VDX said: ... (wie) können wir Unterforen für die Deutsch-Forum? [/ i] Sie mailen Sie mir mit der Liste der Unterforen die Sie benötigen. Mein Ideal ist ein Forum pro Entwickler, so dass jeder willkommen und so, dass wir nie Argumente fühlt. Und dann zu versuchen, alle bekommen in Reprap-dev-deutsch posten, damit wir ein Gefühl der Gemeinschaft haben, weil jeder, der einen Reprap baut ist einby SebastienBailard - Allgemeines
Ich weiss, dass ein paar Leute ziemlich zurückhaltend mit dem Wiki sind, weil es sich da scheinbar nicht so flockig vom Hocker plaudern lässt. Würde sich das ändern, wenn man im Wiki eine Laber-Ecke einrichten würde? Traumflug, habe ich erstellt neue Seiten für Sie Chat: http://reprap.org/wiki/Let's_have_fun_sprechen_und_chatten_Partei http://reprap.org/wiki/Talk:Mendel_(Deutsch) und http://reby SebastienBailard - Allgemeines
Vll sollte man sowas als "Stammtisch" etablieren, einmal im Monat oder so. Das klingt nach einer Menge Spaß. (tr:That sounds like a lot of fun. ) Dann könnte man auch gleich RRUGs gründen ... RepRap User Groups ... die passende Domain rrug.de könnte ich beisteuern *G* und jede Group kriegt ihre eigene subdomain als präsenz/t Oder wir können auch weiterhin zu nutzen und den Aufbau der Wiki.by SebastienBailard - Altes Forum
Yup. Thanks for doing it up, BodgeIt!by SebastienBailard - RAMPS Electronics
I would suggest a vanilla http://reprap.org/wiki/Prusa_Mendel with some flavor of the http://reprap.org/wiki/"Official"_Electronics. If you have a drill press the http://reprap.org/wiki/Clonedel are good value. Good luck!by SebastienBailard - General
http://reprap.org/wiki/What_Tooling_Do_You_Have? Any suggestions to pick the best one? You may detect a very slight pro-reprap bias over here in the reprap camp.by SebastienBailard - General
There is lots of good content but it is out of control and some of it out of date. ... Actually, we're using a wiki so that folk like you can help and make it better when you see a bit that's out of date! If we start stuffing our documentation into a different website, siloed from reprap.org, then on any given subject we then have two web pages to maintain rather than one web page. Which actuaby SebastienBailard - RAMPS Electronics
Abbiamo un forum italiano.by SebastienBailard - Mechanics
Once the design is finished i'll do a wiki entry including the eagle files to keep sebastien happy Don't forget to wave it at reprap-dev at some point, since you're an official dev doing official dev it may be compulsory and so on.by SebastienBailard - Controllers
Try sdp-si: http://www.sdp-si.com/eStore/CoverPg/Drive_Components.htm Also, don't forget to stuff some docs in the wiki at some point: http://reprap.org/wiki/IceBotby SebastienBailard - Reprappers
Well, printing 3D objects is something new. Whereas geeks have had the capability to do PCBs a few (human) generations now, so having a RepRap etch boards meets a need that was already fairly well met by existing tooling and the marketplace.by SebastienBailard - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
"Upload warning The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension. Please check the file and upload again." Is that an error message for a forum attachment or the wiki?by SebastienBailard - General Mendel Topics
thanks kevin would you consider putting it on the wiki, I've pasted the wiki-formatted text in here: http://reprap.org/wiki/Powder_Printer_Recipes and added it to the Powder Category. http://reprap.org/wiki/Powder It still needs the photos. Thanks for working on this stuff, Kevin.by SebastienBailard - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
it generates the PDFs quite easily. PDFs basically break the wiki. The http://reprap.org/wiki/InkJet page is just a landing pad for a pdf. That page hasn't really ever improved / translated into German / extended /etc. They're great for one-to-many, but we're doing many-to-many, so ... ick.by SebastienBailard - General
maybe we could adopt a standard format like this? Sure. It will have to be lead-by-example. Us devs, we tend not to read rules before documenting. (And generally, I think that time spent reading rules about documentation is time that should be spent documenting, so it may all work out.)by SebastienBailard - General
Thanks, David!by SebastienBailard - General Mendel Topics
I didn't want to spam the wiki whilst i'm still a n00b Nah, you're a dev, and docs are exactly what the wiki is for. Thank you! Would it be best to create a sub page for the images (there's quite a lot of them) or adding thumbnails (or a text link saying "see image") alongside each step? I don't want it to distract from the flow of the page. Ideal is big glossy images in the text. Let them drby SebastienBailard - General
Gary, Would you like to put that documentation directly into the wiki page for prusa mendel? That way newcomers will be able to find it and use it. Whilst the steps in the Wiki are clear and straight-forward I thought this could perhaps assist new-comers and such. As such, the text for the steps are copied verbatim from the Wiki so there's a point of reference. (Which I presume to be ok, inby SebastienBailard - General
I've added a couple of photos that show my mistake and the corrected Y-Axis. And now our documentation is a bit nicer. Thank you, Oliver.by SebastienBailard - General Mendel Topics
hello world, greetings from belgium Need a forum for Belgian devs?by SebastienBailard - General
Brian, need a dedicated sub-forum for Scotland-based reprap devs?by SebastienBailard - Reprappers
QuoteQ: I noticed people putting their name and date in the photos. Is this something I need to do to get sales or am I just being too particular? A1: It's an anti-scam measure. It usually helps. A2: There's been one or two cases of people showing pictures of other people's parts and claiming they're selling them. They then take the money and run. We've had 1-2 attempts, but no successful oby SebastienBailard - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
1. Make a RepRap that's accurate to 10 micrometers (.01mm?) For prototyping purposes, a commercially available benchtop cnc router might make be useful to prototype and to get to "hello world". K2CNC, 14" x 14" model Obviously, we'd want to do up an opensource machine at some point. 2. What kind of print head design would work best to print an animal cell? a plant cell? I think folk use inkjeby SebastienBailard - Tissue Engineering
Rob, btw, is that waterjetted-aluminum? It looks very cool. Also, do you think your machine will need torsion plates / cross-bracing on the three pillars?by SebastienBailard - Delta Machines
However, to tease you folks a bit, i've tried to let it draw some images. See the Delta wiki page. http://reprap.org/wiki/Delta#First_drawings_made I saw that! Extraordinarily nice bit of work, guys! Don't forget to ping the other devs working on Δ-bots in reprap-dev, btw. (This forum actually should be subsumed into reprap-dev, since you guys are devs who keep doing dev.) Reinoud, Torsten, Robby SebastienBailard - Delta Machines
This is admittedly a selfish personal project that I'm not approaching from the prospective of what's best for Mendel community, but what's best/most convenient for me. No worries, as per this savage, no-hold-barred policy debate on the Sanguinololu talk page you're actually diligently following RepRap's "it's all good" policy: Quote gEDA Files? Any hope that this project (obviously, sinceby SebastienBailard - General Mendel Topics
Have you checked out freecad: http://free-cad.sf.net ? or heekscad: http://code.google.com/p/heekscad/?by SebastienBailard - 3D Design tools
It's an anti-scam measure. It usually helps. There's been one or two cases of people showing pictures of other people's parts and claiming they're selling them. They then take the money and run. We've had attempts, but no successful ones. I think. Mandating "photo with name and date on sheet of paper" aka "placematting" would help. Since we're all devs here, please (very politetly) flag/eby SebastienBailard - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
I would guess that your budget might be too low for this project. Likewise. That budget will just about cover a vanilla Mendel. I'd suggest you build the vanilla mendel, and then, once you've got it past hello world, start working on the big machine. The drawback is that you'll have to source new quite a bit of new stuff. http://reprap.org/wiki/What_Tooling_Do_You_Have? Ah. Re-reading this:by SebastienBailard - Reprappers
Where / how do you guys typically share this type of thing? Ideal is to upload a zipped copy of the file to the wiki. Let me know if you have any trouble doing so.by SebastienBailard - General Mendel Topics