Zach, Did I understand you correctly that you'd managed to get KiCad to generate PCB layouts? Forrestby Forrest Higgs - General
That's the accepted convention for RepRap as I understand it. It amounts to swapping the y and z axis information out of AoI in Forrest Higgs - Reprappers
Yeah, it makes sense to me. For some reason, however, the bending of reprap to do integral circuitry and circuit boards has recently taken on an urgency among most of the development team which is a bit hard to fathom. I doubt that a tiny fraction of reprap users will ever turn it to making a circuit board of any kind. There are too many other easy ways to acquire circuit boards and too few peby Forrest Higgs - General
***hmm... it kinda makes you wonder what the benefit of the blogs is smiling smiley *** Blogs usually have a very limited number of publishers. Forums rarely do. The inability of the old forum to let newcomers and outsiders give visual suppliments to their arguments and questions was, imo, it's biggest weakness and most annoying Forrest Higgs - General
Not really. ZCorp builds models out of plaster or starch set in place with a fixative. Our systems use Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) which builds up models by extruding layers of molten Forrest Higgs - General
I have no Forrest Higgs - Reprappers
***Here RepRap does better than the Strat - we make gas-tight stuff; the Strat output needs to be painted with a solvent to seal it up.*** Cool! Didn't know Forrest Higgs - Developers
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers It ain't played on your radio, Forrest Higgs - General
Some things I certainly didn't know about PTFE. First, "PTFE resins have an unusual thermal expansion characteristic. A transition at 65by Forrest Higgs - Developers
Go Zach!!!!! :-D ----- Original Message ---- From: Zach Hoeken To: Reprap Developers Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:52:46 AM Subject: wahoo!! i just got my final shipment from mouser, my solarbotics motors, and my nichrome wire. this is going to be an exciting week. ~Zach _______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developby Forrest Higgs - Developers
***Make barrel from aluminium?*** I think that that's my next move. The hardware store has 5/32 inch tube in aluminum and I've been interested in trying out an aluminum extruder barrel in any case. I've also thought of using a 3/32 inch tube in that it will hold the 1.27 mm fine solder pretty well. The only problem with that is that solder at that thickness is about as stiff as cooked spaghetby Forrest Higgs - Developers
----- Original Message ---- From: Forrest Higgs To: Reprap Developers Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 7:02:28 AM Subject: Dell goes for Linux... Dell Computers is going to start shipping PC's and laptops preloaded with Lunux and Open Office. This will go a long way towards breaking Linux out of the 10-12% figure for desktops and laptops that it commands in the US Forrest Higgs - Developers
Some of this might be of use in Adrian's Wood's Metal work, so I'm passing it along. I sloped on down to the hardware store this morning with my calipers. Standard American plumber's and electrician's solder comes in a nominal 1/8 inch diameter. In reality this solder is 0.12 inches in diameter (3.048 mm). You can fit it in the 5/32 diameter hard copper tube of my low thermal inertia extruderby Forrest Higgs - Developers
***Sure it will. All that stuff needs is a heater to drive, a thermistor to tell it the temperature, and a drive motor to connect to its H bridge. You've got all those.*** That's rather what I thought. I don't use a thermistor, but that doesn't mean that somebody couldn't strap one on it if they wanted. About the only substantive change that I saw in your firmware was upgrading it slightby Forrest Higgs - Developers
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers
I'll try to remember to swap over to plain text whenever I respond to messages that go into this forum. I'd got rather used to using rich text, sadly. :-(by Forrest Higgs - General
What is expensive about that process is the cost of filling the tank with the liquid monomer. That can get very pricey, I'm told. :-(by Forrest Higgs - Polymer Working Group
LOL! You really need to get your Mk 2 running so that you can extrude plastic, any kind of plastic. Let me tell you, it's quite a rush to watch your very own reprap machine start printing, however awkwardly at first. :-Dby Forrest Higgs - General
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers
I expect you could be very useful indeed! Although I doubt VERY seriously that RepRap would ignore your offer, in the unlikely event that they do drop me a Forrest Higgs - Reprappers
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers
If you could recover the acetone it might be a good way of recycling plastic into filament Forrest Higgs - General
I have no great affection for Yahoo formatting options that are currently in use in my yahoo account. Let me know what formatting options I must use to stop the trouble and I'll most likely shift Forrest Higgs - General
_______________________________________________ Developers mailing list Developers@reprap.orgby Forrest Higgs - Developers
***Also the accuracy of version 1 (Darwin) isn't really up to producing highly accurate gears on its own, so the errors would creep in very quickly. *** We were using threaded drive rods with Zaphod, but Adrian dumped them for belts with Darwin. Belts are faster, but it would appear that they would have coarser resolution. Does anybody know what kind of XY resolution that Darwin is on-track toby Forrest Higgs - General
Found the svg's. Wondered about Forrest Higgs - General