Hi all, In case someone else comes across this looking for a way to convert the mendel max 1.5 to a vertical x-axis, I've uploaded some files to thingiverse: . Hopefully they can be of some use. Good luck! Maddyby maby - Extruded Aluminum Frames
I'm also trying to do the same thing as Sam, above. Thank you for any help you can give!by maby - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Hi Ohmarinus, Do you happen to still have the design files for a vertical x-axis on the Mendel max 1.5 using LM8UU linear bearings? I have an M10 smooth rod and an M8 threaded rod for my z-axis and have been looking around for X-ends without much success. Thank you!by maby - Extruded Aluminum Frames