@Darrell - that's a very fine print of the pink panther woman, and the owl is sharp too, nice job. @BenitoSanduchi - Nice vase, I have just been printing your fine plus vase model, really like it and quite a challenging print when done small and Hollow. Plus Vase model by BenitoSanduchi - Nice vase, quite a challenging print. - Showing 50% size of the left, then 25% then 12.5% and finally 8% -by richrap - Competitions
plexus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @Richrap I am printing at 230C. is PLA better for > small prints? if so, why? I should load in some > PLA and try that. Only really that you can run PLA down to 160 degrees and then blast cool it with fans so you tend to get less ooze and more shape/detail to the model, but then I don't use ABS all that much so peopby richrap - Competitions
@Plexus - Very nice setup and print, what temperature are you running the ABS? have you tried a little lower, it may help get rid of the wisps. @richgain - Great print, is it doing much retraction on that model? I would be interested in what setting you are using for 'Minimum travel after retraction' - Slic3r Extruder settings. - I'm using Z list on all my printers for every print now, I have yeby richrap - Competitions
Great news, but it does now mean I need to do some more printer tuning if I can't blame the slicer And I fixed the Z axis issue, that was mechanicalby richrap - Tantillus
Sound Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Regardings spikes, they were caused by a bug > introduced in the upstream C++ library we use > (Clipper), that had problems at offsetting very > dense polygons. Thanks to the work of its author > (the good Angus Johnson) and Mike Sheldrake it was > fixed. Hi Alessandro - I did spot some odd spikes while doinby richrap - Tantillus
Wow! this is getting Awesome, very nice prints everyone. @Petrus - Very nice hand, your 0.05mm layers are doing a great job - what printer and setup are you using? The Owl is also great, I did a similar print today, but it's not a good as yours - (only 0.15mm layers, I'll have to retry lower) And I'll have to try the Octopus he looks really fantastic. @Sublime - Very nice indeed! - that iby richrap - Competitions
Don't overlook the use of Spectra fishing line, it's working well on Tantillus and Rostock based machines. It's easy to tension and seems to stay very tight, I only have about 80 hours printing on Tantillus but they still ping without having any further adjustment from initial setup. I can't imaging belts working as well for small machines like Tantillus. I have stretched and damaged enough beltby richrap - General
tejal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > rapidbot is not an open source. it was > mis-understanding. > i got what you were asking for. but its not an > open source. > > Thanks !! Why are you free advertising it on this forum then?, go and pay for advertising somewhere else. Very poor show from your company that started up by taking open-source deby richrap - For Sale
Good start, now if you just answer the outstanding questions in the other threads you may get some questions here that will help you with this hot-end. Questions about the availability of the open source files for your new Rapidbot 3.0 by DeuxVis yesterday You state it's open source, where are the open source files to build one. And my questions about the heated bed right here. Be more open aby richrap - For Sale
tejal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Apologies to all for that. !! > > I will take care that this won't happen further in > future. > > > Thanks.! Good, so maybe you can answer a few questions about the heated bed you have for sale, I'm totally confused what it actually consists of. I'm asking the question here and not in the heated bed tby richrap - For Sale
It's really annoying isn't it. Actions like this say we don't want you to ask any questions about our products, 'we don't want you to scare people' we just want people to see it's a low price and go to our website and just buy it no questions asked. We want people to think it's like a similar product already being used, don't ask about specific differences because we won't tell you. What aboutby richrap - For Sale
Here (Attached) are the scaled models used above if you want to have a go at printing at this size or even smaller! Other Tiny challenges for the small obsessed - How about the worlds smallest owl model? - Cushwa owl model is here Or for a massive challenge try to print the pre-assembled secret heart box by Emmett at anything smaller than full size. I tried one at 50% size, it printed welby richrap - Competitions
This is the second time I can remember Tejal has removed a post people have bothered to put time and questions into, what's the point of having an open forum and allowing people to promote items for sale to the community if they can just remove stuff whenever they feel if it's not to their liking? Any admins out there that want to put the post back and lock it so Tejal can't just delete things tby richrap - For Sale
os1r1s Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Rich, > I'll get > some hours printing on it and let you know if it > held up Great, sounds like it should work fine. I decided to use the Pneumatic push-fit connection as I like to be able to remove the PTFE tube easily and I have used them so many times before I know they are a good solution, but yes it didby richrap - Tantillus
