Quotedc42 Mung, I will happily discuss the finer points of electronic circuit design with other professional electronic engineers, but I certainly don't need to prove anything to you. As far as I am concerned, this correspondence is closed. I remain willing to discuss compatibility issues between particular 5V and/or 3.3V devices. PS - no I do not use a RPi to control a 3D printer, however one oby mung - Developers
Quotedc42 Mung, most of the posters on these forums don't have a good knowledge of electronics. Unfortunately, a very few of them choose to display their ignorance by posting incorrect information. Unlike those people, designing electronics is something I do for a living. Going over past posts only going to tell me how ignorant a small number of the posters are, or that you have misinterpreted whby mung - Developers
Quotedc42 Quotemung Also as far as 3.3volt/5volt you are pushing specs outside ratings Mung, if you are going to make accusations like that, you need to be precise. What specs do you believe wallacoloo is pushing outside ratings? I am not making any accusations, I also do not have time to go over previous discussions and very long and detailed investigations into the subject, there is a huge amby mung - Developers
Quotewallacoloo Hi mung, The step rate used on this implementation is 250 kHz for each individual axis. That is, if you are running 9 axes, you can still make 250k steps per second on each one. It uses DMA (a hardware peripheral that is logically separated from the CPU) to do the step control so that it uses literally 0 cpu time. If you're careful to limit network/sd access, it's possible to pusby mung - Developers
Quotedc42 Repraps do not need 5V tolerant controllers, in fact the more modern controller electronics (e,g, Duet electronics, or Arduino Due + RAMPS-FD) are 3.3V. That said, I am not sure that the RPi is an ideal solution, for example because it lacks ADCs. I really do not want to tell you that its wrong but there are a large number of very very reprap users that have discussed this previously eby mung - Developers
I spotted your project a few weeks ago and it looks very interesting, but I wonder why you have implemented the whole system from scratch, you could have created a driver and avoided dupilcating the TP and kinematics if you used linuxcnc. I am very uncertain if there is any point in implemtenting anything on the raspberry pi as I have done a fair amount of surveys of developers that have interesby mung - Developers
Quotepushthatbolder and this - the last one is important to you 'micro-stepping myths and realities' Quoteas you increase the number of micro-steps per full step the INCREMENTAL torque per micro-step drops off drastically. Resolution increases but accuracy will actually suffer. So you are agreeing with me? There is no increase in accuracy from increasing microsteps, the EM induced torqueby mung - General
I started a thread the other day and like most of my threads it was immediatly move to the backwaters of this site by the admin. I would never believe this were anything other than normal behaviour by the forum administrators, and I think I can see exactly where they are coming from, so I thought I should try and make amends and rephrase my question. I originally posted another question that Iby mung - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Quotethejollygrimreaper Quotemung I am no expert in motion control or Reprap so not totally sure about this and no one seems to want to explain. I was saying that a controller I designed was limited to 10kHz as that covered 90% of the possible use cases for stepper motors, but one of the site admin seemed to infer that 100kHz was needed ( ). Unfortunately I have not received any reply to my queby mung - General
Quotefor starters the usage of the word "asshole" and especially in the general thread: Quote Language and Trolling Our community is family-friendly. There are young users and vulgar language is not allowed. This constitutes the use of any kind of offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate material deemed unsafe for younger members. Inappropriate language will potentiallyby mung - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I am no expert in motion control or Reprap so not totally sure about this and no one seems to want to explain. I was saying that a controller I designed was limited to 10kHz as that covered 90% of the possible use cases for stepper motors, but one of the site admin seemed to infer that 100kHz was needed ( ). Unfortunately I have not received any reply to my queries as to what Reprap requirementby mung - General
Quotethejollygrimreaper please refer to http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,261102 rules and guidelines, on posting , the is a family friendly forum, if you have a problem with a user report the posts or bring it up in the administration section Dear jollygrimreaper, I have no problem with any users on this site and do not see why you of all people would think that. I have checked the guideliby mung - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I am not really a regular forum user but come here from time to time when I get bored for a hobby project or have something that I feel may be relevant or useful to the reprap community. I recently was stupid enough to start an indiegogo crowdfunding project and made a post on the forum here, I got a lot of negative response which I feel understandable in most circumstances as I knew the possibiby mung - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Quotecdru I had a much longer post, but you were right and that bickering about things isn't productive to the end goal. And yes, I am an asshole, but everyone needs one whether they want it or not, otherwise they're just full of crap. I would like to read your longer post and have a reply from you to the points I have rasised in my other replies to this thread, I am not sure what you mean by bby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotecdru I had a much longer post, but you were right and that bickering about things isn't productive to the end goal. And yes, I am an asshole, but everyone needs one whether they want it or not, otherwise they're just full of crap. No one can give $3 because it's either $160 or nothing. If someone won't give $3 to help support it, they aren't not going to give $3 along with another $157 forby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotethejollygrimreaper is 10khz the maximum?, we have arduino based firmware now pushing a few times