Finally I added a video to youtube with the clay printer I builded. You can see it here: video The printer can be also seen on the attached pictures in this boylucky - Mechanics
Neměl by někdo zájem podílet se na stavbě větší 3D tiskárny pro tisk z hlíny, betonu a podobných materiálů?by boylucky - Novinky, nápady, nová řešení
Díky. Jede to celé na repetier firmware s použitím Arduino Mega a Ramps 1.4. Software v PC je pak Repetier Host nainstalovaný na Ubuntu. Bylo to pro mě nejjednodušší řešení protože už jsem s tím měl předchozí zkušenosti na klasické delta tiskárně + Rebelovi. A taky nejlevnější Nechtěl jsem do toho investovat nějaké větší částky pro případ, že by se to boylucky - Novinky, nápady, nová řešení
Konečně jsem se dostal k nahrání ukázkového videa tisku a pár fotek, tady je video: ukázka tiskuby boylucky - Novinky, nápady, nová řešení
Ahoj, chtěl bych se zeptat jestli máte někdo zkušenosti s tiskem z keramické hlíny na delta tiskárně. Nedávno jsem jednu postavil právě pro tisk z hlíny tak bych chtěl zjistit jestli se tady nenajde někdo kdo už s tím má nějaké zkušenosti. Pokusím se sem co nejdřív vložit linky na ukázkové video tisku. Zatím sem tisknul jen jednoduché věci na vyzkoušení, zda celý koncept boylucky - Novinky, nápady, nová řešení
Thanks that looks boylucky - Developers
Tak jen jeden update k sekání filamentu. Došel jsem k závěru, že rozhodující je správně zkalibrovaná podložka pro tisk + retrakce + správné množství průtoku filamentu při tisku. Zkoušel jsem i potřít filament trochou oleje což jsem na pár stránkách našel taky jako funkční řešení, ale to většinou pomohlo na pár hodin tisku a pak byl stejný problém. Když se mi povedlo správně nastavit tyto 3 věciby boylucky - Problémy
In the end I switch to carbon rods plus Traxxas 5347 and now I am happy with that solution. No more worries about disconnection of rods and the print quality with the Hiwin linear rails looks perfect for meby boylucky - Delta Machines
Hello Matthew, please, would you have a link to such design? boylucky - Developers
Hi Viktor, ok, I see . Sorry for boylucky - Developers
Thanks for your post Victor. Those designs are also interesting and like you said could be in some cases easy to boylucky - Developers
Finaly here is a fast drawing of the desigh. Please do not take it much serious, it is just fast draw of the idea. There is many things and problems to think about and solve. So it is just to show what I ment. There could be linear rails instead of the rods and the bed could be slide normaly as on clasic XYZ printers. What I found good on this design could be a simple construction and for examplby boylucky - Developers
Hi tgit23, thanks for the post and also for those 2 links. The printer 101hero looks good . I did not know that somebody already sell such printers with 28BYJ steppers. Hard to say how long can last the steppers in the printer. Have you ever search about some replacement of the 28BYJ steppers? I tried couple of times some time ago but did not find anythink reliable for similar price. The ideaby boylucky - Developers
Měl by někdo zájem o rozestavěnou 3D tiskárnu vlastní konstrukce? Vhodné spíš pro někoho kdo si chce pohrát se stavbou tiskárny. Chtěl jsem vytvořit vlastní návrh malé stolní 3D tiskárny. Tisknutelná plocha max 120x120x110 mm. Osa X a Y je originální vedení od HIWIN typ MGN9C, osa Z jsou vodící broušené tyče s prodlouženým ložiskem LM8LUU. Každá osa má 1 NEMA17 krokový motor. Je použit powden extby boylucky - Prodám, koupím / komerční nabídky
Hi tgit23, if somebody would be able to modify the Marlin firmware that would be great. I am not able to do so. The estimate cost of the delta printer on the picture is less then 20$. About the Steward platform - it is first time I see such design. Looks interesting but I have not red much about it yet. I will try to get more info. For now I would not go to build such design probably. But wouby boylucky - Developers
@Hubberthus - yeah, I need to make some picture and post it here. Not yet done, sorry. And hard to say what will be the pros and cons. I see the pros in the fact that it would not take much space as it could be really just a alu profile with the rail for example screwed to wall. But that is just my imagine about the pros I think the cost would be nearly the same as other designs like the delta oby boylucky - Developers
Thanks guys for the videos and design you mentioned. You are right that it is something similar. I did not saw that before so thanks to bring it here. And yes, the difference would be only the fact that the design I thought would have the rail on which the carriages will be boylucky - Developers
