If you go back and run the code that I posted in the beginning in this thread. The one with all the probe points. And then post that result here. Then it might be possible to help.by LarsK - Delta Machines
The printer you are looking at is not the mini kossel. It is the K800. It has been "renamed" by many for the Chinese suppliers. But it is the K800, you can find all the design for it on thingverse as it comes from a guy from the opensource community. I have that printer and I recommend you to stay away from it. Read this thread and the threads I link to in same: As I comment in same threadby LarsK - Delta Machines
Hello, anybody have any experience with more then one extruder? I see most designs out there have both the nozzles fixed. Some people say that this can give problems with the not used nozzle which contaminates the active nozzle. I can imagine just a little oozing can give problems. I was thinking about a design where I can tilt the not used nozzle with a servo. When being used the nozzle is hby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
Are you sure your bed is not inclined ? Repeat the paper test at each tower and consider very carefully if you can solve it by putting a washer under the bed to get it more leveled. Otherwise, different values at towers are indications of build inaccuracy and not rod length or printer radius issues. These inaccuracies can be: Tower leaning Tower angles not sharp 120. Differences in your rod leby LarsK - Delta Machines
First, J-max as always says intelligent things and I agree with all - except the use of 2040. For your printer size (300x200x200) I am sure you can make it stiff enough with 2020. Anyway - I wanted to put in a " not so technical " point. Simply - there is a lot of fun/challenge in building low cost printers .Trying to make bushings directly on the alu ( as you posted) and with spectralines isby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
cozmicray is right that as long as you do not have any specifictions for what you want to make or an actual budget, it is really hard to give good advice. As to the essence of your question - I think few of us have tried all the options you list, I for one have not, so it is really hard to give strong input. With linear slides the quality, I believe, is proportional to the money invested. Butby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
You just put plain washers under the bed to get it level. Extrusions, build, etc. will always have some variations.by LarsK - Delta Machines
How about the problem with the bed tilt that I described? That I think is a real problem and unrelated to whatever probe you use. Simply put - Your bed could be doing like this: Definitely worth investigating before you spend more time on anything. Maybe it was just the measurements but have a look by following the movement instructions given above.by LarsK - Delta Machines
The Z value you just reported is way off. What is interesting, is that it does NOT seem to be a calibration issue with respect to diagonal rod length and printer radius. If you look at: Bed x: -40.00 y: 0.00 z: 4.02 Bed x: 0.00 y: 0.00 z: 3.96 Bed x: 40.00 y: 0.00 z: 3.86 Then it actually seems you can draw a line across the y(0) line where you have a neutral line ( about ~4mm) Then atby LarsK - Delta Machines
I have no idea why it is doing that. It is wrong. It should probe the actual point. Try G28 G1 Z10 G30 P1 X55 Y0 G30 P1 X-55 Y0by LarsK - Delta Machines
Your hotend should not drop below 0. You can try to run the following code: G28 G1 x0 y0 z10 G30 G1 x55 F2400 G30 G1 X38.9 Y38.9 G30 G1 X0 Y55 G30 G1 X-38.9 Y38.9 G30 G1 X-55 Y0 G30 G1 X-38.9 Y-38.9 G30 G1 X0 Y-55 G30 G1 X38.9 Y-38.9 G30 G1 X0 Y0 G30 That will in your console report back a lot of Z values. Post them here. They should not vary by more then ~0.5mm. And 0.5 is a lot.by LarsK - Delta Machines
Quotexile6 I fix my problem. Turns out i had the Z max set to high/low i guess. These delta type printers are a little backwards to me. I had it set at 280 and i been printing for a a few days on my old setup. Then when i change the autoleveling from hotend with micro switch to inductive probe i had the problem. I fix it by redoing the Z max. I beileve i ended up with 275.4 I have no idea why thby LarsK - Delta Machines
You can always just start with 90 step / mm and then you ask it to move and measure how much it moved. Say you asked it to move 100 mm and it moved 75mm then you do: New steps pr mm= 90 * 100/75 As per the equation: NEW_STEPS_PR_MM = OLD_STEPS_PR_MM * IDEAL_MOVE / REAL_MOVE Alternatively, you need to measure the diameter of the pulley with the spectra-line and calcuby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
First of all, don't despair. Just take one problem at a time. For now, get the correct length on the rods . Make a jig that you can try your rods in, to make sure they are equal in length. Maybe you are not going to make big beautiful Yoda heads every time with this printer, but you can get it to print. Remember that the 3d printer community has been up for some years now, so if you have a proby LarsK - Delta Machines
I am sorry to heat that it did not solve the entire problem. Hysteresis errors are common for belts, it is even one of the example used at the wiki page to show the concept: For those who are a little unsure what it means - It is that a system shows one behavior while moving towards a point and a different one while returning but at the same time it returns to the 0. For elastic belts this isby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
Hello Filipe, First of all, thank you for posting your build. I think the CoreXY is in need of more reference builds and yours are sure a nice edition. I would like to give some comments for your printer, while your are reading my comments, do keep in mind that I am no 3d printer expert / guru or anything and what I say is just as much an invitation for discussion. 1) The carriage looks niceby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
