Hi reece, ... yesterday i had a short discussion with my 9 years old son, what he would do, if we would have a capable reprapper. He grumbled a bit, then said, he would build lego-bricks for his actual favorite sites, or maybe a cool shaped pencil-sharpener ... Then i self thought around, what sort of needs i have. It sorted out, that my home-reprapper must be able to build with thermoplastiby VDX - General
... here are the data-sheets of the IC's with connection diagrammes ms3479p: IMT901: [1].pdf Viktorby VDX - Controllers
Hi Jono, ... i played around with web-cams and encoding positions with open-source image-recognition. The normally used optics allows absolute resolutions down to 5 microns, if you revert the objective. For another approach i tried 3D-measuring with a single camera-chip without lenses, a LED and two metallic sieve-sheets - with interpreting the moirby VDX - Controllers
... thank you very much, a very interesting discussion! On the other side i wondered too, why reprap and fab@home wasn't more cooperative ... I found fab@home first, then some weeks later reprap - now i'm focused on reprap, because of the a bit more active comunity and distributed ideas, i can test or dispute with others (and because it's not so US-centered ) For me the basic-concept and hardby VDX - General
Hi Zach, ... i was playing with rapid prototyping since nearly 30 years, but then the CAD- and encoding-software wasn't really capable and i had to sell my 3D-mill in exchange for other ressources ... With first attempts in CO2-laser-cutting with a 'cheap' gaslaser for 1.500 DM i invented the LOM-technique for me in 1989 or so, but it wasn't so easy to earn enough money with the selfmade systemby VDX - Mechanics
Hi Zach, ... i had to design stepperdriver-boards with discrete transistors, the MC3479, L297/L298 and the IMT901. The IMT 901 was much better, because of the simple layouting and connecting, high possible currents and frequencies and microstepping ... Actually there are better driver-chips, some with up to 1/128 microsteps, but i agree, that the design should avoid SMT and higher complexitiesby VDX - Controllers
... in the appended image is a sample of a LOM(Laminated-Object-Modelling)-housing, i stacked with lasercutted 0,1mm steel-sheets. The housing is 3x2 millimeters big, has 6 slices and two troughputs for glass-fibres. I made this as a prototype for a ultraprecise fiber-sensor/switch because of the high-temp form-stability of tempered steel (the milled PEEK-housing, which was used before, was to iby VDX - Mechanics
... some years ago i developed on my own microstepper-drivers with the IMT901 for driving a laser-cut-plotter and have some prototypes of single-chip- and two-chip-boards with latches for my part ... But as i mentioned in the posting above, for others the ready-to-use module SMC11 ( ) from nanotec could be the easier alternative. A single one costs 29by VDX - Controllers
... the beaded strings of jalousies would be fine ... For selfmade-types i think on two halfs of aluminium with 5 or more milled halfspheres (one half with holes for injection-molding) and a v-grove through - then inlay the string, close the halfs and inject hot plastic in the drilled holes, until the spheres are filled. Let it cool down, open the halfs and shift the string, so that one bead isby VDX - Mechanics
Hi Russ, what about wax? It's cheap, doesn't need so high temperatures (e.g. lowtemp-wax) and is easy to remove ... Some synthetics or vaseline can be used too - then it's maybe easier to cool down the apparatus, for stiffening the support material. With releasing to room-temperature it goes liquid again ... Ciao, Viktor *** appended *** ... gelatine culd be a try too - it's easy to liquidby VDX - General
Hi rmadams, i'm glad to help you Why not playing around with plastic-made steam-engines? There are people, which 'reinvented' micro-steam-motors for MEMS, and with the same approach - plastic-membranes, -pistons and with ferrofluidic isolation i can design resizing chambers and with heating resistors and aether or other lowtemp-boiling fluids i can build a room-temp-steam-motor from molded plby VDX - General
Hi lordcat, look at the image 'Tripod-2.jpg' ( ) at Here you have a reprapable 'one-sheet' body, which contains all the mechanical stability, the flexure hinges and the feeding. You need only the linear drives and the tool-head ... Until the reprap is capable of printing the hinges (minimum 0,1 micron accuracy), i have to glue thin pieces of superelastic nitinol or springy steelfoil as hingby VDX - Mechanics
Hi Zach, here you have an example of hexapods and tripods for CNC-systems with some basics and formula for converting ... I think, with an easy to assemble (because of magnetic selfassembly) and reliable mechanic for a 3-axis-system we can go deeper in the development of the software, which is free of charge then. With 3 linear stepper-drives and controller-modules from nanotec and all the paby VDX - Mechanics
... on one of the sides you need a computer capable of slicing the STL-data in path-informations for the XYZ-stages and the dispenser. Either you convert on a desktop-pc the STL-file in ncp- or G-code (or whatever the reprap needs), then you receive for a 'typically' 3D-object with 0,1 mm resolution many hundred megabytes of code ... Or you transfer only the STL-code and/or the corresponding inby VDX - Controllers
