Hi everyone, My problem is that A4988 drivers work fine on my Robin Nano 1.2 Board but 2130 standalone drivers don't. Any idea what the problem is. (Yes jumpers adjusted, firmware 2130 standalone mode selected..)by ahmetcemturan - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Thanks Dust, great Post. Also great seeing You still active. Do you remember me? I get this Error: Archiving .pio\build\mks_robin_nano\lib119\libSailfishLCD.a C:\Users\Ahmet\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32-maple\STM32F1\libraries\STM32ADC\src\utility\util_adc.c:10:30: warning: 'adc_result' initialized and declared 'extern' extern volatile unsigned int adc_result = 0;by ahmetcemturan - Firmware - Marlin
#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 0by ahmetcemturan - Firmware - mainstream and related support
The Cool Plugin causes this. If Your part is tiny You have to set a minimum layer time so the layer has time to cool before a new layer is printed on top of it.by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
If you are using Original SF: Layer Height x Edgewidth over Height If using SFACT: Edge width If it is not extruded make it 25%wider..by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Hi sorry, the M104 is in Raft but if you change it it to M109 it will do the mandatory wait for every temperature change...by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
SFACT was modifed to use M109. Alternatively You can open the plugin You are using for setting the temperature, open in a text editor, change the M104 to M109by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
In SFACT there is the option to add extra perimeters for bridge Layers.by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Most of us use Slicer based retraction (reverese extruding commands) but if You want to use Firmware retraction You should have to uncomment the below define in Configuration_adv.h and use the below commands. (not using it myself though) // Firmware based and LCD controled retract // M207 and M208 can be used to define parameters for the retraction. // The retraction can be called by the sliceby ahmetcemturan - Developers
"it can move loops only around holes, not border loops of infill." Thats right but You have the problem because You have an adjacent hole....by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Have a look at this post. Stretch plugin There are options for moving the loops around...look at the pictures and experiment....by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Then its SFACT ???by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
There should be a file created like.... filename_penultimate.gcode I need that one..(because it includes settings and commnets created by the program.by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Can You Post the Gcode file and Your settings with: Limit Disabled Penultimate Gcode enabled... I suspect that You are not really disabling the Limit Plugin.. (It could be finding a discrepant csv file elsewhere..)by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Are You using SFACT or Skeinforge?by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
(2) Why does F start at 2400 (Line 11) for what seems to be Layer 0, but be F 6000 (Line 187) elsewhere? I'd like F to be at 6000 throughout. Disable Limit Pluginby ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Did anyone experiment?by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
decrease the extrusion width so it can accomodate the fillby ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
You can increase the number of perimeters and also turn on infill in direction of bridges. (Will give You some surprises though)by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Settings are available on SFACTby ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
You should download the latest one from Github. The one You are using is one of the earliest versions.by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Hi All, yes long time no hear from me I have done some research on the "stretch" plugin today and it is actually working quite well. The naming is "Skeinforge traditional" impossible to understand of course.... So here the settings and what they accomplish... Increase: Cross Limit Distance over Perimeter width(ratio) Decrease: Decreases the diameter of innermost perimeter, also adjustingby ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
This is also posted as a seperate thread. So if any discussion please post there... Hi All, yes long time no hear from me I have done some research on the "stretch" plugin today and it is actually working quite well. The naming is "Skeinforge traditional" impossible to understand of course.... So here the settings and what they accomplish... Increase: Cross Limit Distance over Perimeter wby ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
Actually You already add a lot more grip by increasing the diameter of the wheel. So if You would hob lets say a M12 instead of a M8 bolt You would have also more traction/less slippage. What You obviously trade in when You increase the diameter is the resolution of the "E-axis", as well as torque. So You need to have a bigger reduction in gears to achieve same torque and resolution...by ahmetcemturan - Developers
When I worked on dual extrusion (unfortunately did not finish) I palnned on actuating a lever to switch the mechanism from one to another buy moving the cradle beyond the axis soft limits, where an actuator bar would be placed.by ahmetcemturan - Developers
Every module has a sort of a manual inside the file. Just open it with a text editor... It is more up to date thatn the website anyway..by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
You cant use SFACT settings in Skeinforge. SFACT calculates many things internally.. So dont do it. use the latest one from github. It should be SF50 based.by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
In Chamber there is a setting for the initial temperature that is set via M109. If you do not intend to change the temperatures during print then You can disable the Temperature plugin.by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
If You switch to SFACT it includes a checkbox to add a "reset before extrusion" command. If You stay with Skeinforge You should add that code (G92 E0) to your start.gcode file Alternatively just send a manual G92 E0 command before pressing start...by ahmetcemturan - Skeinforge
The Bendradius is too large for consistent hot brake bending.. IT must have been formed over a tool.by ahmetcemturan - Developers