Hello, Before you spend too much time on trouble-shooting you have to clear out the basics; 1) Is your stepper drivers too hot and overheating? If the electronics gets too hot they have a thermal shutdown. A couple of missed stepped on one driver will give you what you see. Be sure to put a fan to blow fresh air on those things (especially if using RAMPS). This type of error is NOT audible. 2)by LarsK - CoreXY Machines
The K800 is the one I have. I have made some comments about it on this forum and one other user with K800 experience has also pitched in. We both have a very negative opinion. At the end of the day, what ruins this printer is the way the magnets are on the effector (the part that moves around and put out plastic) - At certain angles the magnetic force is just not big enough to overcome the forby LarsK - Delta Machines
I had planed for it on mine, but never implemented it, as I found that the CoreXY is really stable and easy to calibrate. Run it to each of the four corners and see if the bed needs to go out or down. Do that. Done... Still it is on my "nice to have" list because I should supposedly be able to get that last decimals alignmentby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
You both make some good points. I would like to put in that we here in the forum sometimes might be a little too biased towards fighting weight. You can make any heavy build move fast, you just need to build it with proper parts. Obviously if you compare two builds made of the same parts then it will impact performance negatively if one gets a heavier hotend (...) - Though nobody has yet made anby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
Hello mrmuffin, I have the same printer as you. I fixed your particular problem by implementing a tightening mechanism on the back side (as others here also suggested). Mine features a spring. It is not a particular sophisticated design but it does give a firm grip. Maybe you can use it for inspiration or if you are interested I can of cause give the files. As you can see my printer is curreby LarsK - Delta Machines
The links you just gave are for ball bearings (not linear bearings), for holes (not shafts) and the last one for hole and shaft fits - As in when you want to put a coupling on a shaft or a push fit into a roller bearing. I personally cannot answer your question. I have a master degree in mechanical engineering and I have 4 years work experience. That is because the information you are lookingby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
I agree with J-max. I have made two CoreXY. One with smooth rods and one with my own type of linear rails. The way I see it, the problem with the linear rods is not deflection (I use 12mm) but rather the play in the linear bearings. The play in these is just so big that at high speed I have strong vibration and instability as a result. The internet says you can buy the more expensive bronzeby LarsK - CoreXY Machines
Can you do the following; you may stop the process if a step is a "NO". 0) Do you get a valid temperature reading from the termistor? 1) Measure with a voltmeter (multimeter) if you have 12V on the input terminals 2) Can you turn on / off the hotend (if it gets hot) 3) When powered on and refusing to move (after you pressed a move command) - Try to see if the steppers have holding torque. Hoby LarsK - Delta Machines
From the top; G32 is not a tool to return Z probe values. G32 is the bed tilt compensation tool. What it does, is that it takes the 3 measurements that you just posted and based on that it puts together a matrix that compensates for the bed tilt. Bed tilt is what I think you referred to as bed orientation above. G32 is a strong tool that means you do not have to sit and change the height of yoby LarsK - Delta Machines
If you probe goes out of the print area when calling G32 S2 you need to change the following coordinates either in EEPROM or in Configuration.h: #define Z_PROBE_X1 0 #define Z_PROBE_Y1 100 #define Z_PROBE_X2 -86.6 #define Z_PROBE_Y2 -50 #define Z_PROBE_X3 86.6 #define Z_PROBE_Y3 -50 It will do 3 probes in total. Also if you are not entirely happy about the result you may try to play with theby LarsK - Delta Machines
I think you should be able to print very well with those numbers. Try to increase the Z height by 0.2mm. That will put you a little closer to the bed. Can you try to describe more about when you are having troubles with your current calibration? That said, you can correct it more - You might have a very small bed tilt on the Y axis it seems. Call G32 S2 and redo to test if that helps. That coby LarsK - Delta Machines
You can attach it as a file here in the forum. The values are within reason. Seems your bed might have a very small tilt. Paste the configuration and we will see.by LarsK - Delta Machines
Are you sure there is no bed height map? I wouldn't know but sounds strange. But we have a manual way. No problem. Go to the "manual control" window, right click on one of the numbers (the one after P). So right click on (1), then put in the following code: G1 x0 y0 z10 G30 G1 x55 F2400 G30 G1 X38.9 Y38.9 G30 G1 X0 Y55 G30 G1 X-38.9 Y38.9 G30 G1 X-55 Y0 G30 G1 X-38.9 Y-38.9 G30 G1 Xby LarsK - Delta Machines
Are you using Repetier Host? Go in here and make a bed height map and post the results here (both the numbers and the picture). Then we will be able to get a better estimate on what your problem actually is. Also please post your configuration.h - Be sure that any changes you made to EEPROM is implemented to the Configuration.h file.by LarsK - Delta Machines