Yeah, but that's every supplier that anyone uses. Is there somewhere I can find the best few?by epicepee - General
I'm new to the RepRap world, and am looking for good quality PLA filament. Quality of the resulting part is the most important factor, though price also plays a role. I don't care about appearances. What is the best place to get it?by epicepee - General
"If the USB power fails, the heaters turn on." Yeah, that doesn't sound the best. I'm looking for a challenge. When you say "usability issues", is this things like print quality, or difficulty setting it up? Do you have a very rough estimate of when v2 will be released? Will it be within, say, the next two months? How much would it help to have one more beta tester (GUS Simpson)?by epicepee - General
I recently learned that one can get a RAMPS-FD and Due clone for about twice as much as the RAMPS equivalents. The FD can handle another stepper and 24v, as well as having a more powerful processor, but it's newer, and there's almost certainly less development going on for it. There's also the price difference in the RAMPS's favor. Which option would you recommend?by epicepee - General
How much of an improvement would 15v or 16v be over 12v, stepper-wise?by epicepee - Reprappers
I wonder if a heatlamp would work. Or a 110v epicepee - Reprappers
I wouldn't need much power, actually No heatbed, say 1.5A per stepper and 3A for the hotend, that's only 9A total, so a 14A, 15V power supply would easily be enough. Am I missing something? Also, are 16V power supplies common, or could I get a 15V PSU to put out 16V? That's the rating on the RAMPS's caps, and I have. 12V wall wart for the epicepee - Reprappers
Is the pull-up resistor on the sleep pin still necessary?by epicepee - For Sale
RPMs do matter, though GUS seems quite quick either way. I have several wall warts sitting around that I use with my Arduino Uno, and I could presumably use a USB phone charger. Is 24V worth it given that I'll have to much about with caps on the RAMPS? Or should I just switch to an Azteeg X3?by epicepee - Reprappers
Are cheap eBay steppers, drivers, etc. worth it? I know that it's generally good to use the highest quality parts one can gather. Probelm is, I'm a broke high schooler. So, I must resort to cheap Chinese junk. It seems to me that steppers and drivers would be fairly safe due to their simplicity. However, I also plan to buy a RAMPS and Arduino Mega clone off eBay. Is this a good idea? Assumby epicepee - Reprappers
Does that mean that the only benefit of 24v is the lighter wiring?by epicepee - Reprappers
I plan to build a GUS with RAMPS, no heated bed and a geared extruder. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 12V and 24V?by epicepee - Reprappers
Would rock cut by a kitchen counter outfit be precise enough to use as a printbed? And can DRV8825 StepSticks really handle the 2.2A they say they can (with cooling)?by epicepee - Reprappers
I plan to build a GUS Simpson as my first build. I have access to a working printer, and everything else I'm doing on my own. Before I start ordering parts, I had a few questions. First of all, stepper motors. I plan to use drivers that can handle 2.2A. I want to get good motors. I plan to get one 2A NEMA 17 for the extruder, and more normal ~1.2A 17's for the arms. Is this overkill? Woulby epicepee - Reprappers
I live in the US. Okay. So, lots of research about substituting an atmega1284p into a Sanguinololu and attaching an LCD, SD reader and controller onto that. It seemed like a bit too much work and way too much uncertainty. Is there a way to build -- or buy -- a 1284p-based board entirely compatible with RAMPS? If not, I will probably use a Printrboard and epicepee - Controllers
55 euro is fine. Where can I get that? If it's RepRap DIY, I can't use that at the moment but I will be able epicepee - Controllers
Gen7 electronics look pretty expensive. I like the idea of using a raspi, though, even if it was a joke. I'll have to do some quick calculations to see if it would cost a reasonable amount. I looked online for how to attach an LCD and SD reader to a Sanguinololu. I couldn't find much that wouldn't take lots of skill and experience with the board. Is that what it will take or is there an easier wby epicepee - Controllers
I am planning on building my first RepRap printer and I was considering my options as far as control electronics. As the printer will be quite far from any computer, it must be able to print without a computer attached, even just to start it. My only other criterion is price. I am fine with soldering and flashing custom firmware if that's what it takes. So, here are my questions: Is it possibleby epicepee - Controllers