I too have been using 3dFilaprint but the last couple of orders have been a pain. Ordered two spools of Natural 3mm PLA but received one natural , one yellow. Was dealt with promptly by customer support.. but Replacement spool immediately jammed my extruder. Cleared it all out, tried again, 5 minutes into print jams again. Got the vernier out and it measures 3.12 to 3.33mm!! Checkedby pocketmoon - General
Hi, After my heated bed gave up the ghost on my otherwise unstoppable RepRapPro Mono Mendel I decided to try some alternative print bed materials. I had some scraps of 8mm PET-G knocking about and though I'd try that. Printing PLA with the initial layer at 200c works a treat! You absolutely have to avoid the hot end touching the bed while it's hot. It melts into it . I always check z-hby pocketmoon - Reprappers
Having struggled to get PLA to stick for a few days I tried standard white masking tape. Works great in an unheated bed. I use the widest I can find. Lasts about half dozen prints and easy to refresh. Rob.by pocketmoon - General
Kids have lots of little things scattered around shelves; like owls, dragons, pen holders, cybermen, usb cable tidies (very handy!). I've fixed a few domestic appliances like fans, fridges, shower heads. I printed a dyson-to-dyson adapter so we could use the old tools with the new model. A set of rather cool transparent shelf brackets. Cthulu christmas tree decorations and some snowflakes. Soaby pocketmoon - General
I think there's two things RepRapPro could easily do to improve the end-user experience. 1) Source better components, simple things like fans. My orginal RepRap Mono Hot End fan would stop turning mid print (resulting in jamming) and the replacement fan wouldn't run at all. 2) Ship a printer capable of printing ABS without modification. The kit PLA parts that get hot and warp when printing at ABby pocketmoon - Ormerod
Hi, Have you got a link to the bridging test stl ? CURA 14.01 seems to handle bridging OK for me but I'd like to try your model. Robby pocketmoon - Reprappers
Sure, 0.5mm, which is the one that comes as standard on the RRP Mendel. I've switched back to PLA after spending most of the year printing ABS so I found myself needing to sort out the cooling fan. So firstly I remixed a fan duct which works very well for me: and then I I discovered that my hot end was ever so slightly tilted due to the slots on the nozzel mounting bracking having warpeby pocketmoon - Reprappers
The bridging on the head along with the hand details was an "OMG" moment Sliced with Cura 14.01, exported G-Code, Printed via Repetier. Cyberman from RepRapPro Mono Mendel, 2mm layers , with some gold PLA (from [3dfilaprint.com]) at 180C (55 bed)by pocketmoon - Reprappers
Ha! That is epic!by pocketmoon - Look what I made!
The big problem for me; support material to close to vertical object surfaces not fixed.by pocketmoon - Slic3r
White ABS. Coloured in sections of the filament (prior to extruder) with red, green and black sharpie pens Obviously only the surface of the filament is coloured. Pondering he possibility of 'just in time' colouring of the outside of he filament, just prior to the Hot End. Rob.by pocketmoon - General
Quotebobc Are there some controllers you do consider robust enough then? Not that I've found I agree about kit vs consumer - anything that requires construction is open to user error. But there are certainly cheap ways of adding things like overcurrent protection with resettable fuses and I would pay a premium for a board fitted with proper sockets rather than screw terminals. Robby pocketmoon - General
How expensive is it to add reverse power protection to these things ? If I have one criticism of the most of the controllers out there is they're not robust enough.by pocketmoon - General
Hi, Sounds very odd that the gear pops out. The design means that the filament should hold the gear in as it slots into the 'V' of he hobbed bolt. With filament in I cant pull the large gear out. Could you post a pic of you extruder and one of the gear ? Robby pocketmoon - Reprappers
Quoteajayre I'm interested to know who is supplying the RS filament: Andy at £100 a kilo it sounds a bit rich for me!by pocketmoon - Ormerod
Now up for sale, disributes by RS. Looks cute! Sounds cool. "IR probing for self-aligned printing – no bed adjustment required" "New 32-bit Arduino-compatible Duet electronics enable control via a web-browser" Robby pocketmoon - Ormerod
netabb basic has scaling built in and a measuring tool. You can even specify how big one of height/width/depth an object should be and it will scale the rest in proportion.by pocketmoon - Slic3r
Great update! Very interesting to see what's developing. Thanks for posting themby pocketmoon - General
I had to play around with the support settings to get them back to being removable. My big issue was that support that was running vertically next to a vertical surface was sticking to it (one of the issues in your pic). I reset all the support material values to default and then set overhang threshold to 30 and interface layers to zero for this dragon print. What appears to be missing is aby pocketmoon - General
Quoterogerclark @pocketmoon What Reprap do you have? I've to use Cura several time, but its never worked as well for my MendelMax as Slic3r does.:-( I have a RepRapPro Mendel. Adhesion is good for me,ABS is straight to glass at 100C. It is a bit oozy though. I drop the hot end temp a few degrees which helps. Slic3r for the small/medium stuff and Cura for the big jobs )by pocketmoon - General
Quoteakhlut Welcome to the wonderful world of 3D printing, where no tool does everything. But Repetier-Host gets pretty close You can load, duplicate, position, rotate, scale and then hit 'slice' to slice with slic3r or skeinforge and then Print. Only prob is slic3r can be so slow. The latest Cura (13.10) is working very well for me and is very very quick. So big stuff I slice in Curby pocketmoon - General
A lot of the 1kg spools at 3dfilaprint.com have dropped to £17.95 (shipping is free) and they have some christmas colours in stock I'm very happy with the product so far and at the moment you get a free 0.4mm nozzel when you buy a spool! Rob J.by pocketmoon - General
Just stumbled upon this. Has some limitation on what hardware it supports and I've not tried printing anything it generates, but interesting! Robby pocketmoon - General
Picture attached...by pocketmoon - Look what I made!
Classic Monty Python Policing ...by pocketmoon - General
Same issue here. I picked a spare from maplins which is a touch taller than the original but works fine. Does seem a common 'user error' with the Melt-z. It needs a proper connector block that wont work loose and/or a fuse! The issue I have post burn-out is that the HB mosfet runs hot. So I have the extra fan pointing at the pcb to keep it cool when the HB is on. Seems to work so far!by pocketmoon - Mendel90
Getting to the end of my 3dFilaprint 1.75mm White ABS. Setting the first couple of layers to 235 and then drop to 228. Printing on kapton it sticks very well and the reduced print temp after the first layers seems to reduce warping. Bed temp is 101. About to move on to some transparent ABS from the same supplier and the free sample of glow-in-the-dark they threw in Robby pocketmoon - General
My reprappro has been invaluable. Zer0 Helmet Build Blog Now printing parts to support the internal LED matix and mount the arduino and other electronics. Cheers, Robby pocketmoon - Look what I made!
I recognise that mess Looks like the belt is skipping during travel.. The cause for me was y belt was too loose. There's very little info out there on how tight the belts need to be. Mine were set up to make a rubber band king of twang which was too loose. They now make a tighter ping. I also turned down the travel speed in slicer.by pocketmoon - General Mendel Topics
Hmm ... piezoelectric droplet generator controlled by DC offset in stereo signal.by pocketmoon - General