Hi Guys Have anyone been able to change their Printer similar to the Prusa i3 MRK3 where the printer does not use end stops for X & Y axis ? How did you go about doing it ? Thanks Vaughanby scubi - General
Thanks Guys for the advice, much appreciate. I decide not to use the spring method , just a bolt tensioner that pulls the belt tight & make sure it stays like that. Its been working fine and good results from my prints.by scubi - General
Thanks guys for all the help. I selected the 10K thermistor & its reading the room temperature correct. I run a PID and entered the figures into marlin etc. Seems to be working fine. I would not know if my Temp on the BED is perfectly 90 when I do a print but it seems to be working. Thanks for all the helpby scubi - General
Hi Guys I have a heated bed that's 400x400 running on two 20x20 Extrusions with wheels. My question is I see some people add a Belt tensioner. ( The cloths peg type tensioner ). Would you recommend it. The belt from the stepper motor to the bearing ( Nut Tension ) to tighten up the belt is pretty long. So wondering if you add the wire tensioner in the middle of the belt would be beneficial.by scubi - General
Hi The packaging etc says it a 100K NTC thermistor . I set the multimeter to 200K because my multimeter does not have a 100K point. My room temp is about 28 degrees . The reading on the multimeter is 6.8 ?by scubi - General
Hi Sorry it reads 6.8 on the Multimeterby scubi - General
Hi I just tested it and i put the multimeter on 200K and it come out at 6.8 reading ?? Not sure what that means ??by scubi - General
Hi I have a Multi-meter , using a Ramps 1.4 board . Must check how to measure resistance lol I check nowby scubi - General
Hi Please could you advise, solution I have installed a Silicon Heated 300x300 230V AC 300w with a SSR solid state relay. ( 25A ) Specs on silicon bed is 100K NTC 1% thermistor. In marlin ( 1.1.6 ) I have tried Thermistor no. 1 & 6 & 75 but they all read 90 degrees yet it suppose to be around 28 degrees ( Cold bed ) I plugged in a spare thermistor and reading was correct 28 Degrees (by scubi - General
Hi Roberts, You are super hero , thanks so much. I notice there was plenty of garbage on my LCD screen & just left. Now I realize that you say its the SD card problem. When I print from the laptop it does not happen. Cool, I find a way I can move the cables away from the wires of the step motors . They all bunched up in one box at the moment. So that's a No No. Thanks a Ton. Vaughanby scubi - Firmware - Marlin
Hi Guys what is your Max Acceleration setting for a Direct drive extruder with a MK7 gear ( NOT Bowden) I got mine at 10,000 which I think might be far too high, Default settings. Prusa style printer with Ramps 1.5 marlin, Nema 17 Motor. Thanks Vaughanby scubi - General
Hi everyone, Using Ramps 1.4 board / Prusa style printer ( Marlin 1.1.6 ). Printer has been printing fine, now suddenly while printing the head moves away from the model ( No extrusion ) and then comes back & carries on printing. It does it on both X & Y direction. This happens every now & again. It does not extrude when it moves away. What could it be causing the printer head to moby scubi - Firmware - Marlin
Hi Thanks guys for the help. Sorted out by changing the fan. It works fine now. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Please can you give me some advice. I have upgraded my marlin firmware to the latest version and now I get a Thermal Runaway error as soon as the Bed fan comes on after the 1st layer. I have done PID tune on the hotend , but still get the Thermal run away error with the new settings. Any advice would be appreciated thanks Vaughanby scubi - General
Hi Thanks, stupid question , how do I reduce the Hz ? Where is this setting, is it in Marlin Firmware ? Thanksby scubi - General
Hi I have the Fan plugged into the Ramps Board where the heated bed fan usually is. I need to try another fan and see if does the same thing. Just strange that when I try reduce power , it switches off . Runs only if its at 100 %. Thanks anyway for your time & replies.by scubi - General
Hi Guys I have added bed fan to my Prusa style printer. My print starts and on the second layer the bed fan comes on, but if I try turn it down to arounf 90% or 80% the fan stops ? Using Marlin firmware, Ramps 1.4 etc Why is my fan only capable of working at 100% Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Please can you tell me where the firmware resides ( Marlin ) when you upload to the Arduino Mega & Ramps 1.4 ? Does it sit on the Arduino board or the Ramps 1.4 board ? Thanks Vaughanby scubi - General
Hi Guys While my print is printing the printer will do a slight ( 2 second ) pause and carry printing. It seems to happen when it move to other parts of the print. I have changed & bought a new USB cable & also happens when printing with the SD card. Please could you try point me into the right direction. Very frustrating to see the pause. Happens with all my slicers Thanks Vaughanby scubi - Firmware - Marlin
Hi I changed the USB cable and it did the same thing. I then changed from Simplify3D to Slic3r and there is no pause in the print. So it must be the slicer program - Simplify 3D Any suggestions Thanksby scubi - Firmware - Marlin
Hi Guys I have upgraded my firmware to the latest Marlin firmware to my Prusa i3. While printing there is a slight ( split second ) pause to my printing. I have changed the Jerk from 20.00 down to 5.00 and no change. Not sure whats causing the printing to do that slight pause during my prints. It seems to be when it changes LINES, not even when it increases height. I tried printing from SDcardby scubi - Firmware - Marlin
Hi When I click on either X, Y and Z home buttons the Z axis moves . No matter what homing axis I click on the Z Axis moves. This is with the new Version of Marlin. Does not happen with older version of Marlin. Any suggestions Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Found my problem, did not know I could not save the file in the same folder. Created new folder and sorted.by scubi - General
Hi Guys I guys I have compiled my Marlin file and it runs fine, however when I want to save it i get this error : The Sketch already contains a file name " Marlin.ino" Please could you help Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Thanks guys I really appreciate your comments and advice. I thinking maybe reduce the height to 300mm and increase the frame from 30x30mm to something like 40x40mm extrusions. After reading a couple of threads , I am not sure which way to go on the style of printer ( CoreXY) . I have build two printers from scratch ( Mendel90 & Prusa i3 ) . I am not too concerned about speed of printing,by scubi - CoreXY Machines
Hi Guys I am wanting to build either one of these printers , at least I would like to build a CoreXY printer. ( Build volume X400 Y 300 Z 400 ) with 30x30MM aluminium extrusions. Which out of the two do you prefer and reasons ? The other question is , do you think its important to have the bed supported on both sides ( two or one Z Stepper motor ). I see some have only on the one side. Wondeby scubi - CoreXY Machines
Hi Guys Thanks guys I understand and makes logic sense. Thanksby scubi - General
Hi Guys, Please can you tell me if I am able to change % Infill while your printer is printing ? I know you can make the changes before you start the print, however what code do you use to make the change from 10% to 20% while the printer is printing. Thanks, appreciate the help.by scubi - General
Thanks guys for the help, appreciate itby scubi - Firmware - Marlin