*gg* but please skip my post that are marked with sid from outer space or the like Thank you 'sid Oh btw: I don't know if you have the option in phorum software, but maybe you can lift a user to a next level with let's say 25 posts or something. before that he will not be allowed to post links. that way most spam posts will render blankby sid - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Well, just mark the "Keep A Copy In My Sent Items" Checkbox, and there you go 'sidby sid - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I'm sorry, why not just use the existing forums for that purpose? You want to ask if someone's willing to solder your boards... just go ahead, ask in the wanted forum You'd like to offer something like lathing or soldering.. well here we go : Is there really a need for more? Then please explain. 'sidby sid - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I guess your question should be asked here: 'sidby sid - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Danke Viktor Teufel noch und ich hab gedacht ich hätte viele Baustellen Naja, wenigstens hab ich es geschafft eine weniger betreuen zu müssen. Jetzt versuch ich grad mich mit zumindest einer rr Baustelle zu befassen, damit ich die auch vom Tisch hab, ich will wenigstens nächstes Jahr im Linearbetrieb und nicht im Parallelmodus verbringen, wenn Du verstehst So geht's ja doch nicht vorran; jdfby sid - Altes Forum
it is indeed, but since there are new imagereading methods out for the "known spambot software" it's pretty easy to almost crack each and every captcha that you might be able to add to your site. So the best way imho is to stop allowing guest posts (afaik a no-go procedure here) and banning the emails behind the bots. Another way that'll stop most is an "answer the question" check prior postingby sid - General
Die Frage die sich mir stellt, wozu braucht ein Drucker einen Achtkern Prozessor? Oder hast Du vor direkt CAD Daten zu füttern und intern zu Druckdaten aufzubereiten... Dann wär ich immens gespannt auf den Code dazu *gg* 'sid, der sich hiermit aus dem Dauerurlaub zurückmeldet... und das Wochenende vermutlich mit lesen beschäftigt ist um wieder einigermassen aktuell zu sein Kenntnissmässig. Pby sid - Altes Forum
unfold, if you take a close look, the one I found in the blogs and the one viktor made is technically the same, Viktor just has the necessary plate to mount the motor and syringe to. That's mainly all the difference. And if I got nophead right th one who actually posted the picture I quoted above hasn't been here for a while, so I guess there is no other actually working on a syringe based extruby sid - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Maybe I am wrong, but Zach WAS the rrrf store, No zach no store (past, not present). Why do you think there was nobody caring about the store when zach was on vacation? because there was no other human at all. Now he has a nicer homepage, and he uses a new name for it, but everything that was "made by the rrrf store" was in fact made by Zach (hmm, well I think you know what I mean ) And he justby sid - General
Es kann gut sein, dass Zach sie nicht mehr hat, diese Liste scheint mir schwer danach nicht ganz aktuell gehalten zu werden. 'sid PS Im Zwefel kannst Du Zach immer eine email mit einer Anfrage schicken.by sid - Altes Forum
Well, this may not be the perfect place to ask If the plastic that builds the cars (and houses and almost anything else) and the fuel to drive the cars is made from the local weed... what does the people who drive the cars actually EAT? Please, don't get me wrong biofuel sounds pretty good... but corn-fuel (brasil) for example produces 480% more CO² than ordinary (oil) fuel (mostly because of tby sid - RepLab Working Group
I'm sorry is it my pc that's too slow (maybe because of numerous open browsertabs) or why does it take at least 4seconds just to load the coconuts.. it takes at least 53 sec to get to the far right. So... 10sec? 'sidby sid - General
Wait.. I'm just wondering what would happen if we just print a protective layer of ABS/PE onto the fragile layer of copper. Just to prevent something could scratch the surface Or maybe tinning the copperlayer afterwards would be a sufficient protection, just like you tin your homemade pcbs. Any ideas? 'sidby sid - General
Well, there are flat satellite antennas already (p.e. the BAS 65 by kathrein ) And there are pretty small wallmounts too... I don't see a reason for reinventing the wheel here. Oh by the way, you can add decals to make those antennas almost invisible An example by another company: 'sidby sid - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
same things here, I got a spool of leadfree solder by mistake (because of the issues listed above I heard before I intentionally wanted leaded solder) I just raised the temperature of my soldering iron, that's even cheaper than the one james has (20€; zhongdi) it went pretty well. But to be honest I first soldered some blank wires to a blank pcb to see how it goes. Big heat but short time, so thaby sid - Controllers
