QuoteDeuxVis The Gen7 I built works like a charm with Teacup, but I have some freezes during prints : printer stop moving, and doesn't reply to host software (printerface) until I reset it. I suspect some electrical interference, but how to find if they happen on the usb cable or comes from the PSU ? I just recently got my Prusa Mendel printer up and running, so I haven't gotten much beyond inby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Thanks guys, Thanks for the input - I had burned the VCC trace; vary apparent once you cued me in. Aaronby aaron.r - RAMPS Electronics
Hello, I was installing the mechanical endstops on my printer (Reprap Prusa i2, Gen7 v1.5) and managed to short out between two of the three pins coming off the mechanical switch. This seems to have shorted something on the control board as the endstops aren't working. I replaced the switch that I caused the short with, and the good endstop doesn't work either, so this must be a problem on theby aaron.r - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteTraumflug Here's another solution, the last answer is right: . On my Ubuntu it's set to "ask each time". Thanks - I had to use the Terminal command to start the Teacup configuration window and I was able to load Teacup to the control board. I couldn't use your last suggestion, though it would be preferrable. My windows in Ubuntu don't have a menu bar that I can use to change file openingby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
I would like to get Teacup loaded on my Gen7 1.5 control board, but am having some troubles getting it ready. I have the prerequisites: Python 2.7.6; I think I have wxPython (how do I make sure?), and Arduino IDE. Teacup_Firmware is downloaded; when I double-click "configtool.py", a gedit file opens. I'm stuck here - I see no options to choose Menu -> File -> Load printer. I'm running tby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Thanks Traumflug, that was it. After a wife-imposed two day hiatus from working on this, yesterday I checked the solders you suggested and found a bad one. Firmware uploaded nicely. Now I'm on to putting together the printer itself. Thanks a lot for your help and quick responses! Aaronby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
I've tried entering characters into the serial window, but I've never gotten an echo. In the past, I would get ACM0 every time I plugged in the Gen 7 control board, but I recently followed the steps outlined at this site: Since then, every time I plug in the board, I get increasing integers almost every time I plug in (I'm up to ACM10 now). Do you know how to undo this? QuoteTraumflug I'd unby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
QuoteTraumflug Press and release the reset button shortly before Arduino IDE start the upload (you have a time window of 3 seconds). I've tried pressing and releasing the reset button many times without success. Are there any other possibilities?by aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
I forgot to answer your question about the version of Arduino: it is "1:1.0.5+dfsg2-2" for Linux 32 bit. The Atmega is working - the PSU turns on, the bed LED blinks five times (even when not connected with the USB cable), and the serial window shows the messages as well when the USB is connected - "PSU turned on" and messages indicating the LED is being turned on and off. I would like to reloaby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Thanks for the advice - I made sure that the package came from the Gen 7 support file and it is now compiling. It is not uploading, however. When I open the serial window, the pre-loaded Setup Test program kicks on and shows on/off text as the bed LED blinks on and off. When I try to upload the Setup Test program again, it begins to upload, but doesn't seem to finish. I have the Upload messagby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Hello, I'm unable to verify the Setup program - I get the below errors, captured with "verbose output" during compilation. In case it helps, I added a note where the error list begins. I have a Gen7 v1.5, Ubuntu Linux. /usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=atmega1284p -DF_CPU=20000000L -MMD -DUSB_VID=null -DUby aaron.r - Next Wave Electronics Working Group