end. I have no idea if this has sufficient flow or how to increase it if not. It will do about 9mm/sec (output). The nozzle is currently 1mm which I know is probably a lot bigger than normal and won't help the flow rates - meh, we'll see Video here:by TBJ - General New Machines Topics
Hi droftarts, I'm based "oop north", not far from Preston to be precise A bit more progress - center crossmember and uprights are now on: Will be building the X axis this weekend. jcabrer -> Interesting design, though the one that really caught my eye was the one made out of nylon supports from B&Q (it's on someone's sig on here, though whose I can't remember). That's plan B if thisby TBJ - General New Machines Topics
Hello! I'm posting this because I thought someone may be interested in my project. I'll give you a bit of background first. I'm a computer programmer by trade, and I'm fairly competent at electronics. However, I'm also tight-fisted and, most importantly, completely rubbish at anything that involves mechanics or fabrication. If I attempt to pick up a spanner or wield an angle grinder or MIG weldeby TBJ - General New Machines Topics