QuoteGroupB You dont really need a second SD card slot, the pinout are there to just hook another one to replace the inboard one, Off course you dont put a card in both at the same time. I did it on my radds cause the sd slot have problem even after less than 100 remove/insert, I hook a full sd card slot to the pinout of the onboard one and its working fine.So my guess is you hook your panel duby shofman - Controllers
Hi everyone, Sorry for the delay.... The upgrade to 1.18A2 worked perfectly with M997 S0 from octoprint. Big big thanks to DC42 to support RADDS like you do !by shofman - Controllers
Thanks. I will test this weekend. What's new on 1.18 A2 ?by shofman - Controllers
Do you have built a new iap file ? What is the "RepRapFirmware.map" file ?by shofman - Controllers
I will wait your new IAP file to validate your idea.by shofman - Controllers
name : RepRapFirmware.bin I use this name since the begining : update 1.13 to 1.14, and 1.14 to 1.17a Size : 234 Kbby shofman - Controllers
I can't upgrade to 1.17c. Log with Pronterface : Connecting... Printer is now online. >>> M115 SENDING:M115 FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for RADDS FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.17a ELECTRONICS: RADDS 1.5 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2017-01-02 >>> M997 S0 SENDING:M997 S0 Heat class exited. Move class exited. Move class exited. Updating main firmware Can't read from printer (disconnected?) (SerialExby shofman - Controllers
Thanks I will test your 1.17c tonight.by shofman - Controllers
Hi everyone, DC42, we will test the firmware for you ! 1.17a firmware works great for me. 1.17b is useless for me, so I will wait 1.17c that is "stable" for Duet.by shofman - Controllers
Ok We are ok that the objective is to be near from the limit (S130) if we want a good measure ? I will test different values With 0.6 : >>> M303 H0 P0.6 S130 SENDING:M303 H0 P0.6 S130 Auto tuning heater 0 - do not leave printer unattended Auto tune heater 0 with PWM=0.60 completed in 3473 sec, maximum temperature reached 93.1C >>> M307 H0 SENDING:M307 H0 Heater 0 model: gainby shofman - Controllers
Yes I have a M558 P1 in config.sys. For my bed, I think the P value is too slow : M303 H0 P0.5 S130 Auto tune heater 0 with PWM=0.50 completed in 2064 sec, maximum temperature reached 74.6C Use M307 H0 to see the result >>> M307 H0 SENDING:M307 H0 Heater 0 model: gain 111.4, time constant 547.9, dead time 7.0, max PWM 1.00, mode: PID Setpoint change: P126.1, I0.230, D614.5 Load change:by shofman - Controllers
Happy new year to everyone, DC42, big thanks for the RADDS firmware update ! I have upgraded to it. I have a few questions : 1/ For now, your IR sensor has 4 led blinking at startup. Before (1.14 firmware), there was only 2. Is there any difference ? 2/ I want use PID tuning. I have read your documentation What I have to do : Delete the M301 lines Use M303 command to make the M307 lines Inserby shofman - Controllers
Thanks DC42 for your clarification. Dan, do you have any information about the next release for RADDS ?by shofman - Controllers
I don't know if Marlin & Repetier will disappear... But i'm sure that RRF is THE firmware for 32 bits hardware. So the question is : who can continue to maintain it for RADDS for a long way ? Angelo, if you can't find the answer, the future of RADDS will be cloudy.... If I want to stay with Repetier, I return to less expensive hardware !by shofman - Controllers
Hi Angelo, I'm agree wiith GroupB : RRF is a great improvement for RADDS... and it's a shame that you don' want to invest for update it on RADDS. DC42 : the all in one concept is the reason why I have not bought Duet hardware. If I combine these 2 ways, I have made a bad choice... As I think RRF is incredible, maybe I should go to Duet next time...by shofman - Controllers
