QuoteIaco Need help what should change in the Marlins program for the upper specification What upper specification?by docdawning - General
I'm leaning towards making a 3DR Simple. But I'm kind of concerned that it seems like the previous post here is the latest on this printer. Is this a totally dead project? If so, why? I'm looking for something I can print with my 100mm x 100mm x 100mm print area and the 3DR Simple looks compelling to me.by docdawning - Delta Machines
Anyone stumbling on this thread down the road, may want to check out my blog where I occasionally post updates on the beast this old rig has become. Check it out here: . Over & out.by docdawning - General
I haven't added any fans, though I'm considering rigging something up now. The biggest topic for upgrades has been my Z-screws. I've since made some stabilizers to compensate, but my Z screws are pretty damn rough, so I may just have to replace them entirely.by docdawning - General
I jumped-in with the Cupcake Makerbots back in around 2009. After piles of hours with barely any gratification, I shelved my machine until just a few months ago. I've retro-fitted my machine with much more modern components and have created something superficially unique. There's so much good material to draw-on now, that the resistance for the basics is far lower and it's a lot easier than it waby docdawning - General
Awesome, thank you very much Ohmarinus! I found that if I unchecked the combine options (type A was set by default), then the gcode produced looks as I'd expect. Very very helpful. And thank you for not giving one of those don't use that slicer, use the only one I know instead type answers.by docdawning - Printing
Hello friends. I'm still quite new to the scene, so some kindness would be awesome.. I'm trying to print some "Idler Wheels" (such as this) and my problem is I'm not sure how to get Cura to not fill in the inside of the wheels. I found that if I set my Fill Density to 0%, then the inside of the wheels is made as expected for MOST layers.. But some layers still end up getting filled entirely..by docdawning - Printing
This whole subject has me seriously reconsidering my existence in the 3D printing community. :'(by docdawning - Safety & Best Practices
Update 2015-02-13 Well, great success! I've got my "Cupcake" working, I believe rather well. I don't think it's right to call it a MakerBot Cupcake anymore, as it's come so far and isn't the same type of machine now. I'm calling it Cupcake155, as it's now particularly unique. I've documented the details of what I did to get it going on my website here.by docdawning - General
Update 2015-02-04 I've documented my project thus far, and called it "Episode 1" as I feel like I've reached a milestone. I've got things moving around sanely with the Gen3 board. There's certainly room for refinement, however, since I'm about to replace all the electronics and things are relatively working, I'm calling this the end of the first stage of the project.by docdawning - General
Update 2015-02-03 Motion Working Well, I finally figured out how to get my X axis to move. I was using the GEN3_MONOLITHIC motherboard profile in the Marlin firmware, however, upon switching to the GEN3_PLUS profile my X started working like my already-functional Y and Z. Here's a video of the motion: Up next will be to remove the Gen3 board and the drivers and install my new RAMBo board, whby docdawning - General
Update 2015-02-02 Endstop work continued I found a dead endstop, my guess is it had been connected to power with the polarity inverted at some point years ago. I also had a couple endstops that only worked after some resoldering, etc. I've got Max and Min endstops installed and working for my X and Y axes, but I only have a min endstop for my Z, which I don't think is a big deal anyway. That saiby docdawning - General
Update 2015-02-01 Endstops I had never really dealt with my Endstops when I first built this makerbot. I regretted it severely on at least one occasion. In reading the Marlin firmware calibration guide I linked a few days ago, it commented that endstops should be working before you do much with your steppers. Since I'm now working with a relatively odd-sized machine, and factoring my past endstoby docdawning - General
Imagine a quad-copter, hexapod robot, the size of an airliner... Walking, flying about. It stops every so often and like a spider spinning a web, it 3D prints buildings, cars, other builder-spider-fly-bots (or scaffolding for their construction).. Such robots might be able to retool themselves to mine natural resources for their needs.. Or ideally have a vast power source and matter-energy converby docdawning - General
I imagine 3D printing concepts being key to a very different potential world. If we can develop them more towards Star Trek like replicators that are capable of producing most things from a common medium, such as pure energy, then the rules of civilization may shift. I imagine lightly populated communities spread throughout the world. Goods are largely valued as raw materials and their design asby docdawning - General
Update 2015-01-31 MK8 Mounting Complete It took me a while to finalize the mounting of the MK8 because I needed to find a longer M3 screw to go back in to the stepper. By adding the mount brackets I considerably changed how far in to the stepper the screw would go and thus I couldn't reach the threads any more. I went to 6 different stores. Finally a remote control toy specialty store and somethby docdawning - General
