Hi Juice. I think the procedure is to physically adjust the end stops up or down until the distances to the bed are equal in front of (and as close to) each tower as possible. This worked for me and I've had level prints without using auto level and even after moving the printer a few times... I used the paper test to get the distance to the bed the same at each point. Sorry I missed what you sby ohecht - Delta Machines
Mine has never had a fan shroud...the fan just blows across the cooling fins on the hot end. I don't think my heating issues are fan-related since it was working fine for the first couple of weeks and the fan setup has always been the same. It's printing OK, but having trouble keeping the hotend above 205 degrees and the heated bed still requires a "kickstart" on the first print of the day...by ohecht - Delta Machines
Heaters going crazy...any ideas? Here's what's happening...no changes have been made to the firmware or any heat-related print settings since this started: - The first issue was the the bed heater would not kick on when the bed was very cold...usually for the first print of the day or after a long break between prints. Since I'm using PLA on painter's tape and don't really need the heated bedby ohecht - Delta Machines
Gary, this is my first printer so I'm just starting to experiment and look into upgrades. So far my hotend has seemed fine for me...no issues at all and no maintenance so far after going through at least a spool's worth of PLA in a couple different colors. My fan blows directly across the coing fins...not sure if your setup is different somehow. I have noticed some other printers that have fansby ohecht - Delta Machines
Hi Gary. No, I still haven't fixed that. Once I got the end stops and smooth rod ends calibrated to print flat I haven't needed the auto level at all. My prints have been dead flat and that's even after moving the printer around the house a few times. I will look into it again sometime just to have it in case I ever need it, but I've been too busy with the filament feeding issues recently...hopefby ohecht - Delta Machines
I finally got mine to feed consistently for long enough to print this, and it's made a big difference. So far no more skipping. If this proves less than completely reliable, then I have a Wade extruder and an "EZ Extruder" on hand to try. So far, the simpler and cheaper option is working, though... It really smoothed out the rotation and also prevents the weight of the remaining filament dromby ohecht - Delta Machines
Putnam, check the extruder motor gear and mechanism. Mine "skips" a lot on certain filaments (white PLA never skips but two different brands of black PLA do for some reason). I've tried different temps and the only correlation I think I see is that, the longer I print continuously, the more likely it is to happen. I'm wondering if it's a type of heat soak in the print head, but I've also noticedby ohecht - Delta Machines
Hello again...quick question for anyone who's tried (and hopefully succeeded) printing the kosselblend.stl file from the Google drive. I'm trying to print some spare parts, and this is the only STL file I've been completely unable to print. See the attached screenshots. First, the object comes in what looks to be to be upside down...it would need tons of support material to print and even thby ohecht - Delta Machines
Thanks, Maker. Looking forward to those improvements. I was able to get my printer to print flat without using autolevel and with just the acrylic spacers under the bed by adjusting the end stops and the smooth rod offset. I am also running the LCD and haven't noticed any power issues, although the LCD seems to only come on when I connect the USB cable and stays on even when the main printer cby ohecht - Delta Machines
Thanks...I will check that out. I'm a long way from printing carbon fiber, I think! I changed the distance between the autolevel points in the config.h file from 20 to 10 and the probe is staying on the page but all the probe points are on the +X side of the printer...I can't find any variable in the firmware to determine how to shift those over, and it was working before I made all the adjustmby ohecht - Delta Machines
Thanks again Unnokeng. I'd love to know more about your geared extruder in terms of where you got it (or the files to print it) and what other changes you made to make it work...I was looking at those when I was struggling with the black PLA before giving up for a while and printing in white again. My extruder will skip if I look at it funny, so anything that will give me a more reliable feed wby ohecht - Delta Machines
