I'm am trying to find where commands are sent to the printer, specifically the T commands. I have found multiple instances of active_extruder, and found where the Tcode is parsed in Gcode.cpp int8_t GcodeSuite::get_target_extruder_from_command() { if (parser.seenval('T')) { const int8_t e = parser.value_byte(); if (e < EXTRUDERS) return e; SERIAL_ECHO_START(); SERIAL_CHAR('by cat.farmer - Firmware - Marlin
My opinion, think it would cause nothing but jams, it looks rather porous. if it were coated maybe it would reduce fiction. The PTFE tube has a very low friction co-efficient, which is why it's used in hotends.by cat.farmer - Reprappers
because every machine is a little different I would suggest just going through the normal calibration set up for you extruder, it is really the only way to tune a printer, otherwise you are just plying guessing games. these are my setting for the for the other items, but these are for my machine and will differ from yours. #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500, 500, 5, 25} #define DEFAULT_Mby cat.farmer - Printing
Check you z steps. It may be that you are close but it is "correcting" as it goes up. also looks like you are over extruding.by cat.farmer - Printing
Thr schematic has the pin layoutby cat.farmer - Printing
FINALLY!! I was able to get all of the drivers to work independently using a demux (74hc238). (thanks for the help Ihartmann) I had wanted to use the Ardunio as a demux, setting an in pin and sending that to a given output. As I researched that idea I found it takes many cycles for it to read and write that signal, something I did not know and why I'm sharing There were work a rounds but in theby cat.farmer - Developers
I did not have much time last night, but I checked the voltage from the dir pin, it was about 2.5v. It jump to 5v at start for a split second, then settled to the low voltage. I will get some future testing in this weekend. but I'm have to guess it's the ramps.by cat.farmer - Developers
I did not check the dir pins. I'll see what they have when I get time tonightby cat.farmer - Developers
That is what I saw too, but the voltage was so low it would not set the the digital in pin I am using on the mini pro. I ended up putting a transistor on the step pin which worked, but I could not figure out why there was such a drop. Seemed all of the step pins from the ramps have the same issue. Wish my scope was working, so I could see what is going on. My other thought is, for my testing I.by cat.farmer - Developers
I was able to get things sorted. But ran across an unexpected issue. The step output from the ramps seems to be less then 1.8v. I was expecting a >4v square wave. Can someone comfirm the step voltage output?by cat.farmer - Developers
Thanks.. Being just a hobbyist guy sometimes these things escape me. Not like the caps are expensive, I was looking at space management on the board and an understanding of why.by cat.farmer - Developers
I have had my initial board running for some time now. using step and DIR in parallel and turning them on with the enable. I have found the back pressure will force the filament back without the hold force, so I am working on EN and DIR in parallel and sending the steps to the desired driver. We discussed using a mux or transistors to do that, but here is my thought, I am using an Ardiuno Miniby cat.farmer - Developers
I am in the insulate the block group. not because of an under powered heat cartridge, but for heat management. The way others make it sound if I were to develop a hotend that needed the heat block insulated, it would be deemed crap because it was not designed correctly. pure and simple I do it to keep heat where it is needed.by cat.farmer - Printing
yes they need to be paired, but there is also a positive and negative (sort of).to each pair. is you have both running the same direction. if you swap one pair the motor will fight with itself. you just need to reverse one pair. If things get worse then it was wired correctly.by cat.farmer - Reprappers
Are you sure it's wired correctly? That is the only thing I can think of that might cause the noise and heat. Or the axis is not moving smoothly, but I guessing you have checked that already.by cat.farmer - Reprappers
Thanks Viktor. The hardware and pronterface is not an issue. It is finding a slicing software that can slice with more then 4 extruders.by cat.farmer - General
the 5m screw sits in top or the spring so the tensioning screw has something to ride on. the 4m screw goes through the hole next to the output hole to keep the spring in place. at least that is how I assembled mine.by cat.farmer - General
When wanting to slice for more then 4 heads, the duo has 5 extruders, what slicer will allow more then 4? In Slic3r you can say you have 5, but only shows 4 to pick from when slicing. Cura only lets you select dual. Or am I just not configuring something correctly?by cat.farmer - General
Mike, That is the best reply I think I have ever read here. Well done!by cat.farmer - General
oddly enough I bought them for a different project years ago. needed 6 bought 3 times that, just because they were just as cheap buy 20 as it was buying 6. and they are a handy IC to have on hand.by cat.farmer - Developers
Quotelhartmann Stack the five drivers, run DIR and ENABLE in parallel, use independent STEP signals. Same thing for the demux, use it to route the STEP signals, not the ENABLEs. 3 gpio driving the selector lines, one gpio driving the demux enable, demux outputs driving the STEP pins of each driver. This way all motors stay powered up. AHH.. now I get it, just so happens I have a bin full of thby cat.farmer - Developers
Quotelhartmann Sharing the direction bits, and possibly using a demux like 74hc138, may be more reliable for up to 8 steppers on 5 gpio. Thanks, but I'm not sure how the demux would be a benefit. If I am only holding the pin high or low, wouldn't a transistor be a better choice? My plan is to "stack" 5 drivers and run the step and dir pins in parallel and use the enable/disable to enable theby cat.farmer - Developers
Thanks. I hadn't thought of the motors turning off. I will try both ways. I'm not sure if it will matter if the motors power down or not. Hope to get things wired and tested tomorrow.by cat.farmer - Developers
I was wondering if it would be possible to connect multiple driver boards. I'd like to connect the step and direction to multiple drivers and control them with the enable/disable. or would I need some intermediate circuit to make it stable?by cat.farmer - Developers
I use a ceramic sheet, used for kilns. I was able to find it at a local art store.by cat.farmer - Developers
Quotegmh39 Not to get too off-topic, but can you do a master/slave set-up with a RAMPS? I know you can for a Melzi, but I've never seen it done for a RAMPS. Yes you can. I use I2c in a master/slave set up. I am using a mini pro as a slave to run a set of servo's for a project I am working on.by cat.farmer - General
I wonder if the poly fuse is tripping. It would still look like it was heating.by cat.farmer - Developers
It depends on your extruder type. However if you find it is feeding backward, just reverse ( turn180 dergees)the connection on your control boardby cat.farmer - Reprappers
very nice looking. You may also need a way to adjust the height of the hotend, so that you can get them on the same plane.by cat.farmer - Developers