Hi all, I just got an idea for a new 3D printer design and would like to share it with you and also get your opinion about it. I am not an engineer so please take this into account when reading my post. It is currenlty only an idea. The core of the design is that all rails are placed on one alu profile let's say in one line. That is why I called it in-line design. X and Y move is base on two caby boylucky - Developers
Hi o_lampe, you are right that 32bit controller would be much more suitable for such printer. But like you said the cost would be higher. Like I already said in my previous post, the basic aim was to build as for as less money as possible to open 3D printing for enybody who would be interested in it without investing big amount of money. That is why I tried the model with 28BYJ-48 steppers and wby boylucky - Developers
Hi tgit23, yes, I agree with you that the magnetic joins looks like a great replacement for others options like traxxas etc. About the precision of such printer - I was not expecting a high resolution from the design. I just wanted to build the printer as cheap as possible to make it available for people which would be interested in 3D printing without previous knowledge and wants to give it a tby boylucky - Developers
I was thinking to have the nozzle 2-3mm in the diameter. You are probably right that it would require really strong extruder even for a bigger nozzle. I am thinking to build a new delta printer based on the Ceramic delta presented on this web site. It looks really interesting for me and will be probably much more easier to build it including the extruder then inventing my own clay extruder. I wasby boylucky - Mechanics
Here are some images. It does not look good but it is fast and working solution. Sorry for bad quality of the boylucky - Delta Machines
Currently I solved the problem by adding a string rubber (later I plan to use spring instead) between the effector and the carriage. Till now it is working well. It does not looks so nice but it is working and it is currently more important for me. What do you think about this solution? For me it looks like a good combination. There can be even completely removed the magnets from this solutionby boylucky - Delta Machines
Hi tgit23, thanks for your post. Currently I am not working on this design. But I can get back to it in the future as it looks like a great opportunity to get closer to 3D printing for people not involved in it yet. Like a first step with 3D printing as the printer would be really as cheap as possible. Nowadays I build my first delta printer based on the Kossel mini with magnetic rode ends. I caby boylucky - Developers
Hi all, I would like to ask you about your experience with clay extruders. I would like to extend the possibility of my delta printer to be able to print from clay. I checked the reprap info about ceramic delta printer on web site I was planning to try create my own design of the clay extruder based on tube with clay pressed by the stepper with threaded rod instead of the compressor. The extruderby boylucky - Mechanics
Thanks guys for your comments. I was thinking also about the RC traxxas joins but when I build them there is always a small volition in the traxxas. But I guess that it can be solve by connection of both arms, right? Anyway when I build the magnetic joins I was surprised by the nice looking prints. So I wanted to use them. I will think about your proposal to switch the magnet and ball. About theby boylucky - Delta Machines
I did not notice that before. For me it looks more crooked on the picture then in real. But you could be right. I can try to print the carriage again when I get new magnets for it. Thanks for telling me boylucky - Delta Machines
Here are the pictures of effector and linear boylucky - Delta Machines
Hi, I would like to ask you if you ever experienced problems with magnetic joins on delta printer. Currently I build my own Kossel Mini with magnetic joins - 10mm ball bearings and neodym magnet Ø 10/7-3,5 mm, height 3 mm, the magnetic force stated should be 1,6 kg. Print is running fine but after some time the join disconnect. Last time I did one hour print and then it randomly disconnect. I alsby boylucky - Delta Machines
Actually the price is one of the key factor for the 3D printer I currently build up. Later on I can more focus on the higher quality of the electronics parts and get the Duet wifi board. I think it can be really great solution for 3D printers from what I boylucky - General