How would 3D printing plastics - ABS, PLA - behave in liquid nitrogen, or at cryogenic temperatures in general? Apparently they should get brittle, but surprisingly i wasn't able to find anything specific. Anyone done any tests, or used reprapped parts in some really cold builds? Not being able to easily find an answer, i decided to try it out myself - a couple samples of PLA, and a couple of ABby Artlav - General
Yes, the strings are fairly normal. They are quite easy to get rid of by retraction settings on a monolithic extruder, but on a Delta's bowden one it's not exactly easy. I wasn't able to tune it so as to avoid the strings completely, but you can minimize them at some Artlav - Delta Machines
Nice design! Anyone had problems from slightly warped parts or too tight a fit? My towers ended up slightly angled, since i had to force them into sockets. Is that a common kind of problem with the design? Maybe add some bolts to secure them in an initially more wobbly socket ala rostock (to allow for adjustments)? The frame itself (4 bolt per link version) appear quite rigid, definitely moreby Artlav - Delta Machines
Ah, got it! It's the extruder heater. I tried printing a single small cylinder, and was watching it. Heater LED goes on - the diameter increases, heater LED goes off - it starts decreasing. With 20 seconds per layer the effect and correlation are obvious. So, same thing as what MrDoctorDIV suspected, only with different heater being guilty. And the mendel didn't have the same problem because itby Artlav - Delta Machines
Some more experiments: -Printing the same hyperboloid off centre does not alter it's appearance, so it's not centre-specific. -Printing a set of cylinders show the waves nicely. The cylinders are all nearly the same regardless of their position on the platform. So, it appears to be a Z-related, not position related. -Printing bars horizontally fail to reveal any waves. There are some Z distoby Artlav - Delta Machines
Hm. I just printed a hyperboloid vase. The head was basically doing circles all the time. The waves are all on Z axis, very regular. They are nearly invisible at the slopes, but are quite pronounced in the central part, where the walls are close to vertical. The amplitude of the waves is less than on the original test piece - it's not the best shape to show the problem, i'll try to find a simpleby Artlav - Delta Machines
QuoteMrDoctorDIV Could also be your heated bed expanding and contracting with the bang-bang on-off heating. I've read an experience or two about that recently.No, the heated bed is constantly on. QuotevreihenCheck for loose motor mounts, or pulleys that don't have their set screw tightened all the way down.....Then it would have slipped steps, causing catastrophic failures. Quotejaguarking11Ifby Artlav - Delta Machines
Nice design, if not for the bolt heads you need to drill to fit the magnets. Are there any alternatives to them, for magnetic coupling?by Artlav - Delta Machines
Problem is, it looks too regular to be caused by any slack. If i print a vertical cylinder, it will have regular waves of being thinner and thicker along the Z axis. No amount of slack can explain that, since every Z layer have exactly the same movements that the other. Therefore, i'm Artlav - Delta Machines
Ah, read your blog. The only slack i can find is in the carriages - they rotate slightly in the plane of the picture below. But AFAIK that is absolutely unavoidable without some magic-grade linear bearings. Also, i don't quite see what kind of slack can produce a regular wave pattern like that. It does not seem to add Artlav - Delta Machines
Quotejaguarking11slack in the spider causing this.Sorry, slack where?by Artlav - Delta Machines
Hi all. I'm making a Delta printer, based on Rostock Mini design, with Marlin firmware, and i'm getting a persisting problem. There are waves, mostly visible in vertical sections of the print. What can be causing these? They feel like rounding errors, but i'm not quite sure where to look for these. The printer itself appears to be well tuned - the head moves flat in X-Y, positioning is repeataby Artlav - Delta Machines
I've been tinkering with my newly built delta printer. It was on it's side. And i thought - why not? I'm likely just rediscovering america here, but a delta design seems to be intrinsically functional in any orientation. This have interesting implications - if a printer can print sideways or upside-down, then it can print in zero gravity. And where you have zero-g, you'll appreciate a 3D prinby Artlav - Look what I made!
