Has anyone had luck using dual extruders with this board ? I am having an odd issue where I cant get the second thermistor to show up and it doesn't matter what pins I assign only extruder 1 will work. If I put extruder 2 pin assignment in 1 it will work. I have tried pronterface. Repetier and simplify 3d to control the board and they all have the same result. it is like there is no second extrudby bigfella9811 - Controllers
Has anyone used the TFT screen with this card. I am using it and it's great. The problem I am having is, you can assign extra buttons for other commands like servo's. I am having trouble with getting the images to associate to the correct commands. I know this sounds vague. But I am sure if you have tried to do it, this should make sense. Basically the image I assign for button 1 ends up on buttoby bigfella9811 - Controllers
Thanks for the links. I ended up going with the auto configuration. But I still didn't get flat results. I may need a rebuild. Nit that I can see anything that is out.by bigfella9811 - Delta Machines
Hi Guys I have been tearing my hair out for the last couple of weeks. I have searched the web high and low, but cant find the answer. I have calibrated my delta as per this recommended site it appears to be recommended everywhere. I can get the printer to home correctly at A/B/C and center. But when I move around the bed it raises and lowers. opposite to the columns. I am using Repetier 0.91 conby bigfella9811 - Delta Machines