@tag16c thanks a lot !!! I have understand your circuit . You can move the mirrors 20,000 times per second ( if the galvos/hardware can handle it) thats right? And JamesCooper and the peachy team are do'nt working with 20kHz audio out, instead they are using a lower frequency sine wave and handle the amplitude peak with cap and diode. thats right ? For the printer they don't need that fastby Dino - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
@ Spelljammer Great idea ! Looks pretty cool. Is it possible to compensate that pivot-point problem only with software ? Are you not afraid that if a coil is energized the magnet will be attracted and "snap" to the coil and that's it. Cause the magnet could reach the coil without any obstruction? Or i'm totally wrong? @ tag16cby Dino - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
Hi to everybody, a idea of another concept to build a low cost galvo. In this way i use only one mirror and the problem of the axis of the Pivot-point.is solved. I hope this works, i have ordered a laser and a first surface-mirror and when it arrieved i try to build and test it. .... any bugs in my thoughts ???? ... let me know !!! ... The red pieces are the coils, the orange are the magnetsby Dino - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms