This type of belt setting will not provide a good printing result. When you moving vertically (Δ, all force are come from right hand side. This will cause twisting force to the structure and make right hand side move more than left hand bunbun - CoreXY Machines
There are some metal wheel in this shape which can be found from some sewing bunbun - Extruded Aluminum Frames
I think the 3dplatform one cannot or hard to afford for high speed print like 300mm/s. You can imaging that you are moving a gantry by hand in high speed where compare with moving a bar. Moving a bar will definitely be faster than the gantry one. Therefore, my vote will go on BigRep. By the way, I am not sure whether BigRep is using CoreXY system or not. CoreXY system need to use timing beltsby bunbun - CoreXY Machines
You can try this concept. [] What you need to do is just building a XY drawing platform which can draw 300mm X 300mm and make the whole platform which can lift up and down. Both CoreXY or Quadrap system can achieve this purpose bunbun - CoreXY Machines
As your title CoreXY for bed instead of extruder, for SMALL PRINTER. For me, it is talking about designing a small printer that in moving bed. Not a moving small bed bunbun - CoreXY Machines
Main problem of moving bed instead of moving extruder is space efficiency. When you design a printer with moving bed, you need at least 4X bed surface area for bed movement. Let say you designing a printer with print size 100X100X100 by moving bed. Then your printer size will be at least 250X250X250 (bed movement plus bearing, motor, etc.). In same case, if you design it in moving extruder bunbun - CoreXY Machines
Get a ruler to check how long for each wave. May be it is because of timing belt bunbun - Reprappers
My printer is running now and outcome a fine result. But top finishing setting need to be fine toned. Should I increase the print temperature, slower print speed or adding extra layer? Current temp is 195, speed 60mm/s with 3 loops using bunbun - Reprappers
Are those endstop triggered at min or max? You need min endstop for bunbun - Reprappers
I recently constructed my new mini machine with lasercut structure. Size of the machine is 19cm x 19cm x 22cm. Printing size will be 11cm x 11cm x 9cm. Wiring structure is dual-wire gantry. All motors are placed at the bottom that make the print head run in light weight hence can run in high speed. Here is the outlook of my machine and a video of dry bunbun - Reprappers
Here is a lasercut plan I drawed for delta bunbun - Delta Machines
There are some steel wire in under 1mm. That may be a good choice to use in 3d bunbun - Delta Machines
Ya, mostlikely modify Marlin firmware to control the arm. May study the firmware from Morgan. The formula should not be complex. Arm drop will is what I am considering too. But every will need to be implemented and fixed. My concept is building a really simple printer. Hopefully it require fewer parts and in small bunbun - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
I am currently designing a new style 3D printer using single arm for X and Y axis. Do anyone see any similar deisgn before or any comments on this? Attached is my preliminary bunbun - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms