Is this the part needed???by patrickrio - Controllers
Replikeo ships from China. as for the different shipping cost, Maybe the website can recognize where you are websurfing from and automatically changes shipping charges??? I am in New York Cityby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
The price for the Duet is lower from Duet 44,82 € shipping 8,52 € Total 53,34 currently I think this ends up being the lowest price for a 32 bit board, drivers, and control interface (web page) combo available. It may even be the cheapest option for full function CoreXY since the 8 bit ramps options may have trouble keeping up once you add all the bells and whistles. You are corby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Felipe Campos: I currently use the Duet via the web interface on my CoreXY printer. It works quite well. I have also used another printer, a Simple, that was set up with Octoprint. My observation is this: I found it convenient to use the slicer built into octoprint, as I could then upload STL files even from my phone and Octoprint would slice and then upload to the printer. Seeing the printer oby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Hi Michael Brock. I am using a different Controller board than you (Duet) BUT it sounds like you are having a similar problem to what I had. My problem was that the Z axis goes into idle mode if nothing happens after a certain amount of time. With Idle mode, the power to the motors decreases while the machine sits idle for a certain amount of time. So, especially because I have a belt drive Z aby patrickrio - Smart_Rap
This case is a combination of some other cases on Thingiverse... designed to increase Duet PCB cooling with a standard squirrel cage blower available on Amazon. Figured others might want to use this or build off of it: Design features: 1. FAN!!!! 2. Big vents on top 3. Fan blows about half above and half below Duet PCB 4. Finger Hole for hitting reset button 5. Hole for MicroSD is slightlyby patrickrio - Controllers
Wow. I love this printer. Good design is simple design!!! and you can't get much more simple than this. The biggest issue I see is getting the X and Y movements totally level so your print is level and square. However, I think your idea of adding the third rod on the x axis will help with this... all you need is the 3 rods to be minutely adjustable for length and be placed in a triangle, andby patrickrio - Smart_Rap
Hi, Since I am waiting for delivery of a new controller, I thought I would work on some other parts... Here is a picture of all the XY moving parts being weighed... patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
The error you are seeing I can re-create VERY easily by forgetting to tighten the connections that hold the x axis slide perpendicular to the 2 y axis slides... IE, a very slight bend from perpendicular in one way when the printer is moving one way, and the other way if it is moving in the opposite direction. Core XY movement tends to hold the slides very perpendicular (or keeps the same degreeby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
the teflon was melted off my thermistor where the screw holds it in place. It looks like I got runaway heat that then caused the short out to the aluminum block. Not sure how my heater wire contacted the aluminum. 2 questions: 1. how do I get runaway heat like that? 2. is there a way to get the heater block to conduct electricity to the aluminum on accident without the wire touching? The wiby patrickrio - Controllers
I dont have a 12v supply here... will have to go get one from a friend. I think L7 might be where the smoke came from. very very burnt. I have already ordered a replacement board. So, what happened???? did I get some short that I need to look for and fix before i put the new board in??????by patrickrio - Controllers
Hi, So, I started a new print, and while the head was warming up, the web interface disconnected, and when I was trying to hit the connect button on the web page, all of a sudden there was a puff of smoke from the Duet board. I did not see where it came from, but I immediately switched the power off. While it did whatever it did, and before I saw there was a problem and shut it off, the extrudby patrickrio - Controllers
it is made out of MDFby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
One observation of my printer. Since I made the print head and X linear guide very small, and covered every other moving part with dust covers: You don't have many moving parts to look at, and they are all small. It is definitely not as exiting to watch as a delta.... or even an Ultimaker. However, I am going to make the next version a little taller next time, and it will be able to print obby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Yes, there were a few "Bed Flexes" there. I was in a hurry to make a video so I can apply to Maker Faire NYC today (done).... so I filmed before doing a full bed leveling. I also have not set up the auto bed leveling compensation feature of the Duet board yet. The first layers were laid down too close to the bed, and the filament squeezed beyond the edges of the nozzle on the first layers... toby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