Just to make that clear again. You all realize, that this is a reprap forum, and no cricut support forum, no? So if you have any questions regarding how to do this and that with a cricut you may not get an answer at all, or maybe very very slow. I know you stumbled upon this with google, but sometimes it helps reading the thread you're intending to post in Nevermind, good luck with your quesby sid - RepLab Working Group
maybe some twisted cable on the endstop? Or somethings wrong with the stepperboard, you may try swapping the x(or y) stepperboard with the one from the z-axis to figure out. 'sidby sid - General
Nuja, wer überweist denn schon Geld ins nicht europäische Ausland? das geht doch alles schön mit paypal Die Buchen ab und man selber zahlt keine weiteren Gebühren... schöne neue Welt 30$ kommt drauf an wann das war, aber ich nehme an es waren nicht mehr als ~20 Euro in schlechtesten zeiten; also eigentlich noch immer im Rahmen des ALTEN Freibetrages (der genau besagte 20 Euro war) und selbst dby sid - Altes Forum
Or just tape the two pieces of paper together lining them up using some lightsource (usually your window or for nerds monitor ) Also possible is first iron one side, then drill the mounting holes, use those to line the second side up and etch after ironing the second side. 'sidby sid - Controllers
Wow, good luck with that. Sounds nice, but as mentioned earlier on similar topics I guess it's not that easy to do. Except you intend sitting next to a machine someone else is controlling Otherwise I guess there are many things that can go wrong. If you need any help on webinterfaces or such, just let me know 'sid PS: What about starting with a much simpler task.. like upload a gcode or whaby sid - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Ich musste garkeinen Zoll bezahlen, weil Zach nett formuliert hat auf dem grünen Zettel Sollte es widererwartend doch zu einer verzollung kommen brauchst Du eine Rechnung. (geht auch ein Ausdruck einer email oder bestellbestätigungs-html) dann musst Du für alles Umsatzsteuer bezahlen, inkl der Versandkosten, sobald der reine Warenwert über 50 Euro liegt glaub ich, den genauen Freibetrag kenn icby sid - Altes Forum
Sorry for asking Ian, but doesn't it make sense to buy more ABS and more HDPE (or LDPE) instead of buying some ABS some HDPE some LDPE some PP and some whatever? You'll know better, but I think most people buy ABS and some buy PE and most will buy white, so I see no big reason for a wide range of different materials and colours. That way you'll have a reasonable price for a lower range of filamenby sid - Reprappers
Yes it is important. The current position is not stored permanently so as soon as you switch the machine off it needs to recalibrate itself using the homing switches. (just like your inkjet does) 'sidby sid - Reprappers
Der Arduino (siehe: www.arduino.cc) ist das Hirn des Druckers, er empfängt die Befehle vom PC und leitet sie dank seines Atmel Controllers and die nötigen Controller für Motoren und heizung weiter, ausserdem regelt er soll und ist temperaturen und Positionen. derzeit aktuelle Version duemillanove Das Sternchen heisst nur, dass es die unten stehende Alternative mit dem Sanguino (siehe: www.sanguby sid - Altes Forum
Japp das ist das richtige Kit, aber schau mal nach bevor es ausverkauft war, war es scheinbar billiger sich alle einzelteile (also sets) einzeln zu kaufen, enn auch nur minimal, aber man muss ja nicts verschenken, gell Im Prinzip brauchst Du: 1 Arduino* 1 Arduino breakoutshield* 3 Stepper motor controller 6 opto endstops 1 dc motor driver 1 pwm driver 1 temp sensor kit ebentuell 1 usb a to uby sid - Altes Forum
Japp das ist der besagte GM3 von dem ich sprach Die ernsthaft leichteste Methode den aufzutreiben ist der rrrf store. Was den Extruder im allgemeinen angeht, ich fürchte momentan musst Du ihn selber bauen, denn bfb hat keinen einzelnen Extruder mehr im Programm, zumindest momentan nicht. Du hast mehrere Möglichkeiten was den Extruder angeht, Aber da Du ja eh den Motor von Zach (rrrf) brauchst,by sid - Altes Forum
Nun neue gehen wieder, die alten werden grade versucht zu retten nehm ich an; genau weiss das nur simon. Um Hilfe gebeten hat er (noch) nicht, deswegen glaub ich es sieht gut aus 'sidby sid - Altes Forum
HI Mike, yes the bikechain has been tried (successfully iirc) You ought to search the forum and the blog to take a look, because I cannot remember exactly I just have that picture in my head of that metal cube with bike chain; sorry. But it was small sprokets (wheel side; sports gear ) Belt if you want to be fast, small pitched lead screw will slow your machine down quite a lot. (just realize tby sid - Reprappers
Wow, that was fast; thanks alot! 'sidby sid - General
Hi, dann mal direkt zu deinen Fragen: Du kannst nie direkt aus einem anderen Programm auf einer RepRap drucken, DU musst immer den Umweg ueber die reprap software gehen. Aber alles was stl Daten speichert ist geeignet um benutzt zu werden (sofern die stls druckbar sind, was nicht immer leicht ist zu erreichen leider) Du bekommst quasi alles auch in Deutschland, jau, am leichtesten ist es aber zby sid - Altes Forum