i'm not really sure with your device, but G29 is the probe bed function. G29 J should normally be ok as default, maybe try J3 (9 point check, so has more data) or J4. your machine and firmware setup behavior are understood more by you. just approach changes with caution and be ready to power off machine if it acts up during settings changes when using commands not done before on machine. herby jamesdanielv - General
here is a possible solution maybe? here is the melzi pinout i'm not sure what +ve or -ve are unless you are just talking about fan positive and fan negative pins. is it ok for fan to be on all the time on the laser? (usually it is on all the time) if the goal is to use the melzi board fan output as a logic control for laser TTL input: if you need to invert fan pin then put a load across pby jamesdanielv - General
ok changes are in progress. the M810-M819 commands are listed. i just need to ensure it is in similar context as rest of document. some changes simple to fix and address are: internet in a particular region or country might not show latest changes for up to 48hrs (time to live, dns caching, and other reasons) refresh browser, and look at wiki if questions. The wiki page is incredibly long,by jamesdanielv - General
i did not receive any comments on the changes in the reprap general section or the marlin section of reprap wiki. The Reprap command M98 is to load a filename and run macros in file, where the marlin M810-M819 are for 10 lines of macros that are stored internally. Technically the M is miscellaneous, and has no generic rules in gcode specs. I will be updating the wiki to include M810-M819 overby jamesdanielv - General
hello, i've read a request to add 810-819 macro gcodes to reprap wiki and was wondering why marlin firmware group has not added it already. from what i understand these codes are macros and do fit the description of miscellaneous, and so far seem to be compliant with gcode rules, however i'm looking into it a bit more. it seems only marlin has this m810-m819 macro. is this a proprietary featureby jamesdanielv - Firmware - Marlin
i'll look at why 810-819 macro g-codes have not been added. if anyone knows why then please add comments.i'll look into it, and can make the additions after oct 16th if permissions work. in my quick look into it this seems to be in marlin documentation ill need to verify also that these macro code are in spec to the NIST RS274NGC Interpreter, or see if any concerns with some further checkingby jamesdanielv - General
the pi 400 seems to be in stock.by jamesdanielv - General
it is hard to answer question with a good answer. as the answer might break the rest of the avr or at least cause issues of troubleshooting reboots, bad adc measurements and so on... it might do that or in your case it might all work ok.. i don't know for sure. if this is 8bit avr only. more info here on timers and specifics on atmega 2560 here you will need to change the pre-scaler value ofby jamesdanielv - General
this shows reprap gcode. M108 Sxxx was used in the old days to set extrusion speed. i don't know if it is used that much anymore, or if modern firmware does testing on it. it was used to set the PWM duty cycle of the pulses to the DC motor to average out power under load to motor. the motor windings would average out the power of the DC pulses. So your system might need to be able to do somethinby jamesdanielv - General
did you install all the font files? the /font folder might not be included. i do not know much about the ender 5. i typed in ender 5 github into google, might be hepfulby jamesdanielv - General
just clarifying what i see in the comments above. the old drivers may run at a constant voltage that was just set too high.. current is controlled by the resistance change of the LC circuit (coil and driver capacitance) and as motor cycles faster its resistance rises, and its current is controlled by a higher voltage to maintain power as its resistance changes. what more than likely happed was vby jamesdanielv - Safety & Best Practices
a possible buzz kill here. this is my own opinion, but i dont think pogo pins are a solution for a moving extruder. i think press fit connectors are a better solution, especially for something that moves around so much. any misalignment or jolt can cause arcing and do a lot of stress on electronics from micro disconnects or alignment shorts to other pins. unfortunately i do not have a perfectby jamesdanielv - General
it is possible like stated earlier that the board was killed. have you verified with a volt meter that the 5v out pin is still producing 5v. (5v output pin on the Arduino or Arduino mega board, or equivalent.) often the cloned arduino boards have poor 5v regulators. if this is the case then an external lm7805 should be sufficient, but it might be cheaper and less headache to buy another board.by jamesdanielv - General
it is possible current is set to high. the drivers have a. built in over temp circuit that powers down the device until it cools off. this is only one of many issues that are possible. an indicator of overheating is often random pausing of stepper driver. is there a way to adjust driver current for the extruder?by jamesdanielv - General
thanks for that information, what happens if you lower the driver current to 60%, and then lower it as far as it can go and still print at correct speeds? its just a thing to try. it could also be a side effect of a driver that can not deliver the current it is set for, from peak vs average current , and from thinner than spec traces, or a driver that is not designed to handle the current drawby jamesdanielv - General
