Great work with the belts! The carriage belt termination is very nice as well. Looking forward to seeing the finished akhlut - CoreXY Machines
@marcossf what is the lead of those screws, and what is the resolution of you steppers?by akhlut - CoreXY Machines
Nice! And awesome coffee table too!by akhlut - CoreXY Machines
desolder both PTC fuses and either replace them with proper fuses or jumper them akhlut - Reprappers
ingentis/eustathiosby akhlut - General
I've gone through several 10 lbs spools from NIP with zero issues due to the filament. I print NIP 3mm ABS at 230C with MK V akhlut - General
Sparkfun is having a sale! 400 step, 68 oz-in NEMA 17's are on sale for $12 each! And to top it off use the RETROSPARK promo code to get $10 off. Not affiliated with sparkfun. Figured I'd let everyone akhlut - Vitamin Kit for Sale
QuoteMrDoctorDIV Seriously though, it seems people here take things way too seriously sometimes. It often breaks out into personal attacks or look at me's. We've lost the community driven aspect and turned to making things better for ourselves. At least, that's how I've observed things. Exactly - keep it civil. Not to detract from what many have said here, but I no longer care about self-replicby akhlut - General
Quotemarcossf One question to all of you Where to buy shoulder screws (4mm and 5mm shoulder diameter and 25 mm shoulder long)?? I was unable to find everywhere and also its hard to find on internet. Misumi or mcmasterby akhlut - CoreXY Machines
Why no love for the Prusa i2? Does it have flaws? Sure, but it'll teach you a lot about what to do and what not to do with a reprap. Besides, it's cheaper to build than an i3. The cheapest i3 frame I've seen is from seemecnc @ $40 That same $40 will go pretty far for the hardware for an i2. An old spreadsheet for my i2 build. That was long ago though, and prices have changed. Peeps hereby akhlut - General
That list simply outlines consumer satisfaction, not printer quality. I wouldn't use it as a means of comparison for anything. I havent heard of ultimaker2's jamming. I have heard of makerbots jamming. I've also heard that their 5th gen hotend is being modified to stop the jamming. Go ask around on the G+ 3D printing community. Check the makerbot operators group too. Thats always a fun reaby akhlut - General
Quotemkelly Quoteakhlut There is nothing preventing you from constructing your own heated chamber.Patent infringement doesn't just apply to the sale of items. There's nothing preventing you from doing it, but you could theoretically be sued for it. Not saying it would ever happen, but they have that option. Companies pursuing patent violations against individuals is not an economically viable bby akhlut - General
There is nothing preventing you from constructing your own heated akhlut - General
Everything is from either: misumi (extrusions) openbuilds (wheels, openrail) inventables (aluminum spacers) mcmaster (hardware) robotdigg (timing pulleys, idlers, gt2 belt, bearings) sparkfun (stepper motors) sdp-si (100T timing pulley, timing belt) Only the bearing blocks are printed. Everything else is milled out of aluminum. Not a reprap in any way, shape or form. Before you buy anythinby akhlut - CoreXY Machines
Waiting on parts is torture. XY stage is done. Need parts to finalize akhlut - CoreXY Machines
Reinhold, Meine deutsch ist sehr schlecht, und google translate essen arsch. Care to tanslate?by akhlut - CoreXY Machines
You're outside the operating envelope of ramps. 8x is the max safe microstep rate with 0.9 motors and small pulleys. The mega cant keep up at higher speeds. Besides, anything above 8x is empty resolution with 5% akhlut - CoreXY Machines
zelogik, how many full steps/revolution on your steppers? 200? DRV8825 step rate? 32x? Are you using an ARM board now or RAMPS? I wonder if you're microstep rate is too akhlut - CoreXY Machines
It was bound to happen akhlut - General
Even for a first print that's not bad at all. I posted your video to the Ingentis Builders Community on Google+ so others can see your hard work!by akhlut - CoreXY Machines
Really, really nice. Beautiful first prints. Can't wait to see more. I am happy to say I am moving in this direction as well, but fewer printed parts and more milled akhlut - CoreXY Machines
If you print ABS almost exclusively, why not just get a J-head? Simple, dependable and relatively inexpensive - just not as 'sexy' as the new crop of steel akhlut - Reprappers
I have a UDOO quad sitting around collecting dust. Did you document your process anywhere?by akhlut - Reprappers
What I want to to know is where the kuling brothers build plate comes from... PEI impregnated FR4/Garolite?by akhlut - Reprappers
Nope. An individual can get in on the deal. This thread has a ton of info:by akhlut - CoreXY Machines
Have you ordered from misumi before? If not they have a deal going on now - First $150 of your order is free. You pay akhlut - CoreXY Machines
Very nice. Inspired by your success I am working on finishing the model of a corexy variant based on openrail. imgur The horizontal extrusion lengths in the drawing are 600mm,and the pillars are a full meter tall. I'm planning on paring that down to 500mm horizontals and 750mm pillars. This should provide a build volume of about 300x300x~500. I'm still playing with the X-axis and carriage,by akhlut - CoreXY Machines
I bet you could use fusion360 to do the conversion. Its not open source but free to akhlut - General
And now I can't make it. Work manages to get in the way of my endeavors lately. Hopefully the dropcams will be akhlut - General