Thanks Unnokeng. I gave up on the auto-level function for a while since I don't seem to need it now that I got my "flatness" problem physically calibrated. I went through the routine of moving the endstops ever so slightly and adjusting the Smooth Rod Offset (ended up at what seems like a huge number...180mm), but the end result is that I can print perfectly flat across the build platform. Nowby ohecht - Delta Machines
OK, I spent the day adjusting the end stops and changing the Smooth Rod Offset to get the printer to print on a flat plane even with out autoleveling...so far so good on my first large test print, but the nozzle is staying at the same height all the way across the print. I ended up with these offsets at 180mm, which seems huge, but that's the number that allowed me to get the print head the sameby ohecht - Delta Machines
I will check all of that again when I get home. Can you tell me again how to properly measure the distance from the towers to the hot end? I think I measured from the inside faces of the towers to the center of the bolt holes on the effector per your earlier instructions...I assume this needs to be measured on a perfectly horizontal line between the two...is that right? I got 157 mm for each tby ohecht - Delta Machines
I have tried the blue tape and even the Kapton tape, but the print head peels the tape up in the part where it's too close to the print bed. Something's causing the print to be on a severe angle. The PLA seems to flow well once the print head is not blocked by the bed...if I let the print continue to the higher levels, the material does flow well. I'm just not sure what variables or physical eby ohecht - Delta Machines
OK, thanks again. So I guess G29 runs the routine and makes all the adjustments based on the readings in one step? I seem to be having issues getting the PLA to flow, especially at the beginning of the prints...the extruder keeps "skipping" a lot, I think. What are the variables I should be adjusting to get a consistent flow of material? As I watch it print, it looks like the nozzle is gettinby ohecht - Delta Machines
Thanks again for all the help. I flipped the effector plate, recalibrated everything, and the first print came out pretty good. Now I'm wondering how to use the auto-leveling feature. The third print I tried tonight is obviously "tilted"...I can see the print head coming off of the plate on one side of the print. How should I be using the autolevel feature to calibrate the printer?by ohecht - Delta Machines
OK, thanks again. I got another error (below) with that config file, but I'll go with the screenshots to keep moving... ERROR: I was unable to load the selected config file: unable to resolve overloaded method for Wx::ComboBox:etSelection at /Volumes/Repetier-Host Mac.app/Repetier-Host Mac.app/Contents/Resources/Slic3r.app/Contents/Resources/lib/std/Slic3r/GUI/Tab.pm line 844 I'm trying to folby ohecht - Delta Machines
OK, assuming I got the smooth rod offsets correct, I think I've got all the heights dialed in. Now the issue is that the .ini file from the Google drive is crashing SlicEr...I keep getting the following error when trying to load the config: 8:55:19 PM: Unreadable configuration file (invalid data at line 3)by ohecht - Delta Machines
For the adjustment on Lines 88/89, am I supposed to be measuring on a horizontal plane from the inside of the rails to the center of the bolt hole at the effector end of the carbon rod assemblies? I'm getting 157mm at all 3 towers...does that sound about right?by ohecht - Delta Machines
Sorry, I'm trying to follow all the instructions and already got stuck. I saw the following note in the Release Notes on the Google drive and I'm not sure where to enter those in Repetier Host for a Mac. The only fields I see that are close under the Printer Settings > Dimension tab are X Min, X Max, Y Min, Y Max, Diameter and Height...I do have it set to a Delta printer, and those settingsby ohecht - Delta Machines
Wow...thanks! This is just what I needed to continue setting this up. Pretty sure I wouldn't have figured all that out by trial and error. What about my effector plates? Is there supposed to be a ~4mm gap between them? Here's what mine looks like from the side and top... Olivierby ohecht - Delta Machines
Hello. I'm new to 3D printers and just finished building this printer. I'm now trying to configure it, and have a few questions. I'm using the Marlin_Delta2 firmware that I found in the Folgertech_Kossel_Firmware(V2).zip file posted earlier today, I think. I've been trying to confirm the basic movements of the print head and run it through routines like autoleveling, etc. before trying some pby ohecht - Delta Machines