some comparison "tool" chart for everyone enjoy []by redreprap - Developers
check out this new "stepperstack" i dont sell this. just information pulled from eevblogby redreprap - General
Quotepushthatbolder You could load the g-code into a 3d printer host like Repetier host. You could.view the path and such. thanks for that, nice program ... (waiting for mroe time to try) i downloaded a STL file (40mm test cube) this is what it looks like in notepad Binary STL output from Blender: C:\Documents and Settings\raphael\Desktop\40mmcu ûÿŸAúÿŸA ûÿŸAûÿŸÁ üÿŸÁùÿŸÁby redreprap - General
hello folks ... ive been MIA for some time ... recently managed to re-setup the PC to do some gcode stuff. and i tried to re-use pcb-gcode. i tried to view the gcode in a GCODEsimulator.jar ... it doesnt read any idea what could be a good way to view this virtually to know whats the code doing? thanksby redreprap - General
sorry, only export to PNG. its the easy way for me. you could pin that PNG to the wiki if you like if i have a way of parralleling the data from element14/PDF into an excel file ... it will be 1 kick ass database (i bet somebody out there have done it like a robot web crawler thing)by redreprap - General
updated 4th run. to view the chart properly. save as and zoom in. its getting cumbersome to view unfortunatelyby redreprap - General
ah yes i forgot, i work this on a 32inch (no really im not joking, they look good on 32") so ok heres what you should do ... save as, open in your viewer .... zoooooooom away LOL. or use the other PDF link (but its the same thing, but google blurrified it) the MOSFETS that would be useful are those with very high ampere per 1 watt free air dissipation (3rd / 4th column from extreme right). and reby redreprap - General
oh ... the chart ... click to expandby redreprap - General
generally the milling spindle (dremel? prozzon? etc) needs to be mounted very rigidly ... good spindles have very little run (less than 1 mil?) for dremels etc? whiel it feels good holding it to work on items, most ppl who used it know that it is a nasty and inaccurate "spindle". ie : the "bearings" allow the cutting bit to move around randomly alot = bad finishes. you could try one of those chby redreprap - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
hello folks, not sure where to post this but its generally a chart on mosfets for folks who want to explore upgrading MOSFET current capacities do make careful calculations before buying anything, every joule/watt counts to starting a fire happy MOSFET huntingby redreprap - General
well its been a long time since ive been here (ever since having to tend to a stroke victim and the failures of my country's lack of ability to provide proper care AND bloody stroke rehab facilities, yes weare talking singa-bloody-pore, filled with ass-hat ministers) my guess is you are trying to make a confectionary printing machine, cake? cookie? multi "material"? dough + chocolate? in printiby redreprap - Developers
any chance u guys tried those low power china LED projectors? yea 123D looks greatby redreprap - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
i think that will depend on the amount of -ve pressure and the way the bed is setup (placement of holes). from what i know many industrial machines does it this way i bet there is a way to calculate the pressure, air flow and bed hole dimensions. i bought an al cheapo china suction pump, yet to try anything ... hopefully have some time to do some real crap about it soon lolby redreprap - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
what is the function of the LED? visual monitor for fwd/rev ofstepper output? at the output stage or the logic stage?by redreprap - Reprappers
so far i have ran my ramps 1.4 to 27Vdc over long periods, the regulator on the arduino gets hot and some others too get hot ... and thats about it. i think if it just shorts and burns right from the start w/o any heavy load ... either the board is made with error ... or like what some experienced a reversal in the ground of the supplies ... causing 1 PSU trying to kill each other "grounding" thrby redreprap - RAMPS Electronics
yep some or most equip should be reverse L/N tolerant ... but then again most PWM based equips, rectifies the AC. then the problem comes when interequipment does not share a common ground level. some hifi equips even have balanced power supplies which i find very amusingby redreprap - RAMPS Electronics
hmmm im not so sure about that L/N connection the way u said it lol. where it is indicated it should be followed because it is build such that the neutral line is a designated power return. by reversing, you might be energizing the ground or even some chasis by mistake though it is rare modern equips are chasis neutral. the L line definitely needs to go through some filters for PWM, and by reversby redreprap - RAMPS Electronics
nice! such a compact design ! what kind of stepper driver is that? doesnt look like a A4988by redreprap - Reprappers
i guess mastermonk is apple app coder? ... so android will need a andoird coder ... any1 out there?by redreprap - Reprappers
ic, i had a dremel, but after reading many feedback abt proxxon/dremel ... i dont think you want to use it. you could try searching for some chat about it via google, something about the bearings and body, wearing out prematurely. for manual handiwork it is fine as our hands will adapt to the "play" of the wear, but as a miller seems to be giving problems to many who tried it before. well i dontby redreprap - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
if you need the option for 2 extruders ... i think rep2 is great. but ... have you considered ultimaker?by redreprap - Developers
v nice ! ... " computer, materialize the chair, 850 by 300 by 300, loading requirement 100kg! "by redreprap - Reprappers
i wish i am a math wiz redreprap - Developers
steve jobs will likely hire them redreprap - Singapore RUG
based on the Vref is suppose to be able to go up to 1.25v, so u r saying yours wont do that?by redreprap - RAMPS Electronics
i have a permanent insomnia problem (its 3am here hahaha) i have no idea how to equate stepping frquency to the parameters of a stepper/driver (perhaps nophead found a way to calculate this? hee hee hee) when you say 0.5 ohm you mean 0.5volts yes? i have a NEMA23 china cheapo stepper, it is rated for 1A 20kgf. it is a 6 wire, so when configured for 4 wire i series the adjacent coils and it givby redreprap - RAMPS Electronics
madmito Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What do you mean USB ground pin ? As far as I > know, where the fuse was blown is where USB ground > touches USB on Arduino ? > > This is what I measured: (all of it) > > .jpg > > 7.jpg > > 4.jpg > > Should I measure anything else ? > > If it is about zero ohm, can I just usby redreprap - RAMPS Electronics
*double post*by redreprap - RAMPS Electronics
ouch ... that is a USB ground pin. well you can use normal fuses as far as i know. you can prolly jump it with something thin like 1A for safety test first. have you tried to measure the voltage between the -USB direct to your -ve PSU? since fuses are fried, it could be a "trap" there somewhere. try measure if the PSU earth and your PSU DC -ve is connected or floating. then try and see if anyby redreprap - RAMPS Electronics