this issue is probably more visible because of what appears to be under extrusion. but to be sure: have you printed a xyz cube to test x,y,z size, and is it within your desired specs? is your machine sturdy on the x and y rails? any slop or play. is the belt tight? there is mention of an ender 3 board, but what printer is this from, does it have a sturdy frame? ( i didn't see a printer or modelby jamesdanielv - General
if the 3 wheels are placed properly the rail will be constrained to only direction in 1 axis. there is nothing that specifies only to use 3 it just is all that is normally required, and if unworn out the three 3 should constrain the system as accurate as 4 would as the main deviation of the axis would come from flection and the run out of the bearings so i would minimize the diameter as much asby jamesdanielv - General
stuff related to printrbotby jamesdanielv - Developers
yup with insulation and using a thick sheet of aluminum i think you'll be fine putting it about anywhere. there will be variance across the plate. prob best position would be center underneath, prob no need to drill since heat is coming from the silicon pad.but if you need to to mount it so it wont fall out about anywhere inside the aluminum should pretty much be at about temp equilibrium if it iby jamesdanielv - General
thanks for the info so far. i hope to get enough to show a list or a chart. don't be scared, i'm just looking for a range. some people have really fast heaters, but generally it is 12v or 24v. some people have quicker heat up times using insulation. this is also good info. thanks for those who have contributed times and heater setups and printer models so far.by jamesdanielv - General
what is the pin out of the sensor? what do you have each pin going too? it may be possible you have input with pull up and vcc of sensor reversed. but i'm just guessing. something probably isn't wired up correctly. do you have a volt meter, and is the sensor color wired to identify it. unplug machine and do a continuity test on volt meter. main gnd to sensor gnd pin.by jamesdanielv - General
the resolution detail normally is higher on a laser scanner than a photo collections based 3d calculated scanner. this is because a direct reference to distance is calculated from shape of laser. the shape is based on difference and this is calculated as if it is a hypotenuse of a triangle. probably the best type of 3d scanner is light scatter where different sets of lines are projected on the imby jamesdanielv - General
i have a cyclops and find that using 50ma lasers helps with scan, using more than one laser on each side can help but it is hard to align to same line. as long as the light is not at the exact same angle it does not cause interference, and even if it is the same angle the distance of the interference would be smaller than visible by the eye and the line would average out (brighter and dimmer) eveby jamesdanielv - General
can you post your Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h file as well as pins.h files? there are a lot of versions of marlin, i dont see a schematic for board. does the fan turn on even when you press board reset? in this case it possibly is wired to board to save a i/o pin on board. if fan stops when reset is pressed then it uses a i/o pin. so find out if holding reset pin on board if fan stby jamesdanielv - General
my Rostock max is my fastest heat-up bed machine. it gets to 70deg c in about 5min. i was told that some machines were a lot faster at bed heat-up to temp. i find it hard to believe. i was wondering what the average bed heat up is for various machines. what i was curious about times for other machines in the last few years. just checking if 5min is about average. if people can post type of machby jamesdanielv - General
link to provider that lists whats in the compound https://e3d-online.com/thermal-compound-paste it has: Silicone Compounds 50% Compounds of carbon: 20% Metal Oxide Compounds: 30% i did a search and found StarTech.com 1.5g Metal OxIDE has metal oxide in it. i don't know how much percentage of each others it has. it is designed for cpu heat sinks.by jamesdanielv - General
for most purposes many will not see improvement in print performance. better stepper drivers however can prevent noisy prints. look for trinamic drivers. in some cases you might want to downgrade back to 8bit. i disagree that support is less for 8bit. i think 32 bit is vendor specific to as who supports it. anything of any subject non standard will more than likely go unanswered no matter whatby jamesdanielv - General
link works for me as well,,, i'm still waiting for 3d printed houses to be an option in my neighborhood.by jamesdanielv - General
its not advanced by any means, it does the basics its called open scad. it is also a command driven tool. the custom setups such as curves and chamfers and bevels need to be done manually. as coded in with for loops or shapes in boolean operations fusion360 does have a lot of time saving features, however i worry that they will lock it down to the point where we all will eventually need to pay.by jamesdanielv - General
"Is there any body know how to get a consistent print speed that can be always meet my setting value?" this is a loaded question. i'm going to assume you are talking about printer settings as it relates to acceleration. is there a specific reason you want circles and non lines to be at 100mm/s ? this seems to violate the tool path acceleration rules in firmware. you can increase firmware acby jamesdanielv - General