Update for 2015-01-30 MK8 Extruder on Cupcake MakerBot I spent some hours chipping-away at my scrap metal and ended up with what looks like a suitable mounting solution. I found the screws in the MK8 that I wanted to mount off of should work fine, though I have yet to go get longer ones to make up for the reduction in how far each screw goes in, which is enough that the stepper screw doesn't actby docdawning - General
Update 2015-01-29... I spent my latest printer-time giving one last attempt to get printing with this machine as a classic Cupcake. I've tried many builds of replicatorg and none of them seem able to flash the gen3 board with their firmwares. No matter, I'm working with Marlin. Motor Tuning I find with Marlin I've yet to figure out how to tune my steppers so they all work as expected. My Z-stagby docdawning - General
Today's update... Gen3 programming now persists I've got firmware storing persistently on the gen3 board now. I'm not sure if it's my Sanguino bootloader or the Marlin firmware, but it's working now. I think it's in the bootloader. I nuked all my tools and have been operating out of head versions from github. How to mount an MK8 extruder? I also received my MK8 extruder. I need to figure out hoby docdawning - General
QuoteTraumflug This is RepRap, which means making instead of buying: Yeah, I've been working on making my own. But for all I know, some vendor has what I want available. Once upon a time, MakerBot sold them. So, therefore I've put the question out there. Quotedocdawning On the side, I've been working on a heated build platform. So far I've got 3 100mm x 100mm x 3mm aluminum plates... I've beeby docdawning - General
QuoteDust You could have just upgraded to a gen3+ Oh well, maybe I'll do this later, if I build better machines for my RAMBo and Smoothie. Do you know of any particularly high-quality version of this upgrade board and the vendors I can get them from?by docdawning - General
I have compiled Sanguino on Ubuntu 14.10 updated fully as of 2015-01-25. I ran in to the exact problem you have. The fix was to comment out the line in question, as well as the one below it. Here's what my /usr/share/arduino/hardware/sanguino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp looks like: Quote ... #if defined(USART1_RX_vect) void serialEvent1() __attribute__((weak)); void serialEvent1() {}by docdawning - General
QuoteZavashier IMHO your printer should print like it is. You did not spent that much time to make it work (I spent 10 times more on my modern prusa I3 !). My advice : don't buy stuff to replace certainly allready working components. First check out each component step by step, with our help, and we'll manage to make it work. Then you'll have all the time to dream about improvements. Yeah, Iby docdawning - General
QuoteTraumflug QuotedocdawningI've found the gen3 won't retain the firmware if I unpower it after flashing & uploading the firmware. Likely you haven't set the BOD (Brown Out Detector) fuses. Interesting. It retained firmware back when it was new. Maybe the base Arduino Sanguino bootloader needs a little tweaking?! Thanks!by docdawning - General
Turns out reflashing the gen3 board was very helpful. I used an Arduino as the ISP, which wasn't too rough. I've found the gen3 won't retain the firmware if I unpower it after flashing & uploading the firmware. One of my axes won't move either. I suspect it's either something in the Marlin build I'm using or the avr chip itself. I know the steppers and motor controllers all work fine too. Notby docdawning - General
I ordered a RAMBo board last night. Though I'm still interested in my Gen3 board. I manually tapped all pins with my soldering iron, I replaced the oscillator (I have a big pile of the exact right ones) and I banged my head against a wall for a few hours. I've already tried many other power supplies that all pass tests with my dedicated ATX PSU tester. I haven't figured out how to upload a new fby docdawning - General
Can you please post a photo of the board? I have a similar problem with my RepRap Gen3 board which I opted to just replace. I've ordered a RAMBo board to replace it (and inherently that means my stepper PCBs are getting replaced as well).by docdawning - General
I learned today that yes, such boards can be used with at least MatterControl and some other programs. I didn't realize that 3D printing has evolved around Arduino the way it has. Very cool. So these boards tend to get flashed with firmwares that provide standard interfaces, such as the Marlin firmware. Then the printing software need merely support the interface of those firmwares. So to answby docdawning - General
I suppose replacing my motherboard could be a good move regardless. I need to drive another stepper regardless and while I CAN hack the RepRap Gen3 board to accomplish this, I'd still need to find another board to drive that motor too. While that IS an option, I see there are some decent-looking boards out there I could get. I'm particularly interested in this right now: Geeetech RAMBo (RepRap Aby docdawning - General
How did your i3 work out cdejan? BTW - as far as I'm concerned Calgary is alive.by docdawning - Calgary