Look at `kamermaker', a collaboration between Ultimaker and Architects. Its a 3*3*2 m^3 AFAIR At September 25th it will be unveilled IIRCby reinoud - Developers
Woah!!!! you beat me in the process! Congrats! but ours was also a repstrap so we can't just print out parts like you did :'( But never the less, we're still going strong; now if only Torsten would get a break from his employer... the poor guy has been working like a dog now for months in a row Anyway, it looks promissing Hopefully i can add my own version results soonish too! Cheers, Reinouby reinoud - Delta Machines
martinprice2004 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It looks like there are a few delta robots in the > pipeline that may be setup for FDM. It will be > interesting to see the parts they produce. My > guess is that it wont be linear dimension > problems, but twisting and bowing of the parts > that will be the biggest issue. Our's (Thorsten and mine)by reinoud - Delta Machines
Neat machine indeed! Not suitable for RepRap'ing though since the resolution is enough for what it should do but otherwise quite course. Wich also raises the question: Do we REALLY need the resolution for our own repstapping projects ?by reinoud - Delta Machines
Back again after quite some time of inactivity! Yes i'm still busy with the Delta bot. In fact i'm busy rewriting the firmware and the software in general. We've been both far too busy but our goal is to have it print in the next few months for real! The state of the bot is that i can hover at resonably high speed under 0.1 mm above the platform. The extruder motor part seems to be working and tby reinoud - Delta Machines
Looks good! Nice design even though its strictly not a delta-robot The resolution you claim is quite high. Have you meansured the REAL resolution? How do you do your coordinate transformations? In real-time or by liear approximation? Cheers, Reinoud (sorry, have been away for quite some time)by reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi Rob, nice design! Hmm... we might borrow some ideas As of the firmware, that link you are referring to is an ancient version of our firmware. It is, just as the current one, communicating with the S3G protocol. I'll see what i can do for the firmware. With regards, Reinoudby reinoud - Delta Machines
The firmware is still a work-in-progress... that's its main problem :-S Its code is still very volatile. I'll see if i can release it soonish. What is your delta looking like? Is it stepper based? Is it a real delta or a 6 legged platform? With regards, Reinoudby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi folks, Yes, you might have thought the Delta bot design is dead-in-the-water, but its quite alive actually and still under active development. The calibration issue is solved now, the extruder had some setbacks most of all due to sheer lack-of-time, but the software is progressing. Its now in its integration stage. However, to tease you folks a bit, i've tried to let it draw some images. Seeby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi theodleif, firmware sharing could be arranged I'm currently battling with calibration.... *sigh*. But maybe i am just too picky I want to reach the maximum possible accuracy and maybe i should be less demanding and go for something that works first. As for the rest of the project, Torsten is progressing nicely with the extruder design and hopefully we'll have one extruding in not so long tby reinoud - Delta Machines
RJ, I assume you are referring to my Delta with servo's? well it was a bit over the top on size I abandoned it (for now). I had serious control issues with the build-in PID controllers behaving badly. I'm currently working on a stepper motor design with Torsten (Energetic) Reinoudby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi Markus, the current setup is that it should have a resolution of about 0.10 to 0.15 mm but we can get more out of it since we have spare microstepping resolution we are not using now. We could get it down to 0.02 mm but if the mechanics will show these small steps (friction, stiffness etc) we don't know yet; that's the main reason we get for 0.15 first and when we get it to work reliable we'lby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi folks, i forgot to upload the following movie i made recently of Energetics and mine Delta-Bot design proto#2. Sorry for the crappy audio but that'll have to do for now We're currently in the finetuning stage of the calibration but are both crippled by simple lack of time. Nevertheless we're still working on it! With regards, Reinoud and Torstenby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi nophead, on second thought i think I'll have to agree with you. Thanks for pointing it out to me. It still puzzles me though why the other value gave better results... the deformity mystery only deepens... I'll dig again in the transformation code; hope it isn't a typo those are the hardest to find! With regards, Reinoudby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi nophead, it might surprise you but i've done some new measurements and specification lookup and this is the result (pitch is 0.2032 mm) : The big pulley has 128 teeth and thus would give a diameter of 82.79 mm. Cut out it is 82.54 mm (from DXF). The small pulley has 16 teeth and thus would give a diameter of 10.349 for the 2.032 mm MXL pitch. However, Misumi's pulley is specified as havingby reinoud - Delta Machines
Dear Martin, nophead, That's what i thought too! BUT the gears are NOT from the same supplier. The small one and the belt are from Misumi and the large one is lasercut... the laser cut one is of the same type though, MXL, and runs smoothly over it. We also triple checked the number of teeth on both and they match. When calculating it on an online calculator it did warn us the number of teeth onby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi hophead, that's what we thought too! The gear ratio was designed to be a factor 8, but when we used that in the Delta bot calculations we got a severely warped object. After checking off one factor at a time we came to the gear ratio; that turned out to be a lot saner when asserted around 8.5. If the pulleys are big, the belt is locally relatively flat between two sequent sections and the muby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi folks, i've updated and cleaned up the Delta homepage! As for the current status: we've run into an unexpected `feature' of a belt-drive: the gear ratio of a timing belt can't be calculated the same way as with set of cogs. The exact gear ratio is unknown and can only be approximated by using the diameter ratios. So it currently needs some tinkering to get the right ratio, but we're close Cby reinoud - Delta Machines
This does look good! Especially the price However... a few remarks. The current Arduino is even capable to drive my Delta RepPrep complete with all four steppers and extruder. OK, granted, the extruder itself hasn't been functioning yet but thats not due to lack of processor power. As for the SD card; pin assignments on the Arduino are tight but enough and for the extra code size needed for a nby reinoud - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Hi folks, here a image snapshot of Torsten (Energetic) and me of our new Delta RepRap, prototype 2. It still lacks the extruder and needs some software refinement, but we're getting somewhere With regards, Reinoudby reinoud - Delta Machines
Problem is though that most are inhibitly expensive or you need to be a student... Maybe spaceclaim or think3 will be better priced but solidworks and catia sure are not.by reinoud - 3D Design tools
Well Lawrence, that sounds intriguing can you give us one or more sketches/blends/stl files to see? How do you plan to move it? with servo's or with steppers?by reinoud - Delta Machines
I've got a deltabot prototype here with servo's and, as mentioned here before, the thing i ran into is the lack of control of the PID circuits in the servo's. I am not saying its impossible to do it with servo's only a lot more difficult and less fast and accurate compared to using stepper motors. The calculations posted here are surely inaccurate and can at most be a linear approximation in a sby reinoud - Delta Machines
As for Torsten an I who are working on the DeltaRepRap, we don't have a blog yet! Which is a shame really... A small update from us though: Initially i started building my own prototype and learned a lot from it. However it was not sturdy enough and decided it would be nice to join up with Torsten. Torsten has created a prototype model complete with optical endstops and is current working on anby reinoud - Delta Machines
Yeah i just noticed! hmm.. this means patching up my serial.c thanks for the tip and thanks to Triffid for the serial tx buffer implementation!by reinoud - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
BeagleFury, ---------------- At 115200 baud 1. system queues up 1425 bytes into write stream before first response returned. 1.A. Pretty sure this unix buffering primary cause; board/firmware latency should not give numbers this large. 2. Read side loses data; of 149970 bytes written, only 102176 make it thru. 2.A. Probably no or inadequate XON/XOFF processing in firmware; data appears to be drby reinoud - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
As for the Arduino Serial implementation, it has a major flaw. The main problem is that receiving sure is nicely done in interrupt and buffers etc, but _sending_ is done in a busy waiting loop! no buffering, no interrupt or whatsoever. If this could be fixed, then it would be great. Since i've decided to rewrite the firmware for the Delta RepRap in 'C', I've looked at Triffid Hunters Serial implby reinoud - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Hi, looks good! I am currently working out a similar scheme for the delta robot. Its nearing completion :-) I've opted for a first setup/try to keep all the calculations onboard the Arduino just because its possible... not optimal i have to admit since it still misses some inter-move optimalisations/knowledge. The Arduino however is having plenty of time to spare. As for code side, it still gotby reinoud - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Hi Torsten, i've looked at their website and that tells me the max. cutting size is 60x30 cm. It's an `Epilog Engraver' laser cutter/engraver. The silly thing is that they use `correldraw' (!) (advertised by the producer though) and they send it like a print job. Do you know if it will import the dxf files? or shall i go for the pdf? Could you post the newest pdf files? I just phoned the lasercby reinoud - Delta Machines
Hi folks, actually I've been working on new primitives for the delta reprap's firmware. The coordinate transformation is not linear and thus is not calculatable on the Arduino for every step; it simple can't handle the math in time. The option i am currently investigating is to let the host calculate the path of the four motors (p,q,r + extruder e) taking into account acceleration for smooth stby reinoud - STEP-NC