Well, it's a bit silly to make people talk up their new machines in a development forum and in a development mailing list.by SebastienBailard - Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prize
It has annoyed me so much that I'm taking photos of all the parts as I go and intend to then label the holes on them so there is a simple quick photo guide that tells me (And other people.) what size to ream the holes. I want to make a PDF out of them. Something simple like this would save me ages of checking before I do each part. If you could embed those photos in the wiki that would be an elby SebastienBailard - General
Drop in on these guys They can show you a working machine. and good luck!by SebastienBailard - General
I am located in Michigan. Talk to Tim Schmidt, with the Michigan RepRap User Group. He may know someone local who's willing to sell their built machine and use the proceeds to buy the parts to build one or two kits. Or someone with a Prusa may decide they're a print service bureau until you're up and running. Or rent, or etc. Ping him in IRC or in Michigan-RUG's mailing list.by SebastienBailard - For Sale
Hi All! As an experiment, I'll be closing this forum in a couple days, to help make RepRap better. Since the Gada Prize is for development, and you folk are developers, you should do that development where we do all the other development, in reprap-dev, our friendly-but-technical and technical-but-friendly official mailing list for reprap development. If you're reading this, you're an officiby SebastienBailard - Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prize
http://reprap.org/wiki/Special:Categoriesby SebastienBailard - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Done. Meet the BudaSchnozzle! Thanks Jeff. That's a nice way to resolve this matter.by SebastienBailard - General
Yup. http://reprap.org/wiki/Motherboard_1.2#Schematic You probably want to do up a Gen 6, RAMPS, or gen 3 Remix, etc. etc. Ask in the irc channel. And don't forget to start lurking in the reprap-dev mailing list.by SebastienBailard - Reprappers
I do not understand why you make so much fuss about the licence, I always have best of reprap in my mind. That's very simple: we don't know what are you planning on doing if people start selling copies of your hot end. RepRap developers like to make copies of things, like RepRaps and RepRap parts. Telling the RepRap community they cannot copy part of a RepRap is a recipe for conflict. It wouldby SebastienBailard - General
Of course, the licence the Arcol is under Let's keep it in one thread, please.by SebastienBailard - Reprappers
The licence Laszlo has used is invalid because it is based on GPL licenced nozzles... Which hot end precisely is it based on? And ... is he violating the copyright on that cad file? Or is it some GFDL docs? Or is he violating the copyright on a lump of metal ... by reverse engineering a set of cad files from it. and I don't think anyone can argue that. Welcome to reprap.by SebastienBailard - General
1. forum/wiki need policing - I do not think so. Actually, it's a lot of fun to keep an eye on http://reprap.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges and see what people are up to. That's how we got http://reprap.org/wiki/1X2_Tallcat policing will only make ppl resent the policemen and leave the community if the policing gets too strong (as it is getting attm btw) Hmmm ... interesting point. Laszlo isby SebastienBailard - General
Are you planning on selling copies? If so, than yes, you should take it seriously, since you would be breaking the law. False. One cannot copyright car parts or machine tools. The original cad files for them yes, the lumps of metal or reverse engineered cad files, no. I would strongly recommend you remove the commentary anyway, at least the parts that are factually wrong, as have been extensivby SebastienBailard - General
You SHOULD NOT actively try to police the forum. That's lucky. I don't think we keep as much an eye on the marketplace forums as would be ideal. Anything else is you reading between the lines, and that can often go seriously awry. Will Laszlo be attempting to enforce the terms of his license? Yes or no? Should we be taking this license seriously or not?by SebastienBailard - General
I do think it is bad form to try to say what someone else thinks though. As you pointed out in your comments to Sebastien, Laszlo does not strike me as a bad guy at all. His choice of license does not in any way betray a tendency towards litigiousness so suggesting that he wants to sue everyone seems unfair to me. Well... If he's not going to serve RepRap with takedown notices, then it doesn'tby SebastienBailard - General
As for "I am a bit frustrated that Laszlo wants me to police the forum and wiki to purge people copying and hacking his Hot End." sentence you wrote, I met Laszlo twice, once this year and once last year; I am not the best judge of character out there but I cannot be *that wrong*; The person I met would never, ever ask you to do so; so if it is not too big of a trouble, can you please explain howby SebastienBailard - General