Hi mimarob, ... but you need a computer in your reprap, which can read the USB-stick or SD-dard ... I asked previous, why not use PDA's or smart-phones? Maybe in third-world countries the smartphones are more distributed, than capable PC's? Then a reprap without an own computer, but with an USB- or Bluetooth-Interface, which goes directly to the motor-drivers and a smartphone with the softwarby VDX - Controllers
... i extracted some very strong 200-steps-motors from NEC-Needle-printers and HP-Inkjets form the early '90-ths and smaller qubic-shape motors from old floppies and hard-drives (very, very old, out from the MFM/RLL-age ) The oldest 5-volt 200-step-motors i found im IBM-card-readers and -printers. *** appended *** I sneaked through my scrapery in the cellar and found some very old XY-writersby VDX - Reprappers
Hi Russ, ... it seems, that i have an 100%-dexpanthenol without water in it, when i have it open over weeks, it didn' dry out and i didn't know, if it's hygroscopic ... It's very adhesive and have an extremely high viskosity, nearly like toothpaste - it flows much slower as honey, but it flows and forms a perfect droplet with a smooth end-surface. I use it as solvent for heavy powders like golby VDX - General
... i used dexpanthenol for manually dispensing of very small droplets (~60 microns) of glass-powder or a mix of eutectic gold-soldering powder with plain gold-powder in 1micron-size. The paste must preheat and the dexpanthenol have to vanish completely, then i can fire and sinter until 1000by VDX - General
... hi folks, i sort of invented a self-assembling-mechanism for macroscopic joint-structures and flexure hinges, as known in flex-joint parallel kinematics. In the image below you can see a tripod-sample with this joints, i 'assembled on the fly' in two minutes - if i set it on three linear drives, then the fully functionable tripod-system for reprap-dispensing or micro-tooling is ready Theby VDX - Mechanics
... here i have a link (site in german) to a stirling-engine made of sheets of paper, aluminium and membranes: ... here the video of the paper-stirling on a hot coffee-pot: (it runs on ice-blocks too) ... and here the manual and technical description in english: So you can adapt and print the parts and assemble them to a running engine ... Ciao, Viktorby VDX - General
... maybe it's interesting, to use direct linear drives for X, Y and Z instead of gears and belts? At www.nanotec.de i found some with an step-resolution and accuracy of 1 micron (or a bit coarser and cheaper) - Low-cost-linear steppers (25 or 40 microns resolution) are at nearly 30by VDX - Mechanics
... i had very good experiences with stepper-motors and motor-controllers from Nanotec (www.nanotec.de) The microstep-controlers costs 30by VDX - Controllers
... as i posted in 'Mechanics': *** ... what about a 'lego-like' pick'n-place-approach? I imagine a vacuum-dispenser, which grabs very small pre-fabbed bricks or balls from a support and places them on the right place ... This 'bricks' could come from a sort of magazine, or from a conveyr-belt, on whom a fixed dispenser places single dropplets in the right size ... Maybe instead of simple droby VDX - General
... what about a 'lego-like' pick'n-place-approach? I imagine a vacuum-dispenser, which grabs very small pre-fabbed bricks or balls from a support and places them on the right place ... This 'bricks' could come from a sort of magazine, or from a conveyr-belt, on whom a fixed dispenser places single dropplets in the right size ... Maybe instead of simple droplets there could be more complex forby VDX - Mechanics
... until yo have no tools for sintering high-temp or applying bulk metal or ceramics, i would try 'organic-style' devices with membranes and pistons. Some folks in Bremen university designed and build micro-grippers with an included hydraulic/pneumatic membrane-actuator, which was driven by heating resistors ... I used special ferrofluids as magnetically controlled actuators and used them tooby VDX - General
Hi Sean, ...there's a lot of work to do, until i can 'print' chips and advanced elektronics, but this is my idea Actually it's easier to print conections and vias with conductive paste and insert 'normal' chips. 25 years ago i made outline-pcb's with my Atari ST and a $2000-mill. Maybe with an acid, which will proper remove copper, but not the inc-jet-guts i can make the same with an inc-jetby VDX - General
... i had to mix some glass- and gold-powder with a liquid to a dispensable paste. So i found out, that i can have a high variable and fine adjustable viscosity, if i use either pure dexpanthenol (eq. D-(+)-Pantothenylalcohole) or mix it as needed with water. Dexpanthenol didnt dry, but with heating i can remove it completely and sinter the formed volume to the endstate - glass-soldering (~430by VDX - General
... why not use PDA's or smart-phones? Then you need only an USB- or Bluetooth-port and the software runs as native java or C on the handheld ... The actual smartphones or pda's are 'real' capable Hardware and should be much faster with more RAM in the future. Ciao, VDXby VDX - Controllers
Roach_S Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ohhhh....chip manufacture.... > > I want a sub-micron silicon etching head... Hi Sean, ... the OLED-technology plays with ink-jet-printing of polymers and solvents for additive and/or subtractive manufacturing of organic and anaorganic electronic - here you have a dot-size of merely 30 microns ... On the otherby VDX - General
... oh, this wasn't my money burnt here I'm in the development of microassembly tools and integrating of nano- and micro-parts in 'real' applications ... The expensive parts runs mostly with projects and cooperations. On my work i have an (lowcost, ~8000by VDX - General