Hello everyone... Some experienced advice please: I'm to the point of wiring up all the components on my DIY printer so I'm looking for advice on the various wire gauges. I read through the safety tip section so I don't want to cut corners on the wiring and connectors. I'm using 120v mains for the aluminum heat bed with a AC/DC SSR controlled by Smoothieboard PID. The fixed heat bed uses iby simspeed - General
Would the use of a ground fault receptacle mounted on the printer chassis work as a proper ground and circuit breaker in the event of a short at the heat bed? I see the need to add a ground wire from the bed chassis back to the GFCI to connect up to the ground wire in the power cord back to the wall receptacle? (not shown) Thanks...TP.by simspeed - General
Thanks for the feedback Dentist....pardon my ignorance; I was thinking of something more like this for the step up transformer. 2000w step up transformerby simspeed - General
Hi Dentist....thanks for your comments. I've attached photos showing how the wire and insulating PTFE are looped through center holes in the extrusions. Your suggestion for the glass fiber sleeve would probably work using the larger hollow voids instead of the smaller tap bores. I agree overheating the wire would melt the PTFE... but in this application, the total resistance of the wire in leby simspeed - General
Hi Olaf... The wire hanging down in the middle is the thermocouple screwed into the bottom of the bed. I don't have it hooked up to anything at the moment. Eventually it will drop down through the table top. The nichrome wire is securely encased inside the aluminum extrusions looped back and forth at each end to make the circuit where the two ends of the ptfe tubing make the orange extension cby simspeed - General
Just completed the first test power up of an aluminum heat bed I fabricated for my new printer. I'm testing this through a Variac 120v AC transformer so not to over heat the resistance wire until I get the power load sorted out. I strung 16 ga. nichrome wire through 7 ea. 20 X 80 V-Slot extrusions. I insulated the wire from the aluminum bed by encasing the nichrome wire in PTFE tubing. Workedby simspeed - General
The bed is fixed to the table so the motors are lifting the Z/X frame work much like the 3DP Unlimited printer. [3dpunlimited.com] . I am contemplating running an axle rod between the two idler pulleys for Y axis; possibly even for the Z. I bought a 24v power supply for everything but I may add more for the separate axis if I go with the type of drivers you posted. I need to learn more aboutby simspeed - General
Hi Dentist...you're using two of the Stainsmart drivers for your printer. Can you run multiple steppers on each of these drivers. My cartesian printer build is using two N23s on both the Z and Y axis with a single N17 on the X. I haven't come to a decision on which microcontroller to use but I'm interested in using drivers with these capabilities. Thanks.by simspeed - General
How about a printer controller board that you plug one of these into to run everything...? Windows...Andriod...Linux..?by simspeed - General
Thanks for spelling that all out for me Dentist.... I appreciate the help. I've ordered some high temperature heater cord (electrically insulated), that I'm encasing within the aluminum bed plate as the heating element. I'd planned to feed that with 120v mains power running through the SSR for Smoothieboard PID control. I'm unsure about powering with 24v vs 120v relating to the heat cord that'by simspeed - Look what I made!
Hi...DD. Nicely done sir. I'm in the process of collecting materials and componentry for a similar cartesian printer using openbuild 1000mm v-slot parts and pieces and 23 nemas. My heated bed will be 21 X 30 fixed aluminum. I'd sure appreciate knowing more about you heat bed control setup...perhaps a diagram and part list if you wouldn't mind sharing..? I will be using a Smoothieboard for PIby simspeed - Look what I made!
Hi Traumflug....thanks for your comment, I appreciate all critiques good or bad. I'll be the first to admit I don't understand everything I think I know... .... so lets look at your two points and follow the logic that develops. I've shown the head move from point A to B in this drawing. Along this line where the hot end is centered in the slide....the table does not move in either directioby simspeed - General
Hi Lobo...thanks so much for your response. I'll study up on your description and see what I can come to understand about polar, r, theta coordinates. A multi-head hot end will mount to the linear slide in combination with the rotating table to provide full coverage of a circular print bed. I'm actually glad you responded to my question, because I planned to contact you about the motor controlby simspeed - General
Hi Ohmarinus,.... I don't mind where the post resides. I put it here hoping for a broader section of members to consider for a response. Thanks...TP.by simspeed - General
I'm working on a printer design that incorporates the mechanical XY axis movement shown below. I'm not well versed in kinematic applications... anyone have thoughts what type would be applicable to a linear slide within a rotating table? From what I've been able to find, I'm thinking scara kinematics rather than polar coordinate. I'd appreciate views of the community....especially folks whoby simspeed - General
Werner....So you're using a Rambo board now? I thought you were running an Azteeq X5 Mini on the original Berrybot delta. Am I mistaken?by simspeed - General
Nice mods to the V6. Glad to hear from you again Werner....its been a long time. What's new with you and the Berrybot 3D?by simspeed - General
Thanks maboo...interesting concepts. These patents are still in effect so it will be interesting to see if this new process is indeed something new or akin to prior art.by simspeed - General
Thanks for the link. Seems reasonable until we get to the part where they say they can use any commercially available silicone mix components. This article says the UV curing is applicable to a new process silicone product. I guess we'll just have to wait to see how their printing process works to understand it.by simspeed - General
Premixing the two components would limit the print time for larger parts, so I don't think that's how they do it. I think they have to be mixing at the nozzle as the material is deposited. But you may be on to something in the ratio of part B catalyst to part A. Normal ratios generate a certain pot life that allows for time to pour into a mold. Do you suppose they are using higher catalyst perby simspeed - General
Any idea how they are doing this? I can see dual feeding the two part A/B components through a common nozzle to follow a .stl file...but liquid silicone has a pot life and takes time to solidify. Is there a quick curing process involved? Very interesting !! 3D Printing Siliconeby simspeed - General
Looks like the FLX.ARM Scara robot 3D printer has final reached the Kickstarter stage. What is your opinion? Kickstarterby simspeed - General
Yes, absolutely! Based on what you've shown I think your Core XZ is the ideal printer for my current needs. Let me know when you are ready to proceed. BTW...waiting to hear back on your ideas for the outside ring idea when you have time. Cheers!by simspeed - Repetier
Nicholas...have you made a decision whether or not to offer Core XZ kits? Thanks.by simspeed - Repetier
Interesting.....thanks for the link Viktor. I'm not sure how applicable this may be but I will check it out. Thanks again.by simspeed - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Thanks Will...thanks for your comment. I should have made it clearer, I am really looking I think for a hardware tie-in rather than software solution to use microprocessors like the Azteeg X5, BBB, pcDuino with the CNC 5 axis stepper board. Smoothieware or LinuxCNC are control software that I want to use for my scara printer adaptation, I'm just looking to see if anyone will comment on how possby simspeed - General
probably all I'm looking for except that I need more than 4 stepper controllers.by simspeed - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
I'm looking at an inexpensive 5 axis cnc stepper motor driver controller board from StepperOnline.com for a 3d printer...what interface would be needed to use an Azteeg X5 mini microcontroller to run Smoothieware, or a BBB or PCduino3 32 bit microcontroller using LinuxCnc to run that particular CNC stepper controller for 3d printing? Thanks...by simspeed - General
Hi Will...thanks for the quick response. I guess I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I've read where the BBB microprocessor is being configured for 3d printer work using free LinuxCNC with speciality cape boards which are rather expensive. I see where Stepperonline.com offers a 5 Axis CNC Breakout Board Interface For their ST-V2Stepper Motor Drivers for $12.11 . They say this stepper controlleby simspeed - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping