Hi folks, I need some assistance connecting the V2.75 PCB to my RAMPS 1.4. I have the wires coming off the PCB as Red=+, Black=Ground, and Green=Signal. When I connect the other end of the wires to the Z-min pins on RAMPS (Signal near the edge, Ground in the middle, and + near the center of the board), the LCD screen just lights up, the firmware doesn't seem to run, and the PCB gets *very* hot qby AbuMaia - General
I think the peanut butter "tip" was a prank. I just peeled off a well-used PEI film from my magnetic print surface, and applied a layer of peanut butter to the remaining residue, and left it overnight in an old spool baggie. At least 17 hours later, I took it out and scraped off the peanut butter, to find all of the adhesive residue still on the metal sheet. It literally took none off, and barelyby AbuMaia - General
You may have the wrong bed thermistor listed in your firmware. There are several to choose from, each with different tables to identify temperature from resistance. Having the wrong one selected will show the wrong temperature.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
The large extruder gear isn't rubbing against anything? The hobbed bolt and nuts are tight, so it's not washers or bearings vibrating? What are your speed settings? My i3v motors have a lower pitch sound than yours.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
@gurz Then I am tempted to question how well the kit was assembled more than the general quality of the machine.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
#define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -20.40 That seems excessive. Is it accurate? This may be why you're seeing the nozzle go into the bed.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
You may need to adjust the stepper drivers. They're either giving too much or too little current. Or you'll need to adjust the steps/mm in the firmware, it may be telling them to move too much too fast.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Have fun. I almost purchased an i2 kit, until I saw how fiddly the squaring and calibration was, having to adjust all those rods and nuts.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Does the utility (or lack of) experienced by others somehow validate or invalidate what use you may get out of the printer? Did you buy it as a kit or preassembled?by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
You need to give us more information so we can help you.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Good luck. The post before yours was over three years ago.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
The thermistors can use the same size wires as the motors, but I'd use larger wires for the heaters and power supply. I think I used 16-18 gauge on my i3.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
I put a small sliver of kapton tape on the +V contact in the end of the USB cable that plugs into the arduino. This keeps the LCD from staying on when the main power switch is off, but doesn't interfere with data transmission.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
I have the MakerFarm 8 inch, only because I got it before the 10 inch was available. Finding glass shouldn't be a problem, if you have a hardware store nearby that will cut glass for you. I don't know about vibrations on the 10 inch, but I think the aluminum extrusions are pretty stiff and don't vibrate on my 8 inch. I don't see how 2 more inches would be a problem.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Check your speed settings between your custom sketch and pronterface. Pronterface uses mm/min, not mm/sec like other software such as Slic3r.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Did you plug the Y motor into a different controller? Perhaps the idler is jammed? Or the gear on the motor is loose?by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Put some blue painter's tape on the glass, see how that does. I don't remember if it needs heating as well or not.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Is the thermistor still firmly in contact with the bed?by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
Why? The plastic isn't sticking to the glass well enough. How to fix? Use a heated bed, and/or hairspray, gluestick, etc.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
With the i3 X carriage being carried vertically, you avoid having to worry about the X carriage running into the frame on either end, as it's carried in front of the frame, not within it.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
That's exactly what I do, pushthatbolder, except for messaging the phone. I use this switch holder .by AbuMaia - General
I would suggest installing the enhanced G29 code from here: [3dprintboard.com] then running G29 n5 T to generate a topographical map of your print surface. It may not be flat.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
I don't think you want to add the resume immediately after the M600, you wouldn't get a chance to change the filament.by AbuMaia - General
Looks good Ben. Definitely an easier mod than mine. Though I'm curious if there are other commands to pause the print and determine if its printing, that do not rely on the SD. I've just added a Raspberry Pi to my printer running OctoPi, so I don't print from my SD as much anymore. I wonder if those commands would still work even if the print isn't running from the SD?by AbuMaia - General
Ok, the changes detailed in my last post did *not* stop the M600 from being called multiple times. I have figured out why it happens, though. According to the instructions in this topic, the pause() routine which sends the M600 gets called from inside the manage_inactivity() routine, which itself gets called from various places, including loop() and G4. Testing on my printer shows that clickingby AbuMaia - General
Yes, I had one of those clothespin-type spring tensioners on my X belt. All it did was introduce a bad bounce ripple to my parts whenever the X axis started and stopped.by AbuMaia - Reprappers
I had a problem like that on my printer. My Y axis belt was tight, but where it attached to the bed wasn't. Once I tightened up the belt mount, my circles came out more circular.by AbuMaia - Reprappers
For the first image, perhaps your extrusion steps are a little too high. For the second, try increasing your PLA print temperature.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
In Slic3r you can set the Z offset under the Printer Settings tab. You can save different profiles for whichever hotend you're using.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics
That's why it was suggested to try out a different object like a pyramid.by AbuMaia - General Mendel Topics