Correct, I meant don't use ^ in front of the pin dc42 - General
No, that won't work. But you can get non-polarised electrolytic dc42 - Experimental and Hobby
It sounds like you have used high value resistors in the voltage divider. Try using lower value dc42 - Reprappers
The Duet 3 Mini has permanent pull pullup resistors on all IO connector inputs. It's best not to use ^ in the port name to enable the internal one because that will reduce the noise dc42 - General
For delta printers, nozzle contact probes are best. This is because it is very hard to get the geometry of a delta so accurate that the effector remains perfectly level as it moves in the XY plane, and any tilting will change the relative height between the nozzle and an offset probe. Types of nozzle contact probe include: - Duet3D Smart Effector - FSRs (force sensitive resistors) or piezos mouby dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Yes it looks as though the heat task didn't kick the software watchdog within the timeout period. The SPI code was working on the SAM4E8E with the PDC way back when I first implemented it, but I was unable to run the SPI interface as fast as I could with the DMAC. So you may need to reduce the SPI clock speed in the WiFi firmware. I suggest you reduce it to 10 MHz or lower until you have it workby dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
If you get unexpected resets, run M122 and look in the resulting report for the "last reset reason". If tit reason is "software" then look at the "software reset reason". This gives details of the reason for the reset and a stack trace at the point that the reset procedure was initiated. For faster response to questions on RepRapFirmware, post at .by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I used 2020 extrusions for the uprights originally, but upgraded to dc42 - Delta Machines
I agree, 2020 isn't stiff enough for that size printer. I use 2040 for my 1m high dc42 - Delta Machines
I suggest you post at . You will get much faster response there. In your post, please say which Duet you have, which main firmware version, and (if applicable) which WiFi firmware dc42 - Duet
The debugPrintf function sends output to the USB port. So connect to that port using a PC running a terminal emulator dc42 - General
You are right, you will need to swap the endstop connections dc42 - Delta Machines
Yes you can remap the drives using the M584 command. You will also need to change the M574 commands that assign the endstop dc42 - Delta Machines
How are you homing Z? If you are homing it using a Z probe and a G30 command, then you have already established the Z datum by probing, so all you need to do is to run G29 S1 after homing to load the height map. You can do this at the end of homeall.g if you want. If you are homing Z using an endstop switch then do a single G30 probe at bed centre before you load the height map. We don't adviseby dc42 - Duet
@Gaou please check that you have set up your delta printer like this: X tower on the left Y tower on the right Z tower at the back Then if you command +X movement in Duet Web Control, the effector should move towards the right. If you command +Y movement then it should move towards the back. The only reason this would be different is if you have used the M579 command in config.g to deliberatelyby dc42 - Delta Machines
I find that the retraction needed is a little under 1% of the Bowden tube length plus 1 or 2mm. Reducing hot end temperature is very effective at reducing PLA stringing, if you can still get good prints at lower dc42 - Delta Machines
I suggest you post at because that's where our support engineers will read your post. Include photos of the accelerometer wiring. Have you allowed for the fact that the daughter board routes CS3 and CS4 from the underside to the positions corresponding to CS1 and CS2 on the top? The json file is only used if you want to re-import the configuration to the online tool. It is not used by the firby dc42 - Duet
QuoteMStarha I am using 300x300 mm Keenovo silicone heater on 5 mm thick 350x350mm cast aluminium plate. And I intend to print PETG and ABS mostly, that means up to 100-120 degrees on the heated bed. That might cause some stress in the glass. Will the ordinary float glass survive? Any thoughts on that? Float glass will be fine in that setup, certainly with PETG. I mostly print PETG, but I have pby dc42 - General
If you have a heat spreader (e.g. a few mm of aluminum) between the heater and the glass, then use ordinary float glass. I have used it for years. You only need special glass if it is heated unevenly. Don't use tempered glass because the tempering process tends to warp the dc42 - General
That sounds like a good application for Duet 3 dc42 - Controllers
I see that you have also posted on the Duet3D forum, which is good because you will get more replies to questions about RepRapFirmware there. If I have anything to add, I will add my response dc42 - General
Yes you need to have four of each of those commands to define four temperature sensors and four heaters. Then one M140 command to allocate those four heaters to the dc42 - General
I use a mains voltage silicone heater under a 300mm diameter 5mm thick aluminium plate. Don't use an inductive sensor, use some type of nozzle contact dc42 - Delta Machines
Isn't the Prusa Mini a traditional Cartesian bed slinger design?by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
The Slice 300C thermistor uses a Semitech 104-NT4 element (the same type used by E3D) which is the default thermistor type for all recent versions of dc42 - Duet
If you are trying to detect loss of mains power earlier than the Duet detects that the VIN voltage is falling, then I think 30ms is too long. It should be possible to detect loss of mains power in 5ms or dc42 - Reprappers
Hi Techman2930, please post this question on .by dc42 - Firmware - Marlin
The relay will take a while to respond to the loss of power before the contacts open, so I don't think this scheme will work well. There are electronic circuits that will detect loss of power more quickly. Typically they use opto isolators. There is a limit to how fast you can detect loss of power anyway, because the mains voltage drops to zero twice every cycle and you have to wait a little whilby dc42 - Reprappers
Connect the - input of the SSR to e.g. out7 and connect the + input to VOUTLC on the same dc42 - General
The height map is automatically saved in a different file, heightmap.csv. You can use the G29 S1 command to load it in future instead of probing dc42 - Ormerod