Yes, we have had some very bad experiences with recent J-head clones, people are not going to waste their time on a design unless you have some members in the community actually saying it works, how well and what the issues are. (Every hot-end has issues, it's better to be up-front and state them) And since you are leading with the price, that does not look like a good start for most of us. If iby richrap - For Sale
Awesome!, I would love a lasercutter, but like you can't think of any real reasons to actually have one, I could make do with a DIY CNC really, and again don't really need that either. Do the Co2 lasers have a life-time of use? and if so how long and how much do they cost to replace? I bet you could make a decent laser-cut spool holder for all that loose filament we keep on buying - that may hby richrap - General
Great start Petrus and Gulf, they are wonderful prints! thanks for kicking this competition off with style. I had a go at some models, using a 0.35mm J-head Mk V-BV nozzle and layer heights of 0.15mm (I'm going to try lower next time) This is Nophead's great Heart shaped box, but printed at 25% of the original size - yes, the lid fits perfectly. These above are printed in natural Taulman3D 618by richrap - Competitions
Sublime Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You must use the printed bushing or brass or > bronze or Igus. DO NOT use linear bearings on the > rods that rotate. The balls will get flats, the > races will get bumps from the balls rotating in > them and the rods will be destroyed from the none > rolling balls. Yes, don't use Linear bearings on the rodby richrap - Tantillus
I'm Printing with Taulman 618 (1.75mm) on a Tantillus, no heated bed, just blue 3M tape - I was wondering if anyone else has started to reduce the print temperature? I started at 240 (calibrated with a thermocouple) and have lowered down to 200 degrees, the parts seem as strong as the higher temp prints, so I don't think Nylon needs such high temperatures people seem to be using. Anyone else hby richrap - General
Taulman 618 Nylon first print on Tantillus - Even with a very thick wall (this is 4 perimeters and about 1.8mm thick) it squashes and feels very strong indeed. Layer bonding is stunning even at lower temperatures ~220 degrees C It feels like you could hit the parts with a hammer and they would just bounce it off. - Maybe I'll try thatby richrap - Tantillus
Hi Brad, Yes, Tantillus is great, really love it. I have made some changes to allow the use of 50mm long NEMA17 motors, 1.75mm filament (Extruder and carriage mods) and a few other tweaks. Are you or do you plan to collect user's mods and changes to parts anywhere on Tantillus.org? Lower Z motor mount mod for 50mm Nema17 motors I'm running it from +12v, working, but it would certainly benefitby richrap - Tantillus
I'm printing with Taulman 618 Nylon on Tantillus, it doing really well with the first few prints I have tried. I'm printing in exactly the same way as PLA - onto Blue 3M tape, I am getting a little lift with things about 40mm+ wide in size so other tapes could do better. Makealot suggested using Tufnol as the ideal print surface for Nylon, I'm waiting for some to arrive to try that out. I haveby richrap - Tantillus
I tested 0.9.8 last night with Tantillus and I'm getting better final results than with 0.7.2b using the same settings and models. Still testing, but worth trying if you are not ready to go to KISSlicer or Cura just yet.by richrap - Tantillus
Hi Everyone, time for a 3D printing Diet? This one should not use too much material. Does anyone fancy a really tiny competition? - Basically it's a chance to show off your ability to print things on a really, really small scale. You can use any machine you like, and please say how you did it / special settings, GCODE hacks, fans, and magical spells are all welcome. I have not yet printed a grby richrap - Competitions
Haven't forgotten about this one, I has some success at a slightly bigger scale, and with some other 'fabric's' planning to have another go at it soon.by richrap - Competitions
So many of the posts on this forum come from people picking up things found on other communities and site feeds, so it works both ways. I see community interaction in the same way as 3D printer development, it's survival of the fittest for both the designs and methods of discussing, sharing and archiving. The more we know, the more we grow.by richrap - General
Direct drive means the filament is driven by a Hobbed drive wheel fitted to the motor shaft. Geared extruders usually have a small gear on the motor shaft driving a bigger gear, that big gear drives a Hobbed bolt that moves the filament down to the hot end. Geared extruders usually give more steps per revolution so you can get very accurate drive and higher torque than a direct drive. I alwaysby richrap - General
It is going to be released soon, all things dedicated to RepRap and 3D printing. And it will need lots of user feedback to make it great! Stay tuned.by richrap - General
Traumflug Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Do check out the G+ communities, they have some > great stuff going on. > > *sigh* Yet more diversification. In case you want > something from me, stay here. And I thought we were all about diversification! - the G+ 3D printing group now has 9295 members today and counting... (And no, they are not all 'robby richrap - General
Yes, Seems to be actually usable again now, I had just started using Google+ RepRap and 3Dprinting as an alternative news fix to the pain of this forum. Do check out the G+ communities, they have some great stuff going on. The RepRap one only has 180 people at the moment, the 3D printing one has 9147by richrap - General