I've been having this problem where I have to tighten the filament tension screws quite tight to get it to grip when extruding. If I turn The gear by hand, it extrudes fine but if I keep turning there's eventually some back pressure and when I let go of the extruder, the gear turns backwards because of the back pressure. I try to extrude again the nozzle is blocked. The worst part is that I've reby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
I've been having this problem where I have to tighten the filament tension screws quite tight to get it to grip when extruding. If I turn The gear by hand, it extrudes fine but if I keep turning there's eventually some back pressure and when I let go of the extruder, the gear turns backwards because of the back pressure. I try to extrude again the nozzle is blocked. The worst part is that I've reby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
Asbo, thanks for the help. I've realised for some reason that problem is only when I use the lcd screen but now when I use repetier, it works fine and homes at the value I set but now when I jog z to 0, it moves down to 5mm above the bed and when I keep jogging down, the value on my laptop decreases but the extruder doesn't moveby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
When I home, my z position is 253.3 whereas I set z max in marlin to 257. After homing, I can still move the z up but it just grinds against the endstops. Cheers for all the help recentlyby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
I'm trying to change the z max position which is defined in marlin as z home pos. When j change this value to anything, it still always the z position after homing is 253.3 after homing but if I go to move z axis, i can increase to the value I defined in marlin but it just grinds against the endstops. Thanks for all the help recently from everyoneby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
So should I put auto calibration into the start gcode after every print? Cheersby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
That makes sense, thanks for that. I'll give it a try when I'm home. Could you explain to me the purpose of the z probe then as I thought it was used to find z=0. Cheers Benby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
I'm currently tinkering with a cherry pi delta 111 for the first time and I've noticed after the printer homes and then starts printing, the nozzle is too high. Even after putting g29 in my start gcode after homing so that the z probe is deployed, it doesn't change anything. I've also increased the z probe offset in marlin and nothing either. I feel like I'm missing something simple as I don't fuby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
Hi I'm using marlin and when I increase the z probe offset value even by 10mm, it makes no difference to where it thinks z=0 is after running g30. I'm really confused, does the z probe need to be deployed at the start of every print? Cheers for all the helpby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Hi I'm using marlin and when I increase the z probe offset value even by 10mm, it makes no difference to where it thinks z=0 is after running g30. I'm really confused, does the z probe need to be deployed at the start of every print? Cheers for all the helpby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
When I home using g28, the nozzle isn't at z=0, it's at the top of the printer at the max z value which I can't remember. Is this correct? Cheers for the reply. Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
I'm trying to fix my friends cherry pi delta iii and when I home and then use G29 to z probe, everything looks fine and the nozzle then moves to 0,0,20. When I lower it by 20mm in the z so it should be at 0, I can see a gap between the nozzle and bed. Please could someone explain how I adjust this. Thanks very much. Benby Ben.folkes - Delta Machines
I'm trying to fix my friends cherry pi delta iii and when I home and then use G29 to z probe, everything looks fine and the nozzle then moves to 0,0,20. When I lower it by 20mm in the z so it should be at 0, I can see a gap between the nozzle and bed. Please could someone explain how I adjust this. Thanks very much. Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
That explains a lot. I know a fair amount about Cartesian style printers but I'm trying to learn about delta style now. Could anyone point out any major differences between the two in terms of running operations and maintenance of them? Cheers for the helpby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Thanks a lot, I managed to put it back together. For some reason, when I start a print, it doesn't use the z probe. It just moves the hotend down and starts to print after homing at the top three end stops Cheers for the helpby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
A friend of mine has asked me to sort the print quality of his cherry pi delta III and something sprung out from the hotend. I just have 2 springs hanging off from separate screws and no idea where they attach. Also, there's an end stop switch on top of the hotend and I have no idea what it's for or how to adjust the nozzle distance from the bed. I'm really hoping someone understands what I mean.by Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Thanks for all the replies. Turns out that intersecting meshes were causing the gcode to extrude twice as much material which blocked the nozzle. Netfabb cloud repaired it and it printed fine. Cheers Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
I've just done a test on a large perimeter as you say and it printed fine but it's on this print specifically at the same layer. I've resliced it and it hasn't helped. The 3d model has a section where two extruded objects intersect each other as it was the easiest way to design it so I was wondering if the fact there are overlaps in the stl make a difference? Thanks for the help so farby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Hi, thanks for the response but I have a 25mm fan that's always on pointing at my j head cooling fins. Unfortunately this was installed a long time ago so it's not the cause of the problem. Thanks Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Ive been printing a plate like part for a customer and every time at 40 minutes in, it blocks when it's doing a long line down the perimeter of the part but not at the start (might be a coincidence). When I take my j head apart, the blockage is always in the barrel above the nozzle. I've taken it apart about 10 times today to use a small Allen key to force the pla through the nozzle and try to clby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Hi everyone, I'm in the middle of a ten hour print and noticed that I'm going to run out of black pla. I have some black abs so I was wondering if abs would bond to pla if I changed my filament and increased my hotend temp? The material for this part was not a design constraint. Thanks for all the help I've gotten so far. Kind regards Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Hi all, I've just finally got myself a reprap smart controller however when I try to power my arduino by a jack connected to the psu, the lcd screen doesn't turn on but it does if I plug the usb connection into my computer. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
I've just got a 25mm fan that's aimed at the all metal j head fins now and along with blue tape on the bed with temps at 185 and 60, my pla is printing great. Thanks for the help. Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Hi all, after 3 days I'm still trying to get my reprap to print. I'm running a j head 0.4mm nozzle with pla at 185. For some reason, whenever I manually extrude it comes out as a loop and it constantly keeps blocking if I turn the printer off and then go back to it. Please can someone help? Thanks Benby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Thanks for the help. Blue tape at 60 worked great.by Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Hi all, I'm trying to print a phone case that has lots of little heaxagon cutouts and when I'm trying to print the first layer, the small lines that are a few millimetres thick, stick to the hot end when it moves away and it drags the whole print with it. It looks like it prints these lines way to fast but when I've decreased the small perimeter speed to 15mm/s, it still does it. Does anyone knowby Ben.folkes - Reprappers
And should I replace the other 2?by Ben.folkes - Reprappers
How would I use a multimeter to check this?by Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Thanks, I've just ordered a new mosfet and heatsink. I might have to get a new ramps as I made a mess with the soldering iron when removing the old one so I don't know if the terminals will be ok. Could there be a short in my heatbed or will it just be cheap mosfets?by Ben.folkes - Reprappers
Another thing is that my local shop only has tip42 transistors. Would these be able to replace the heatbed mosfet? Thanksby Ben.folkes - Reprappers