Yes, connect the negative outputs of the two PSUs together. Laptop PSUs normally use a two core mains cable (no ground wire) so it won't create a ground loop. The ground loops to avoid are the ones created when you connect the printer to another device such as a PC through a cable that has a ground connection e.g. a USB cable, and both devices have a connection between their PSU output and mainsby dc42 - General
You won't create a ground loop unless the grounds are already connected, for example if both PSUs have a connection between their negative output and mains ground. ATX and other PSUs intended for desktop PCa have such a connection built in but most other PSUs don't. You can use a multimeter to check for dc42 - General
Yes you need to connect the grounds, however the SKR board almost certainly switches the negative side of its fan output. So connect the red fan wire to +12V from the 12V PSU and connect the black fan wire to the negative pin of the fan output of the control dc42 - General
Thr 5V regulator on an Arduino is inadequate to power an LCD. It overheats, causing it to reduce the output voltage. Your options include: - Connect a couple of silicon rectifier diodes in series with the 12V input to the Arduino to reduce the input voltage. This transfers some of the heat dissipation from the regulator to the diodes. - Instead of powering the display backlight from 5V, power itby dc42 - General
It sounds to me that you are still running an older firmware version. Send M115 to check the firmware dc42 - Reprappers
Stainless steel can be either magnetic or non magnetic depending on the alloy used. I use magnetic ones from Haydn dc42 - Fisher
I can't remember the construction of the Fisher, but could it be that a carriage that the rod tops are connected to isn't level?by dc42 - Fisher
Even with a Duet 0.6 you should be able to control the speed of the fans unless they are stuck permanently dc42 - Fisher
PETG doesn't need a heated chamber. On my delta (not a Fisher) I use 80C bed temperature. I reduce the maximum speed of the print cooling fan to about dc42 - Fisher
Yes, if you add an external dc42 - For Sale
You can tell whether the sensor has started up in analog or digital mode by counting the number of LED flashes after power up. See the instructions at .by dc42 - For Sale
If the sensor doesn't detect a pullup resistor to +3.3V or +5V then it operates in pseudo-analog mode, outputting 4 different voltages depending on whether it is a long way from the bed, close to the bed but not quite triggered, close enough to be triggered, or overloaded with ambient light. If the board it is connected to treats the input as digital then it might see the "close to the bed but noby dc42 - For Sale
Hi @qunie, for faster response I suggest you start a thread at where the RepRapFirmware community and our support engineers will be please to help you. I took a quick look at your config files. For the BLTouch you used to have this M558 line: M558 P9 H5 F120 T6000 ; Set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds You now have this one: M558 P1 C"" H5 F1by dc42 - General
Please post the whole config.g file, in particular we need to see the M574 commands that configure the endstops. You can test the endstops, either by enabling and opening the Object Model Browser in the Web interface and expanding the "sensors" key, or using the M119 command. For faster response to questions about RepRapFirmware post your question at .by dc42 - Reprappers
@oBezruki when you say RepRap do you mean you are running RepRapFirmware, or are you actually running Marlin? If you are running RepRapFirmware then please post your config.g and homing dc42 - Reprappers
Likely out of your price range, but the E3D tool changer has an option called ASMBL which uses a small milling tool to do the finishing of the dc42 - General
Have you seen the Smart Effector? It uses a built-in strain gauge to detect nozzle dc42 - Tech-Talk
Hi Techman2930, please post on where our support staff and the RepRapFirmware community will be pleased to help you. It may help if you post a M122 diagnostic report taken after the fault has occurred and before you power down or otherwise reset the dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I agree with your diagnosis. What sort of rod end joints are you using? Perhaps one of the joints between the effector and the Z tower rods is hitting its limit and stressing the effector and then the piezo dc42 - Delta Machines
Vorons are also built with Duet electronics and RepRapFirmware. No need for a Raspberry dc42 - General
Looks interesting! As the kinematics is linear, RepRapFirmware supports it already, without even having to dc42 - Reprappers
Rod length only scales X and Y. Z scale is determined by the steps/mm setting of the tower motor drivers. Get the Z scaling right before you adjust the XY dc42 - Delta Machines
Please post at to get suggestions for resolving dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
If a Klipper firmware folder is added then a RepRapFirmware folder should be added too. However, most Klipper support seems to happen on Discord, and most RRF support happens on the Duet 3D forum for Duet boards, and on the same forum or on Discord for STM dc42 - General
You can get a reasonable approximation of feed hold by enabling segmentation in RepRapFirmware using the M669 command. True feed hold on planned for version 3.5 of dc42 - General New Machines Topics
The board will only connect to Bossa if you first erase the firmware, by placing a jumper across the Erase pins. Remove the jumper before you use Bossa to program the board. The command M552 S0 does not connect to WiFi, it merely puts the WiFi module in Idle mode. You can then use M557 to program the SSID and password. See . To get a faster response to your questions, I suggest you post them atby dc42 - Duet
This page describes the structure and files you need on the SD card. You can get the firmware and network files from the latest release in and you can generate the configuration files for your machine using the configuration tool at . If the firmware has been erased then you can reinstall it using Bossa, see . HTH Davidby dc42 - Duet
It's well known that attaching a graphical LCD overloads the 5V regulator on the Arduino, causing it to overheat, reduce its output voltage, and often fail. Connecting USB provides an alternative source of 5V power. 12864 display modules vary in the back-light current they draw. Some have a zero ohm back-light resistor dc42 - General
It's likely that your Z homing isn't quite right or your Z probe trigger height is configured too high, so that the nozzle is a little too low when the first layer is printed. It could also be that you are Z homing and probing correctly but doing it when the bed and hot end are cold, and when they have heated up the distance between the nozzle and the bed decreases because of thermal dc42 - Slic3r
There are some Modix users on the Duet3D forum so you might want to post there too. .by dc42 - General