So I tightened the belts more, a lot more, and I just got through a 15 hour print, I think that was the issue, thank you for the adviceby BICUtech - Delta Machines
Well I've built a Delta with very similar sizes, and I have spent going on 2000$roughtly if I convert it from my currency, so if you were to sell it you would be looking at just over half that since it's a very big machine and not everyone wants a massive Delta, so between 900-1200$ is not unreasonableby BICUtech - Delta Machines
Okay I will try tightening them more, they are quite tight now, not stupidly light, but like I said I couldn't get them to skip teeth when I tried, but thanks for the adviceby BICUtech - Delta Machines
Sorry I guess I was a little vague, they do get warm, between 40-50C but they aren't overheating, granted I'm trusting software but I've never seen anything about smoothie ware giving the wrong current to the motors, I'm almost certain it has something to do with either the belts or the pulleys, the only other thing it could be which I doubt is the slicer, I'm using repetier with the cura engine,by BICUtech - Delta Machines
Hi, thanks for the reply, I've already tried everything from 1A to 1.7A on my 1.7A rated motors, and they aren't overheating where I've got them set now which is around 1.4A, I'm running smoothieware so I can set it in software, and no I'm not using 24v, I'm using 12v, I didn't even think that would be a factor, I ran 12v on my old machine and I never had a single problem, I might try that as a lby BICUtech - Delta Machines
So I've been battling with my homemade delta for a while with layer shifting or missing steps, I've tried everything from changing a motor, changing a belt, changing the controller, running from a pic and running from a screen, nothing, it's rather tall(about 1 metre) it's not my first delta, and I never had problems with my other one, so I'm just curious, I'm using t2.5 belts and pulleys and I wby BICUtech - Delta Machines
Thanks, I already read that article and a couple others talking about the drv8825 but I put in a Ramps board with A4988 drivers in it and still the same, I'm beginning to think one of the belts is the issue since when I got them I could only get in a maximum of 5 meter lengths, and one of them was a different colour than the rest, and that is the axis that it seems to be happening in, there is soby BICUtech - Printing
Oh and the belts are quite tight, and I'm using t2. 5 belts so they won't slip, I've also tried adding lock tight to the pulley grub screws, and the arms move very smoothly, I've plated around with the Concentric nuts to get them very smooth so I don't think that's the issue eitherby BICUtech - Printing
Thanks for the advice, I have the movement quite well tuned, I didn't think about homing after each layer, I will try that, is there an easy way to do it or would I have to manually add it into the G code, trying to describe what happens is a little difficult, it seems to happen when it's doing the perimeter, it goes wide and drops in Z height, then when it comes back around it hits the parts cauby BICUtech - Printing
Okay so I have tried just about everything with my printer, I custom built it myself and am having a problem that I cannot solve It's a rather large delta printer, about a meter tall, it's using 0.9 degree stepper motors with a makerbase mks sbase smoothieware comparable board that uses built in drv8825 stepper drivers, but this problem was also happening when I was running a ramps board. The proby BICUtech - Printing
It could be the ramps board overheating, ive had this problem before, do you have a fan blowing on the stepper motor drivers?, if not that could be the issue, the led indicator i believe turns on wherever the board recieves input, and the display will output the gcode to the arduino, that couldbe why its flashingby BICUtech - Firmware - Marlin
i am building a large printer too, with 4 30x30 beds, each with its own power supply and run off of a relay, im only using one temp sensor, i dont see why you want to control each bed seperatelyby BICUtech - Firmware - Marlin
i had this problem very recently, its not a problem, just becasue you cant use google and troubleshoot anything doesn't mean its broken or faulty, first of all, did you include it with arduino's built in library installer, second, i found two places to get the u8glib code to run the screen, one worked and one didn't, try from a different place and third don't use the latest arduino software,use 1by BICUtech - Firmware - Marlin
I am by no means an expert but i believe if you find out the lines of code in the pins.h file for your board that send the signals for the x and y stepper motor driver and duplicate it but change the pins to the input of the "extruder" stepper motor drivers, its not simple and i dont know if it will cause problems elsewareby BICUtech - Firmware - Marlin
make sure the BAUD settings in your configuration.h file is the same as the connection rate in windows, just search for BAUD in the configuration.h file,but not the bluetooth BAUD rate, that will do nothing, and checkin windows by going to device manager and clicking on COM devices, there should be only the printer connected there, check its propporties and find out what its connection speed is aby BICUtech - Firmware - Marlin
i would suggest using the generic delta configuration.h otherwise try using an older release of arduino as ive had problems with newer releases not working with marlinby BICUtech - Firmware - Marlin
So im building a rather large printer and its going to have 3 hot ends, not going to one, i know you can use the m10 command to setup the extruder offset but i wanted to know how to configure it in the firmware Quotemarlin firmware // Offset of the extruders (uncomment if using more than one and relying on firmware to position when changing). // The offset has to be X=0, Y=0 for the extruder 0 hoby BICUtech - Firmware - Marlin