This is correct, and demonstrates the flaw in the concept of Open Source Hardware. ?by SebastienBailard - General
The copyright applies only to the published material on the web (description and instructions on how to make the hot end), and not what you make (the actual hot end itself) using the published material. Yup. Laszlo's use of CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 is based on the false assumption that he can invoke the copyright on his cad files to prevent people from selling physical hardware copies of his hot end.by SebastienBailard - General
COPYING does not equal SELLING. His license restrict SELLING copies of his hot end, as I have stated repeatedly. You have, yes. Copying without selling is a trivial case we can ignore. Copying with selling is what we need to focus on. If Laszlo is going to serve us with takedown notices and legal threats, it will be based on this. Of course, that's when we'll point out the physical expressioby SebastienBailard - General
NO. Read section 3. It is SOLELY related to copying. Did. The Licensor grants you the right to reproduce the work (3a) ... but you may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3 above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation. (4b). You can make a copy of the Hot End, but you may not use it for privatby SebastienBailard - General
Even with all the restrictions, Arcol's hot ends are legal to copy and are legal to use in the same ways you would use any other hot end. Copy and sell in quantity? If so, we should edit that wiki page and make this clear. The RepRap project also would be under no legal risks, assuming you do not follow through on your threat to unilaterally change the license terms. I think I've made it cleaby SebastienBailard - General
You may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3 above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation. So you cannot use Laszlo's files to make a copy of the hot end, and then use that hot end for private monetary compensation by making and selling Mendel parts.by SebastienBailard - General
@AgeingHippy and what would you want him to answer? I believe he stated his mind selecting this license clearly, he would like to sell them and he would not like you to copy them, but to order them from him. If you in any way copy them, he will for sure not sue you as the initiation of the process would in any way cost many times more then anyone can ever earn from selling reprap hot ends... Weby SebastienBailard - General
Clearly you don't... Preventing an entrepreneur from making numerous reproductions is EXACTLY why he chose that license. If they were being distributed in a non-commercial manner, they would not be in violation of the license! Arcol is basically saying "I put a lot of hard work into this and feel I deserve to be paid for that work. Make all the copies you want, but you cannot distribute them forby SebastienBailard - General
Your pictures are great and should definitely be included in the wiki !by SebastienBailard - Plastic Extruder Working Group
No, you don't seem to get it. I do have some sense of how these things work, actually. If he had chosen to stonewall me again, I'd have brought it to reprap-dev-policy, where we'd have this discussion, and ... I don't know what we'd have decided, frankly. NC does not mean "no copies". NC means no commercial reproduction. Probably worth reading up on what the licenses mean! I do have some sby SebastienBailard - General
FWIW, your comment "I'd like to change the license... I'll do so in a week or so, unless I hear otherwise from you" bothers me more than Arcol's license choice. No worries. I heard otherwise. It was a useful and necessary mechanism to get Arcol to actually respond to my email. Arcol's license is bad, but your view that you can arbitrarily change other people's licenses is downright scary. Oby SebastienBailard - General
(though I believe that Sebastien is completely wrong on his interpretation of the NC portion) That could very well be. Arcol should probably be more specific as to under what conditions people aren't allowed to use his files besides and beyond not making Hot Ends. I'm much more concerned by the "you may not make copies of this Hot End" part. It's sort of contrary to the reprap idea. The "no deriby SebastienBailard - General
Start here: http://reprap.org/wiki/MegaMendel http://reprap.org/wiki/1X2_Tallcat I'd suggest scaling a design more like the Ultimaker, in which the built platform only moves in the Z axis. I'd make the long axis horizontal. Forrest is doing up a double-wide Darwin-like machine which should be fun.by SebastienBailard - General
If you have a drill press the are good value. Actually, if you have a drill press and a handsaw, the http://reprap.org/wiki/1X2 and http://reprap.org/wiki/1X2_Tallcat look like a lot of fun. Best to wait a few hours for Mr. Kim to finish polishing the documentation, the pages just went up tonight. I really like the "Gen 7" solution (Hate the name tho) Yes, I'm thinking of renaming them "Tby SebastienBailard - General