Hi AK_Eric, You have to make a voltage divider board to use this kind of probe, directly to your PSU. See here : Or this kind of thing : This probe is used only when you call G32... it's not an endstop ! (I have made the bad try...)by shofman - Controllers
I answer myself : Connect these PINs : CS1 <-> CS MOSI 3.3V GND CLK <-> SCK MISO CD <-> GND Done ! Thanks to GroupB.by shofman - Controllers
Ok I will try...by shofman - Delta Machines
I have tried these points : G1 X0 Y150 Z30 F5000 G1 X129.9 Y75 Z30 F5000 G1 X129.9 Y-75 Z30 F5000 G1 X0 Y-150 Z30 F5000 G1 X-129.9 Y-75 Z30 F5000 G1 X-129.9 Y75 Z30 F5000 G1 X0 Y75 Z30 F5000 G1 X64.95 Y-37.50 Z30 F5000 G1 X-64.95 Y-37.50 Z30 F5000 G1 X0 Y0 Z30 F5000 So these kind of points are ok for you ? X-32.5 Y18.8 X-32.5 Y18.8 X0 Y-37.5by shofman - Delta Machines
Thanks. Do you have any formula or example of points to test?by shofman - Delta Machines
Bonjour à tous, Ma Kossel XL étant presque terminée, je me penche déjà sur la possibilité de lui faire une petite sœur, une Prusa i3. J'hésite entre une PS3Steel et une Itopie. Ayant actuellement accès à un Fablab équipé d'une découpe laser, je vais surement tester de faire la frame de la Itopie, vu le faible coût du matériau. J'ai regardé les fichiers DXF, il y a 2 couleurs à exploiter (je parby shofman - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
So is someone has sucessfully used an external SD card reader with RADDS ? If yes, can you explain your configuration and firmware version ? Thanksby shofman - Controllers
Hi DC42, I have made many improvments in my printers... 1/ V-slot carriage modification : Back plate 2/ Hotbed plate 3/ endstop NC (before NO) So the results are good I think : 0.03 !!! I must do a 7 factors configuration to have this value. With only 6 factors, I cannot do better than 0.11. My results : Before / after 0.11 with 6 factors M665 R164.74 L349.00 H470.86 B150.00 X-0.15 Y-0.83 Z0.by shofman - Delta Machines
Is it important that the hotend is perpendicular with the effector ? I think I have a problem with this (play between them ).by shofman - Delta Machines
Ok I will do this. Do you have a checklist of the typical geometrical errors in a delta build ?by shofman - Delta Machines
OK, my results in hot conditions (bed 60° and hotend 180°C) Nothing better than 0.08 ... Before (3 tries before that) M665 R169.24 L349.00 H487.08 B150.00 X-0.47 Y-0.69 Z0.00 M666 X-0.50 Y0.42 Z0.08 G1 X0 Y150 Z30 F5000 G1 X129.9 Y75 Z30 F5000 G1 X129.9 Y-75 Z30 F5000 G1 X0 Y-150 Z30 F5000 G1 X-129.9 Y-75 Z30 F5000 G1 X-129.9 Y75 Z30 F5000 G1 X0 Y75 Z30 F5000 G1 X64.95 Y-37.5by shofman - Delta Machines
another question : do you calibrate the printer in hot conditions ? For example : Hotbed 60° C Hotend 180° Cby shofman - Delta Machines
If I use the center of the balls, the diagonal rods ends will be about 349mm : Carbon rods : 307mm 2 magnetic : 15x2 mm 2 1/2 balls : 2x6mm And the delta radius is about 170.4mm : from the center of the balls to the center of the over. Can you confirm this is good ? Ok I will try with 0.01mm height error.by shofman - Delta Machines
Hi DC42 Do you have any results comparaisons with your calculator ? I use it to calibrate my delta printer, and it's very long !!! My problem : i'm not sure of the arm lenght, because I use magntic joints : The balls are on the effector and the carriage, not the diagonal rod. So I don't konw what is the start point and the end one to do the measure. My resultt (6 tries) with 10 points : Prinby shofman - Delta Machines
Sorry but I don't know how to do this...by shofman - Controllers