What do you think about the arms from SeeMeCNC ? I heard good things about the Rostock printerby alex773 - Delta Machines
blt3dp. I changed my fans with the Hemera fans from Filastruder and now when I print my fan speed is at 80%. There is a huge difference between them.by alex773 - Delta Machines
The black powder may just be "polishing dust". Check and see if the rod leaves a black stain on a clean light coloured rag that you sprayed with WD40 and wiped the rods with. It won't be much black but will be an obvious streak. Also if you have belt drives on your printer you will find black powder below the pulleys. doug_scott Thank you for your input. I checked everything and what I noticby alex773 - Delta Machines
With this setup you are going to lose allot of room from the build plate because of the big fans.by alex773 - Delta Machines
Do you know any other design to accommodate the Smart effector but with different arms and magballs ?by alex773 - Delta Machines
I changed my rods with the new ones from Filastruder. After 2 months I noticed the magballs on my effector and carriage adapters were getting this black powder . I lube them with synthetic grease. The same reason why I changed them in the first place. I don't know why it is doing the same thing. I checked every screw and nut on this printer. Please advice . I'm using exclusive Prusa Slicer and Iby alex773 - Delta Machines
30mm hight and 15mm/s speed for bridgeby alex773 - Delta Machines
This is the first print with the new settings. Retraction Length 4.2 in PrusaSlicer. Config.g Retraction : M207 S4.2 F2300 Z0.00by alex773 - Delta Machines
I changed it to G0 Z0.3 F1800by alex773 - Delta Machines
On Lift Z I have now 0. I have on Minimum travel after retraction 1. Should I change it to 2 ?by alex773 - Delta Machines
This is what I have in Custom G-Codeby alex773 - Delta Machines
This is the STL I just changed the Z to 50mmby alex773 - Delta Machines
I start this print with 3.5 retraction Length under Filament Settings in PrusaSlicer and S3.5 in M207 in config.g After 25 mm I send the M207 S4 F2300 Z0 to the printer and I changed the temperature to 190c. Maybe is just me but I don't see any difference. I also checked that exposed section of the gear on the side of the Hemera and when it retracts it jumping backby alex773 - Delta Machines
I will change this 2 speeds and print something to seeby alex773 - Delta Machines
This are my speeds PrusaSlicerby alex773 - Delta Machines
Here's the drives section of my config.g, M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation M92 X200.00 Y200.00 Z200.00 E409 ; Set steps per mm M566 X600.00 Y600.00 Z600.00 E3600.00 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M203 X7200.00 Y7200.00 Z7200.00 E7200.00 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min) M201 X1000.00 Y1000.00 Z1000.00 E7200.00 ;by alex773 - Delta Machines
Thank you Viktor. I will open up the gear box and check for any play and report backby alex773 - Delta Machines
My Hemera is doing a click when is retracting. I checked the gears alignment and everything is good. I released the tensioner all the way then I tight it up again and I still have that click. I don't know if is normal to do that.by alex773 - Delta Machines
I start a print with 205c first layer then I drop the temperature to 195, 190c. The speed I think is 40mmby alex773 - Delta Machines
My Bowden tube is 660mm and I use 4.6 retraction and I'm getting a horrible stringing. I will try retraction on the fly and hopefully I can adjust it.by alex773 - Delta Machines
In order to use the retraction on the fly from 3.5 to 4.2 I have to send M207 S4.2 F2400 Z0.00 ? I never used the M207 command. Thank youby alex773 - Delta Machines
This is the test stretched taller to 30mm. The walls thickness is still 0.5mmby alex773 - Delta Machines
I did all the modification you suggested in Prusa and the cube 0.4mm it's looking good now. The walls are still 0.5mm thick. I do have the M207 command in my config.gby alex773 - Delta Machines
This is the Thin Wall test cube- 0.4mm sliced with Prusa Slicer. The wall thickness is 0.5. please see the attached pictures.by alex773 - Delta Machines
Thank you. Hopefully I finish today and print something tonight. I'm so curious about Hemera.by alex773 - Delta Machines
I'm about to turn on the printer and start using the Hemera. What Retraction Length you are using ?by alex773 - Delta Machines
Thank you David. My concern is that buzzing/whistle sound from the motor when is not extruding.by alex773 - Delta Machines
This is how I connected the cable to the Duet. It is not vibrating anymore but I still have that whistle noise. This is my M906 now : M906 X1000.00 Y1000.00 Z1000.00 E1100.00 I35 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per centby alex773 - Delta Machines
I did multimeter it out and I have red and blue , first 2 pins and green and black the other 2 pins connected to each other.This is what I have in Config.g for M906: M906 X1000.00 Y1000.00 Z1000.00 E500.00 I35 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent Should I change E500 to E1100 and try again ?by alex773 - Delta Machines