Hmm. Ill have to look again. The version of Cura that came with my Micromake was set up special by them and I didn't notice any plugins that came with the install. Thanks four the lead 8perf - Delta Machines
Anybody know if it is possible to insert a geode command somewhere into the firmware or the cura settings to disable the heated bed after the first 10 layers or so. Concerned that the heat from the bed may damage the electronics in the long run, being so close to the wires and all. Have a card stock shield in place now, but would still like a software fix if 8perf - Delta Machines
I have heard of those. I had one in my camera a few years back. Opted to run the software on the pc laptop and set it up right next to my current system. Not my ideal solution, but all I have to do is move the thumb drive over 8perf - Delta Machines
Yeah, thought of running off-line, but then there's the step of telling the software to output the G-code, save it to SD, and then move it over. Only a minute or two I know, but it kinda defeats the purpose of having it sit right next to the computer. Also thought of running it on an old laptop with XP, but again, all designing and such is on the mac. Save - export - move - yada yada yada. Whyby 8perf - Delta Machines
As it turns out, the Ch340/ 341 drivers were not the issue. Upon taking a closer look at the actual arduino board, It did NOT have that chip as the USB controller, but rather one from FTDI, iirc. ID'ing the driver is all well and good, but now the problem was that in both cases, the drivers are not signed by the developer. Had to find one that was or disable the signing procedure on the computby 8perf - Delta Machines
All very good info here. I to have just purchased this delta printer. Got it up and running a few nights ago and have done a few test prints so far. Question????? The info page from where I purchased this said it was compatible with Mac and Linux as well as PC. Seems to work fine on my roommates PC laptop, but when I move it over to my Mac running OS X Mavericks, not one single piece of softwby 8perf - Delta Machines