faster than that now, and arm based firmware hitting rates 10 times that and more, The whole point of using the raspberry pi is to get some things that the arduino cannot do at a reasonable price (3D CAD design software, network connectivity, cheap display and preview plot, computer vision andby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotegmh39 You want 1.6 million? Holy shit!! I didn't read the campaign, but have you done any development thus far apart from think about it? Typically a successful campaign asks only for the money to cover production. IE. They have used thir own funds to get to the production phase and have a final prototype that is working and ready to go. From what I can tell just from reading this threaby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotecdru QuotemungDo you have anything constructive to reply?Sure. Simply, you're nuts. Being a little more detailed... Your campaign is completely unrealistic, overly pessimistic, and absolutely unsubstantiated with your capabilities. I found every item on your shopping list except the USB cable which there wasn't enough specificity to determine what type and how long it was. In most cases,by mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
I am wondering if maybe there is some guide to what are reasonable developments when trying to evolve the reprap system. I do not want to subvert the reprap project goals by trying to implement things that may damage the rules and constitution that govern the reprap project. I have found there seem to be many negative comments when I have made forum posts regarding linuxcnc, is this just indiviby mung - General
I have never seen other threads moved to subforums before, why does this happen??? This 'general' section seems to have posts regarding every other section, but I have never before seen any post regarding extruder or electronics or other post that would be better indexed in a different sub forum ever moved into the relevant sub forum. I made a post http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,417044 eaby mung - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Quotevreihen QuotecdruIf anyone is interested, please send me your credit card number, or your paypal credentials, or just your bank account and routing number. I'll handle the rest for you and get back to you someday, maybe. Will you take cash through the mail? In all seriousness, your parody covers every base for why I don't even read Kickstarter and those other begging for money sites.....by mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quoteplexer QuoteDo not worry if this fails, I will try another funding format only trying to raise about $25,000 to cover expenses, I also doubt that will succeed but I will try it anyway. I am not really that bothered what happens as I have many other projects I am working on. This project is partly selfish as I like Linuxcnc and want to see it developed further and hope that by encouraging otby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotedroftarts LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi? Already done: or or And that's just three of the first four links, when I google: Also, there's a better implementation on the BeagleBone Black ( ), which actually has the capacity to run the stepper drivers in realtime through it's PRUs, unlike a Raspberry Pi. Ian RepRapPro tech support Do you have a deep understanding of the systems you are talkinby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotecdru QuoteTraumflugSeriously, this sounds much more like a christmas wishlist than actual requirement.It doesn't just SOUND like it, it IS like that. That being said, I'd like to announce my indiegogo project. I'm raising funds to develop a 32-bit ARM-based cold fusion extruder. Now I know what you're thinking...what experience does cdru have at developing a 32-bit ARM-based cold fusionby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
QuoteTraumflug I did controller development already and needed neither function generators nor multiple RaspPis. And Eight milling machines to develop one driver? A cheapo WolfStrap is entirely sufficient. Seriously, this sounds much more like a christmas wishlist than actual requirement. Hell yeah its a christmas wishlist, I am not doing this for nothing. But all parts are necessary for a noby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotepushthatbolder you state the following QuoteMung Via Indiegoo I do not want to start a business and this project is only here to fund the cost of my expenses Lower you expenses, and ask for a realistic amount. and make a better video. List of items required for development and testing of drivers: high quality storage oscilloscope x2 £4000 (you should only need to pay £200 each =£400 ) 108by mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotepushthatbolder $1,600,000 GOAL!!! Seems high you stated Total cost £16800 in the description. you prices seem inflated. you could get all that for $3000 tops. never use the words 'Drop Ship' dont use words like 'Chinese' or 'China' or 'Cheap' find another supplier if you only get price breaks after 10'000 pieces, most are happy with orders of 100 to get discount prices they cost about $by mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
I just realised its 2am, I started trying to create an indiegogo project at 8pm, very long process and I think the project still needs some editing. I have just finalized the indiegogo project to fund linuxcnc driver development and final testing for the gpio input system (gpio output already works). I will probably try to edit the project information again tomorrow as I have got rather numb byby mung - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Quotecrob09 If you can install EMC as an OS then you can use the I/O's to interface to a DB25 Driver, or use two I/O's with Arduino as the controller. Cheers, Rob whatisacnc.com electric-canada.com (new) Its all possible, though ADC is not yet implemented so thermostat temperature monitoring would need that implemented. There maybe hope that a full kit will be available via a kickstarter prby mung - General
I am thinking about messing around with slicing .obj/.stl file into gcode or maybe even remove the gcode step and move straight to motor direct control. I am only thinking about this as I heard slicing is very slow, I have never used any slicer, what is slow about it, how long does a slicer take to turn a typical object into gcode? Is there an easy to understand overview of the slicing processby mung - Skeinforge