can you link to those pages for us? depending on the pages themselves they either get an advertising tag on them and deleted after a certain amount of time or they get deleted on sightby thejollygrimreaper - Administration, Announcements, Policy
QuoteJata I will be begrudgingly ordering an authentic E3D V6 just because I don't want to have to mess with retooling it on my first build. But seriously, $80 USD for a small CNC'ed piece of aluminum, a few wires, and a fan.... If it were something more than a heatsink with a hole through it you could make the argument that design and engineering are a significant factor in the cost. And to sby thejollygrimreaper - General
could use a normal extruder and hotend but make the nozzle hole somthing like 0.8/0.9mm and simply wind up the extrusion from thatby thejollygrimreaper - General
Quotermlrn -- that just makes me even more suspicious given what you said in the text you've hidden vs where the ipaddress is pointing toby thejollygrimreaper - General
Quotedc42 I have potentially the same problem with the 3D printer electronic assemblies that I make. Here is an idea. Publish the designs for what you develop, but trademark the name. Make it clear in the published documents that although the design may be copied under the GPL, OHL or whatever, the trademark may not. So other people can clone and sell your design but they must sell it under a diby thejollygrimreaper - General
here's a question... who are you? i'm very curious now as to why you seem so hell bent on this particular argument of yours , what exactly is your contribution to the reprap project? why is your email address a disposable address? why have you not provided a name when you registered? as an admin my suspicious hat is on here... Quotermlrn Why do you care so much about your reputation? Knowledgeaby thejollygrimreaper - General
The failure isn't really with the hardware developer in a lot of these cases it's with the community more than anything that chooses to knowingly support the people who do the wrong thing buy buying the counterfeit versions, they not only do it with hotends but also with most of the electronics Ultimately the of production for a quality item which comes with a legally backed warranty Subject toby thejollygrimreaper - General
QuoteDjDemonD Quotethe_digital_dentist Why do you keep demonizing "Chinese cloners"? Do you think that no one else would try to commercialize 3D printer designs if the Chinese weren't so good at it? I hope I wasn't demonising them, in fact I have no issue with what they do. I think a lot of people disagree with what they're doing and I read a lot of anti-chineses sentiment in the forum. I agrby thejollygrimreaper - General
if you are planning on using yuour existing stepper motor and gearbox, do you have the exact same one they use with the same shaft size? are you going to use a rrd hobb?by thejollygrimreaper - General
QuoteDjDemonD Yes but I feel obliged to say that not all cheap copies are bad I've an e3d v6 clone which has worked without any problems for 9 months. I am going to buy a genuine v6 when it does give up as I'd like to try the real thing, so maybe in this sense the argument that illegal downloaders buy more genuine products has some credence. Reading this thread I feel guilty for buying it, butby thejollygrimreaper - General
QuoteXR750 SIMPLIFY3D supports “ Terminal Commands for Post Processing” in the process settings under the SCRIPT tab. Can anyone tell me where I can find documentation describing this Script language’s syntax of and the commands supported by this SCRIPT? My goal being, to use this function of SIMPLIFY3D. Bill simplify3d website? maybe email them?by thejollygrimreaper - General
Quotefrankvdh QuoteElmoC We have already lost new J-Head development because of the cheap clones. Perhaps the developers need to change their business model? Instead of manufacturing a product themselves (which in a high-wage economy guarantees that it will be expensive, and consequently low-volume, so even more expensive), why not sell/license the design to a cheap manufacturer? A knock-off ouby thejollygrimreaper - General
QuoteDjDemonD Geeetech all in one arduino/ramps controller I understand it's an arduino/ramps based board but its the quality etc... I am interested in. It's a keen price to have one integrated board and does seem to have some improved features like heatsink on the mosfets etc. Doesn't seem to have the solid state fuses that ramps has. If you are interested in quality then i would recommend yoby thejollygrimreaper - General
