You are welcome! Have fun with it!by kasperfish - Look what I made!
Summer is coming, get ready to prevent your drinks from getting knocked over! STL files and instructions can be found on CLICK HEREby kasperfish - Look what I made!
So I sliced with a smaller width for the perimeters and now the teeth for the GT2 belt is showing. Apparently 0.5mm perimeter width is too much. If I slice @ 0.4 mm perimeter width the teeth are visible in the slices/layers. However my nozzle is 0.4mm so is it acceptable to do this? grtzby kasperfish - Slic3r
Hi, I'm trying to print a spare x carriage for my Prusa but the tooth for the GT2 belt are not visible in the slices. Can someone explain this? Of course I only noticed this after printing the part... :-( I've got the stl file from thingiverse. I guess I did not set the correct line kasperfish - Slic3r
Well it seems that if I slice the extruder @0.3mm layers then there is no bridging between the support block and the main body. Also the bearing hole does not get bridged over. I sliced @0.2mm and now it seems right. I will start a new print with 0.2 layers. This is a lesson for the future.... I need to check the slicing before starting a print! Update:by kasperfish - Printing
Hi all, I'm trying to print an extruder for my next printer build. I'm using the following STL file link to the extruder on thingiverse I want to print at 0.3mm layer height but I have problems with the support block and the bridging for closing the bearing slot (see picture). I sliced with slic3r and normally I can bridge great distances. I killed the print because it didn't seem kasperfish - Printing
I'm using white painters tape in combination with hairspray for PLA printing (no heat bed). I do not spray it directly but swipe it over with a paper napkin. This works great!! When my hairspray was empty (and I needed to print...) I used acetone on the white painters tape. This works even better and is great for larger pieces that tends to warp (i.e. LCD cover). The amount acetone applied to theby kasperfish - Reprappers
Thank you!!! I was thinking about a bad serial connection or a broken usb cable. I'll try printing from SD card because printing slower is not an option... (the print in the video already takes almost 2 hours) cheers and happy printing!by kasperfish - Printing
Hello, I'm getting great prints however it happens that the printer stops completely and then continous. It never occurs in the beginning of a print. My stepperdrivers are not warm. I think the printer is "hanging" approximately on the same spot(s). I'm using repetier host v1.0.6 and Marlin firmware. I'm slicing with Slic3r 1.1.7. video 1 video 2 Any help more then welcome. ps1: if the prby kasperfish - Printing