QuotehercekHow could be rod almost vertical when the head is half way to the tower? Cause it's quite small - 14 cm centre to tower rails, with extruder location at 7 cm towards tower, the horizontal distance covered by the 18.5 cm rod is (7 cm - 3.3 cm for platform -2.2 cm for carriage) = 1.5cm, almost vertical. QuotehercekMy guess would be that belts somehow needed to settle to the puleys or maby Artlav - Delta Machines
QuotehercekHow did you find out what location did the head come to? Did you use M114 (Get Current Position) command?At first i could see the carets stopping in different positions - about 0.25mm off - depending on direction. I've since added printing of delta coordinates to the LCD, then added step counters to stepper.cpp, with similar printout. However, it's not a easy software issue - the numbeby Artlav - Delta Machines
Maybe i'm not explaining it too well, let's try another way. Let's say i command the head to position (0, 40, 0.1). If it was in the centre, or in position (0, 30, 0.1), then it would arrive at (0, 40, 0.1). If it was at (0, 50, 0.1), then it will arrive at approximately (0, 40.1, 0.3). This seem to be an actual offset in the motor positions - i'll try to print out the raw data going to them. Sby Artlav - Delta Machines
Quotexboxhackertry this....Nope, that works perfectly. I was watching the carets on the towers - they stop in different positions for going one way, and for going the other way. It's not steps being skipped (or if it is, it's peculiarly symmetric and repeatable), since the positioning is always perfect if you start from the centre. So, there is something wrong in the software - the positioningby Artlav - Delta Machines
QuoteA2Deltas require symmetry, parallelism, and squareness. Error of movement comes from these deviating from being perfect, (assuming your software variables are not mucked up).The distances between the towers measure within 1mm from each other, the heights are as well, the rods are identical by way of assembly. Other reason i don't think it's a problem of geometry or assembly - the problem isby Artlav - Delta Machines
Hi all. I'm making a Delta printer, based on Rostock Mini design. Basically, it works fine, and i've calibrated it to move flat and to scale. However, there is a slight problem. When the carriage moves away from the centre, it moves flat. When it moves towards the centre, it tends to rise a little, especially closer to the edge of the build area. If you order the head manually 10mm, 10mm forwardby Artlav - Delta Machines
Sublime Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > feel free to post it wherever you like, just be sure to > post it with a non-commercial license and post a > link in this thread where to find the models. Thanks. A questions about the design itself, if you don't mind: I'm using your Three_jaw_chuck, why are the teeth (outside_jaw) sloped away? It barely gets a gby Artlav - General
Nice project. I'm not too familiar with the code of conduit in this community, so what do you say about posting derived work? Right now i'm in the middle of making the mini lathe, have some fixes for the Daid's whole and Sublime's Three_jaw_chuck files, and planning on making a detailed manual as i put it all together. The changes i made: -Fixed the STL files to be cleanly sliceable - there weby Artlav - General
The software would be quite design-specific. I can post one for the Sparkfun's Nokia5110 screen ( ), but i have no idea if it's something common. Making it a front-end for Sprinter/Marlin is straightforward - there is little intersection between the internals of the GUI and the backbone, you pass commands by sending them into the buffer, and it can use the SD card already. The bootloader is firby Artlav - Controllers
Hi all. The usual way to have a RepRap know what to print, is to have it attached to a PC. Even if you are printing from an SD card, the PC is still here to order the print. What about a completely stand-alone setup - no PC or RPi or other purchase-only device to give orders? Was it ever done? If so, what problems were there? If not, why not? I was making my own electronics for my Prussa i2, sby Artlav - Controllers
В принципе, я собрал, ссылка на описание в соседней теме. Но, очень быстро возник вопрос - чем печатать. Если кто знает, где добыть, буду признателен. Про ремешки - добыть вполне реально, например - находим старый сканнер на какой-нибудь барахолке, и видим в нем неплохой ремень в комплекте с шестернями и шаговиком:by Artlav - Russia RepRap User Group
Последние несколько месяцев безрезультатно пытаюсь найти пластики в виде нитей, чтобы хоть как-то использовать собранный аппарат. Что пробовал описано тут - От того вопрос - знает ли кто, где можно взять ABS, полилактозу или им подобное в виде нитей в районе Москвы или недорогой доставки до неё?by Artlav - Russia RepRap User Group
Намёки есть: Практичеси завершил сборку RepStrap'а на подобие McWire, чтоб было на чём печатать детали. Но, печатать что-либо вменяемое пока не удавалось. Проблемы полторы, две. Основная - где достать АБС-пластик или полилактозу, в виде нитей (или хотя бы чего нибудь). Смог найти АБС в виде 20 сантиметровых стержней, но толку от них мало, т. к. заменить стержень во время работы у меня ни разуby Artlav - Russia RepRap User Group
What is the relationship between x/y feedrates in host software and firmware and actual speeds? It seems to be close to logarithmic, but i can't figure out what is going on exactly. That is approximately what i get: This is on a mcwire-kind repstrap, 400 steps per mm, 400 motor steps (200*half_stepping). I'm using "trunk/reprap/firmware/GCode_Interpreter" firmware. The positioning is correctby Artlav - RepRap Host