Quotekarabas Quotethejollygrimreaper yeah ... not exactly a speed daemon, 500mm/min only equates to 8.3mm/sec which in printing terms isn't exactly what i would call fast personally i'm running between 60mm/sec and 90mm/sec and others run a lot faster the only reason that hotend "works" is simply down to the ptfe tubing inside the stainless tube and you'll be getting a huge meltzone so i wouldnby thejollygrimreaper - General
depends on the hotendby thejollygrimreaper - General
yeah ... not exactly a speed daemon, 500mm/min only equates to 8.3mm/sec which in printing terms isn't exactly what i would call fast personally i'm running between 60mm/sec and 90mm/sec and others run a lot faster the only reason that hotend "works" is simply down to the ptfe tubing inside the stainless tube and you'll be getting a huge meltzone so i wouldn't expect retraction to be very helpfby thejollygrimreaper - General
could always just use a 0.3mm nozzle and tell your slicing program you have a 0.1 or 0.15mm nozzle, then set your extrusion with to 0.3mmby thejollygrimreaper - General
QuoteBill Clark I am using Arduino mega/Ramps 1.4/Marlin and am going to give the DRV8825 drivers a shot in place of the 4988's. Info on the 8825 via Pololus site reads- "The timing requirements for minimum pulse durations on the STEP pin are different for the two drivers. With the DRV8825, the high and low STEP pulses must each be at least 1.9 us; they can be as short as 1 us when using the A49by thejollygrimreaper - General
Quotedrmaestro Quotethejollygrimreaper Quotedrmaestro Quotethejollygrimreaper Quotedrmaestro Hi, I'd like to know how compatible are the different nozzles sold online. Most of the web sites sell MK8 or E3D compatible nozzles so I assume they are a little bit different. My printer has a proprietary hotend and requires teflon tubing on the inside of the nozzle, so the inner diameter of the nozzleby thejollygrimreaper - Reprappers
Quotedrmaestro Quotethejollygrimreaper Quotedrmaestro Hi, I'd like to know how compatible are the different nozzles sold online. Most of the web sites sell MK8 or E3D compatible nozzles so I assume they are a little bit different. My printer has a proprietary hotend and requires teflon tubing on the inside of the nozzle, so the inner diameter of the nozzle has to be 4 mm. Do the MK8 or E3D nozzlby thejollygrimreaper - Reprappers
Quotedrmaestro Hi, I'd like to know how compatible are the different nozzles sold online. Most of the web sites sell MK8 or E3D compatible nozzles so I assume they are a little bit different. My printer has a proprietary hotend and requires teflon tubing on the inside of the nozzle, so the inner diameter of the nozzle has to be 4 mm. Do the MK8 or E3D nozzles have 4 mm inner diameter? If not, isby thejollygrimreaper - Reprappers
whats wrong with the large number of opensource/freeware packages out therE?by thejollygrimreaper - General
quite a few people have tried these capacitive sensors with varying results, in practice they have a pretty wide margin of error usually 10% , i swapped mine out for inductive sensors initially and tried using aluminium tape on the glass bed but i found there was a bit of variance in that as well, eventually i gave up on auto bedleveling and simply stuck the inductive sensor on the frame and hby thejollygrimreaper - General
Quoteo_lampe Don´t we use stainless steel because of it´s low thermal conductivity? How much lower is it compared to hardened steel? -Olaf yes, however i am recently questioning recently exactly how much of a difference there actually is in practice using mild steel which is only double the heat conduction compared to stainless but still heaps lower than everything elseby thejollygrimreaper - General
QuoteDeuxVis test ? trying to work out a banned word, it's a weird one, i will look more into it tomorrowby thejollygrimreaper - Sandbox
Quotedr. hunter s. thompson I wonder why the "RepRap Foundation" hasn't taken the time to move for some sort of oversight in terms of best industry practices to regulate products under the reprap umbrella. Could it be that Adrian Bowyer is more concerned with his fledgeling business, "RepRap Pro," to conduct even cursory oversight of people who advertise "RepRap Products" on his own website? Thiby thejollygrimreaper - Safety & Best Practices
drilling stainless isn't actually that hard, the problem with it aside from work hardening very easily is that things like bolts, allthread and grubscrews are all made through some veriation of the forging process and cooled very quickly, for all the grubscrews i drill i heat them up until they are red hot and let them cool in a pile on a piece of aluminum foil, i do this with both the stainlesby thejollygrimreaper - General
Quotecxandy Please see the video: Note:It's need new version smoothieware firmware. where are the modified sources published?by thejollygrimreaper - Controllers