gregted Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for the replys. > > I am using the same wire thickness for the hot end > as the hot bed and the hot end connections are > fine. > > The hot end is running at 230c and the hot bed at > 110c max so it doesn't make a lot of sense but I > will beef up the wires on the hot bed tomorrow. The teby manton - Reprappers
nechaus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > or run a 12 volt fan in serials to lower the > voltage That's not going to do much, unless the fan also draws 10A. You can't just run any two devices that need 12V in series, unless they also need the same manton - Reprappers
Eddu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > But anyway, I realized that the Mosfet on my RAMPS > won't take that much, apparently it can only > handle 140W (It's an IRLB8743) - if I'm reading > the datasheet right. So it would probably burn > first. Also I did a quick calculation and even 14V > would be too much for it already You are reading theby manton - Reprappers
Where did you measure the 12V line? Was it at the heatbed, or at the power supply? What gauge of wire are you using to your heatbed? You can modify your Mk2a heatbed to run on 24V at the same power level as at 12V. It requires cutting one of the power traces, and attaching your wires across the cut. The bed is basically 4 resistors in parallel, and if you cut after 2 of them in parallel, theby manton - Reprappers
I think an Edmonton RUG would be a good idea. It would be nice to be able to share ideas with manton - Canada, Edmonton RepRap User Group
What I do, is start from cold, and set it to the standard extrusion temperature. As it heats up, firmly pull on the filament. Usually at some temperature it will suddenly release, and you get your plug. Sometimes it breaks though. It helps if when you were last at extrusion temperature, you fed some filament out, so that a retraction was not the last thing it did, as this can create a thinnerby manton - General
I have my self sourced MendelMax 1.5 up and running. I built a larger than spec version, so that when I increase the size of my heated bed, I should be able to do 12"x12"x11" prints, but I'm sure they would take way to long to manton - Canada, Edmonton RepRap User Group