Djkingsleyn what are you using for wire management on your extrusions, that looks very coshtor - Delta Machines
Looks like Im not getting a reply today even though I sent off the e-mail at 9am, so I guess my stuff should ship tuesday. Less than thrilled over this whole mess, when I ordered it was a 10 day delay, Day 17 the label was created, and it was actually shipped on day 22. I do understand there were issues with ordering parts in, and I can forgive that. It annoyed me that After I sent a questionby coshtor - Delta Machines
Ordered my kit on March 22nd, It was delivered on April 16th. Went through the hardware kit, and a lot of bolts and t-nuts were missing. Anyone have a idea as to how long it usually takes before they ship out the missing parts after you contact orders@ ?by coshtor - Delta Machines
Kirkm, when did you order your kit? Trying to get an idea on shipping delay right now. Oh how I wish they would update their blog or facebook or something to keep us in the loop. Quotekirkm Got my kit in the mail yesterday evening and everything looks in coshtor - Delta Machines
Well, after a few months of sitting on the fence about it, i went and ordered last night. Grabbed the 20t gears, some cork gaskets, heat sinks for the stepper drivers, and some fans to assist in cooling. First time builder so this should be interesting. Wonder how backed up shipping is right coshtor - Delta Machines