Did you check the SeeMeCnc website ?They have back in stock the Carbon fiber Arms : Do you think the Carbon ones are better than the Injection Molded Arms ?by alex773 - Delta Machines
This is what I did in this morning. Here you go. I unscrewed the 4 wires from the channel 1 on the daughterboead and I place the 100 Ohm resistor to terminals 2 and 3 and then fit the 2 jumpers as for 2-wire PT100 sensor. The reading for the hot end it was -3.9°C. Than I installed the 4 wires in the number 2 channel on the daughterboard and In the Config.g I changed the M305 P1 X200 with M305 Pby alex773 - Delta Machines
I don't know from where to start. I installed yesterday a new PT100. Right now the readings for temperature is 21.8°C for bed and 17.9°C for hot end. I checked the wiring from smart effector to Duet and to the daughterboard and everything looks good. I tried last night a print and it looks like the filament is very, very hot, melted, and extremely stringing with the same settings what I have befoby alex773 - Delta Machines
I run the M143 H1 with this result : Temperature protection item 1 is configured for heater 1 and supervises heater 1 to generate a heater fault if the temperature exceeds 320.0°Cby alex773 - Delta Machines
I do remember that the limit for temperature for the hot end heater in Config.g is set to 320°C. I will check. Thank youby alex773 - Delta Machines
The print cooling fan was off all the time . After the tuning I let the hot end heater to go down to 23°C then I heat it up to 280°C to tighten the nozzle. I had the silicone sock on the nozzle but the temperature was not going up more than 265°C . I don't know what is wrong. Thank you Davidby alex773 - Delta Machines
This is what I have right now on Config.g : M307 H1 A635.2 C343.6 D4.4 V24.2 B0 I will replace the M307 command with the new tune results : M307 H1 A387.8 C405.9 D2.3 V24.1 B0 If you see something wrong please let me know, I don't want to do any mistakes. Thank youby alex773 - Delta Machines
Please see the attachment for the last results.by alex773 - Delta Machines
I checked the connections for the daughterboard and they look ok but I found the plug from thermistor to the smart effector it was loose. Finally after I pushed the plug in the reading is the same on the bed and extruder. Then I run the test again with M303 H1 and I got the same result. Temperature was not reached. I don't know what should I do to get my printer back the way it was.by alex773 - Delta Machines
The new thermistor is a PT100 like the old one. In config.g I have : M305 P1 X200 ; Configure PT100 for heater 1 and M143 H1 S320. This are the settings what I have at the beginningby alex773 - Delta Machines
I run again today the test with this command : M303 H1 P1 S200 and I got the same results. Auto tune cancelled because target temperature was not reached. I'm doing something wrong or something else is not right ? When I start the test the temperature on the bed was 21.7°C and the extruder temperature was 17.9°C. I don't know why I have this big difference between.by alex773 - Delta Machines
I just got home and I run the PID tuning on my hotend heater. I run M303 H1 with no P parameter. Auto tune cancelled because target temperature was not reached. Please see the attachment for results. When I run the test I have the silicone sock on the heater block . The temperature on the bed was 21.4°C and the extruder temperature was 21°C. What should I change in order to have a successful tuby alex773 - Delta Machines
I finally have time to check the connections,plugs and power supply. I put the probes on the power supply voltage output and the reading is 23.9v - 24v , then I turned on the hotend heater to 180°C and the bed to 60°C. The voltage stay at 24V with no fluctuations. At 152°C the fault message turned off only the hotend ,the bed is 60°C constant and power supply output voltage is 24V.by alex773 - Delta Machines
Thank you, David. I will do the heater tune after I'm done checking out all the connections, plugs, connectors, power supply, screws and install the print fans. The new heater cartridge is the yellow one who came with the Hemera.by alex773 - Delta Machines
Ok. I will do that and report back. Thank youby alex773 - Delta Machines
The old heater cartridge is 24v/ 30w. The new one is the same. I will check the power supply. When I check the power supply should I have the bed and the hotend on ?by alex773 - Delta Machines
After I replaced the cartridge and the thermistor I tried to heat up the hotend to 280°C to tighten up the nozzle . I did not have the print fans installed. You remember when I build the printer I did the PID tunning and since then I changed nothing on it. Is it possible to do the PID tunning even if the temperature is not going up more than 150°C ?by alex773 - Delta Machines
I replaced the old thermistor with a new one and the same results. I don't know what else to do.by alex773 - Delta Machines
I just finished the installation of the new heater cartridge and now the temperature is going up to 152 C degrees than stops heating with this message : Heating fault on heater 1 , temperature rising much more slowly than expected 1.0°C/sec . It was a pain to unscrew the grub screw for the cartridge. I have to disassemble the all hotend in order to get out the grub screw.by alex773 - Delta Machines
Thank you blt3dp. The effector is not moving at all. The temperature is going up with no problem until 103 C degrees, then it stops with the fault massage and the temperature is dropping to 23/24 C degrees. I don't see any weird readings on the temperature. I checked all the connections to the Duet, all of them. I will probably change the thermistor to see if it makes any differenceby alex773 - Delta Machines
Thank you jcs for your input. I have the printer in my office and the temperature is around 23/24 C degrees. I started the print around 11 pm and when I woke up in the morning the print was half way done and I saw the message. I don't know how does the temperature behaved before it failed. I stopped the printer and checked out the wiring. Everything looked ok , then I turned on the hotend to 130by alex773 - Delta Machines
Yes I did, and everything was ok until now. I tried several times but I'm getting the same fault for the heater 1. The temperature is not going higher than 103C. Thank you Davidby alex773 - Delta Machines
Yesterday In the middle of the print the printer stopped with this message. I turned it off and I checked the wiring for loose connection. Everything looks good. What do you think can cause this problem ? The hotend temperature is going up to 97 C degrees and it turns offby alex773 - Delta Machines
I just ordered the Duet smart effector adaptor from 713Maker. There is something else what I need from 713maker for the new setup. I got the rod ends from Brian, thank you. Tomorrow I'm going to place the order from seemecncby alex773 - Delta Machines
I just ordered my ( 2 ) sets from Brian. Thank youby alex773 - Delta Machines
I do use the Grease with PTFE on all ends. With the last set of arms I don't have more than 40 hours of printing. I send an email to Brian last night for the arms but no answer from him yetby alex773 - Delta Machines
It looks like I have bad luck two times with Haydn arms and magballs. I'm ready to change my setup. If you contacting Trick Laser and If they happen to have some left overs new old stock let me know, I'm going to buy one or two sets. Last time when I checked 713maker adapter for Duet It was out of stock. Now they have it back in stock. This time I have one magball with the chrome wearing off. Iby alex773 - Delta Machines
Everybody replace the trick laser with the arms what we have. I don't know what other options areby alex773 - Delta Machines
Trick Laser shut down their website. I don't know from where we can find their rods.by alex773 - Delta Machines
I do like the option 1 better , but I'm open for any solution . SeeMeCNC arms are a good option I think. I don't know if using SeeMeCNC arms it will not reduce the printing surfaceby alex773 - Delta Machines