I bought the cheapest slides, and a few of the supposedly real HIWIN guides. The quality seemed the same to be honest. I have one of the supposedly real slides in the build to see if it has better durability than the others. Seems the same. Maybe I got a fake too, and just overpaid.... I did look at and inspect in person some of the very high quality slides from Nippon Bearing, THK, CPC and Iby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
I sourced the linear guides from AliExpress. Search for Hiwin or Linear Guides and all the sources show patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Hi, I just posted a video of the first two vases printed. I put it in the first post of this thread via an edit. sorry for the poor video editing quality, but my recent windows 10 upgrade has disabled the normal video editors I used, so I had to download something I have never used before.... very patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
yep, those are the formulas..... They end up being a rule of thumb anyway, because there are so many more variables than those formulas take into account... I outlined only a few in my case above. Also, I am using Chinese slides for the prototype and the calculations I used were actually for another brand. The calculations will not be exact anyway. (why mess up sizing during prototype design wiby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
sorry, missed a zero on that... 1000km. And that was using the maximum force the motor can apply continuously, from one side pull only, with an exaggerated pull angle than the printer actually pulls. In actuality, the motor will not pull even close to 100% of the time at full power, and CoreXY actually balances the forces when it is pulling in one direction. 1000km should be a minimum based onby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Thoughts on linear guides: There is no play in the movements. They work great. Print errors will not be coming from the linear movements themselves, which is all you can ask of them. Durability is still being tested. Since tolerances are closer in the linear guides, I feel it is important to control even room dust as much as possible... hence the dust covers. I did some rough durability calculby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
I am trying to edit a short video of it printing a white vase.... looking for a free, easy video editor to download right now for windows patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Thanks to everyone here for the advice, especially dc42. Previous forum topics for printer: First Build Hiwin CoreXY Duet controlled CoreXY - Install Procedure Design ideas explored: 1. Use all Hiwin style linear slides for all movement to increase precision 2. Reduce part count 3. Reduce weight of linear moving parts in XY plane to minimum (currently 173gm, will be 150gm shortly) 4. Box desiby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
connectors and crimper ordered. any suggestions on acceleration limits?? any suggestions on why the printer has the weird retracts on print pause???by patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Another issue, Sometimes, when I cancel a print, the system doesn't retract the filament, sometimes it retracts a little, and sometimes it retracts completely out of the machine and keeps retracting for up to a few minutes. Why does it vary so much???by patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
I see the connectors listed several ways.. I think they are all the same: 1. KK-100 or 0.100 inches 2. KK-254 or 2.54mm 3. KK 2.5mm 4. KK 0.98 inches I think that these are all the same connector. Please confirm. also, I guess I need a crimper tool too... any suggestions on good, inexpensive crimpers available in US??by patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
I made a first draft of a Duet case designed for my application... combined features of a few and modded a bit. I have attached it so anyone can use it. It has a finger hole so you can hit the reset button, has big vents, and is made so the clear cover will slide in from the top. I elected to keep the erase button harder to hit, and you will need to remove the clear cover to get to it. This casby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
For easy reference, here is the link for the dc42 designed case... I had planned to mount the duet flat, but your point about convective air flow is a very good one. I am going to change the position to an on edge, vertical mounting as a result. I now plan to mount the Duet on the front right side of my "box" oriented like in this Thingiverse case: And I think that this case may be easiby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Hi, Back from my trip, and starting work on the printer again. Looking to print a box for the control board but want one with space for a fan. Any suggestions on a good solution????by patrickrio - CoreXY Machines
Oh, I found one weird and potentially dangerous mistake you can make when you have wires exposed.... I accidentally shorted the two wires to the proximity sensor that are connected on my machine to the top two end stop pins on the Duet Z axis (normally connected to the top two pins on the X axis). The Duet went into a pretty hard crash. But more DANGEROUS is that this crash caused the hot end hby patrickrio - CoreXY Machines