A simplified extruder design is highly appreciated. However, mass production neither matches the project goals, nor does it match the habits of users. Hmmm ... I know that along with self-built extruders, we've got a few entrepreneurs who do up and sell ... ?90%? of the extruders? Dunno. Big % of the total, I imagine, since most of us don't have lathes and mills. Then, perhaps, you should lookby SebastienBailard - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I'd like a bit of guidance for assembling them. Hmmm ... did you try: http://reprap.org/wiki/LaserCut_Mendel_Assembly_For_Complete_Beginners?by SebastienBailard - General Mendel Topics
This will undoubtedly make it more difficult for a newcomer without a mentor. Not necessarily. We can easily have a few "popular flavors" which will accumulate good documentation in the wiki. The more a machine breeds in the wild, the more people will want to polish the docs.by SebastienBailard - General
and where do I learn of its development - probably the development section http://reprap.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges is good. Otherwise you'll miss out on stuff like http://reprap.org/wiki/Electrochemical_Machining which is being done up in the german forum. http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?35,83032,83290#msg-83290by SebastienBailard - General
Who decides on the next RepRap - I know its a community project but someone must be spearheading it. Bwahahahaahah! Do one up in the wiki and then I'll flip a switch on the webserver and tell everyone they should be printing yydoctt-mendels and selling yydoctt-electronics to the punters. And then we'll all have a laugh and they'll print and sell whatever they like. I think we're technicallyby SebastienBailard - General
As salt can withstand much higher temperatures than sugar but is water soluble too, this could be a good candidate for support material for other methodes too (e.g. laser-sintering). Tablesalt (NaCl) is IR-transparent, according to this paper I have not read: http://utwired.utexas.edu/lff/symposium/proceedingsArchive/pubs/Manuscripts/2008/2008-54-Niino.pdf. (via http://www.google.com/search?chby SebastienBailard - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
We've got some docs going in the wiki here: http://reprap.org/wiki/AdderFabby SebastienBailard - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
Also, I think you're asking about how to deposit a precise layer of sand, not how to sort a bag of sand into various size particles, correct?by SebastienBailard - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
"Figure 4.3, Dry Sieve Analysis" http://www.geology.sdsu.edu/classes/geol552/seddescription.htm This may be helpful as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesh_%28scale%29 Viktor, I have a stupid question: Do the gold-plated metal meshes filters used for coffee have about the right hole size to be useful? http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-GTF-Gold-Tone-Filter/dp/B0001IRRLG (They are much less expby SebastienBailard - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
Is there a template I should use? Yup: http://reprap.org/wiki/Example But I've loaded it into http://reprap.org/wiki/Plumbstruder so you just need to log in and start doing up photos and text. Thanks for helping out!by SebastienBailard - General
I'm documenting the entire build this time Hmmm ... want to do it up in the Plumbstruder wiki page?by SebastienBailard - General
... videos and pictures but wanted to make sure that each component is solid. Please let me know if you have any trouble contributing cad files, text, and photos to the wiki.by SebastienBailard - For Sale
I am. (We all are. ) Sorry for the lag, we tend to accumulate todo items faster than we attract people who have the time to work on them. It may be a while before I get to your issue.by SebastienBailard - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Have you ever tried to crosspost from a mailing list to a forum thread or vice versa? I do know that the (misnamed) RUGs need email in order to actually work well. And the forum administration forum needs to have email so that issues go into my email inbox. And general-forum needs to be merged with reprap-users mailing list. I've seen a forum <-> list gateway failing in the Wine communiby SebastienBailard - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Trying to enforce people to use one communications medium or another (forum vs. mailing list) drives away people, IMHO. Right now, there are machines talked up in the Gada prize forum that reprap-dev does not know about. The developers who did them up aren't getting feedback and commendations from their peers. This situation offends me; it seems unfair to the Gada prize devs. Similarly, Stepby SebastienBailard - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Nice bit of work, Stephanie! Be sure to wave it at the secret cabal the official developers mailing list: http://reprap.org/mailman/listinfo/reprap-dev (It's compulsory, since you're an official developer. )by SebastienBailard - Controllers
Will do, with some tweaks.by SebastienBailard - Administration, Announcements, Policy
i am open to suggestions please? http://reprap.org/wiki/What_Tooling_Do_You_Have (hint: don't make a mendel out of wood or aluminum. Make something like a 1X2 bot.) like the company that did the boards for u + how much it cost (ballpark figures are ok) We host a number of entrepreneurs here: http://reprap.org/wiki/Mendel_Buyers_Guide#Electrical_and_mechanical_kits_and_partsby SebastienBailard - South Africa, Cape Town RepRap User Group
Sebastian has a good point. Instead of a book, it's better to improve and keep updating the wiki to make it easier to find information. Yes, it's our responsibility to make a book completely unnecessary. Sebastien, Is a there a single place where we can have an Index to all concerns when starting the project. http://reprap.org/wiki/General_FAQ Which you can merge into http://reprap.org/wikby SebastienBailard - General
I'm a user, not the seller, so think of it more as a very brief review if that's more kosher! No worries.by SebastienBailard - 3D Design tools
Advertisement. Not precisely. Murrayd's been around here for a year or so, and has 60 posts.by SebastienBailard - 3D Design tools
I don't feel happy about the license either Why? It is now GPL along with cc by-nc. Which means it is unfair to bump this thread, reactivating it and causing Laszlo emotional or financial distress. Which is I'm closing this thread. I am glad that Jeff straightened this out, and demonstrated nophead's point regarding the relationship between copyright, licenses, cad files, and physical hby SebastienBailard - General
I'm a tad bit confused with electronics sets on the wiki, what is the current best/cheapest solution? We had a very recent thread on this, which is worth reading: http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,81655 Are there any recommendations you guys have to keep costs low? http://reprap.org/wiki/What_Tooling_Do_You_Have? http://reprap.org/wiki/1X2_Tallcat needs more test pilots, so I'd suggestby SebastienBailard - General
Some of us "Developers" MUCH prefer forums and would simply not participate in a mailing list. No worries. There's a forum widget I need to install that snycs mailing lists and forums. My main concern here is that I don't want to force new-devs to 1) talk up their research in this forum and then 2) email reprap-dev and try to fuss at people until they swap over into this forum and chat up tby SebastienBailard - Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prize
Who wants their mailbox full of development discussions? "Developers" do. Personally I prefer to have a forum where I can browse at will with threads linked rather than having to trawl through unrelated emails... So .... if Adrian does up a new machine, he talks about it in reprap-dev, but if new guy does up a new machine, he talks about it in gada-prize forum (where reprap-dev doesn't hear abby SebastienBailard - Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prize
If you want to benefit the community dont make a book, make a website which compiles all the essential material to start with. If you want to benefit the community, improve the wiki so that people coming to the project can find the information they'd like?by SebastienBailard - General
Why does this forum think I'm spamming? It's a glitch I haven't tracked down yet.by SebastienBailard - General
Gord, When you're building, could you give http://reprap.org/wiki/1X2 a good polishing, if you find any spots that need it? Cheers, -Sebastienby SebastienBailard - Canada, Vancouver RepRap User Group
I'm not sure but I might be able to turn the stl's in to plans. I would have to try with the various programs I have and it would take a while. If I can do it then I will make them JPEG pictures so anyone can view them. But that's another project. You may find one of these helpful: http://reprap.org/wiki/Category:Mendel_Mechanical_Drawingsby SebastienBailard - General