1. Simple in concept to build and I like the motion. 2. Custom, no kit 3. Smoothie at first, switched to reprapfirmware 4. No cartesian printers, but I have plenty of cartesian robots. 5. Nothing that wouldn't be an issue on any other printer. Deltas are less forgiving in general, and less tolerant of sloppy calibrations than a Cartesian. I have lots of tools t build and measure that most folby Koko76 - Delta Machines
I'll see what I can do this weekend. I'm in the process of testing a new hot end/extruder. When you say "when I have these problems" I'm not sure what you mean, it is consistent and regular. In other words I'm not sure there is a specific incident t isolate.by Koko76 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've had good luck with diamond tile cutting blades, but I ran that at relatively low speed. Maybe only 1500rpm on a 3in blade. I think dremel might have some diamond coated disks. Wrap the cut area in masking tape tightly, helps to lower splintering and breakout. A diamond file can do a decent job of smoothing out ends too. I got a cheap one from a local home improvement store that I use foby Koko76 - Delta Machines
I have had a lot of issues with file uploads, using 1.09r and web 1.08. Still trying to localize when and why it happens, as it may not be duet related but I figured I give the data I have. Using a Mac laptop and either Chrome, Firefox or Safari I get frequent (more often than not) super slow or stopping file transfers or a file that makes it to 100% and hangs without completion. With Firefox/by Koko76 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Quotereifsnyderb You are absolutely correct. A person's time has no value, machine tools are so cheap that they are practically free, utilities have no cost, shipping is free, taxes are nil, etc., etc., etc. Hey, running a business is so cheap that all products should be given away. I can't argue with that at all. Ok. I am done. Quotethe_digital_dentist The problem here is that people areby Koko76 - General
Quoterealthor What I see is that many high-end (?) machines use this type of tool exchanger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyyqOfUsvnY&feature=youtu.be&t=36. I have no idea what it involves, if the sounds mean pressured air escaping (and involved in the swap) ... Each tool has a retention knob, which is gripped by hardened steel "fingers". They open and close via a sliding rod held inby Koko76 - General
Thank you, that has the web interface working ok! Dc42, wondering if the following is possible, I'd like to simply turn the bed output either on or off, with no temp regulation. Is there a way to accomplish this in G code? I would like to use the heater output to turn a relay on or off.by Koko76 - Delta Machines
It is certainly the center of the ball, not where you have it drawn. Take the max length you can measure from the outermost spherical points, and subtract the length of one ball diameter. For "facts to back it up" just watch your own joint in motion. Does the ball rise and fall in the socket? If it doesn't, then it's rotating about the center of the ball, you know, the whole point of a ball joby Koko76 - Delta Machines
QuoteDRobs86 Quotethe_digital_dentist Where does the idea that a piece of glass is flat and won't flex come from? I am open to correction, but its my understanding that glass plate is much much flatter than aluminum plate. I didnt say it was necessarily stiff, but it laying ontop of his wavy aluminum plate is a better print surface. Pearce feel free to use whatver you like. Its your money you aby Koko76 - General
QuoteJamesK Interesting. But you need to fatten up all traces, not just perimeters - how do you go about that in cura? Hit the close button and use a different slicer? I used cura a lot when I started, but it's level of user control is not high. This seems to be on purpose in order to make it easier for people to use, and I understand that. But for me the answer was to switch slicers. They allby Koko76 - Printing
QuoteJamesK The default answer for ABS is to use an enclosure to increase the ambient temperature, but as well as printing hotter, you can also try printing slower and wider. I don't have an enclosure (yet), and print ABS at 260 and 30 mm/s which seems to work for all but the biggest prints. I don't think cura has an explicit way of setting the extrusion width, but they would have to base it offby Koko76 - Printing
QuoteRPearce I ment, .4 nozzle I print in generally. .2mm layer height. And I can tell by the comments most of you are quite lost on the design, the bed was always stationary other people suggest that it move. As for the Prusa part, the idea was to take the gantry of a prusa and just make it bigger to reach the required spec. I'm not lost on anything here. I have also designed, machined and asseby Koko76 - General
QuoteRPearce ill build it, figure out what doesn't actually work and go from there, nothing much else i can do. I've actually found I get much better results with research, planning, and then executing.by Koko76 - General
I mill things of that size to the flatness needed for this operation regularly. Without a decent vacuum setup to hold it down, you can't even think about milling a piece of 1/4" aluminum that size. When you turn off the vac, the plate will warp like you won't believe, the faces will be parallel (although I suppose concentric would be more applicable since they will be arcs at this point) but noby Koko76 - General
Best of luck then.I know you don't know me from anyone, but flat out just ignoring things that don't fit with your idealized world isn't the way to succeed.by Koko76 - General
I've spent "a little" time in both sheet metal shops and in a machine shop. I do it all from modeling, reverse engineering, to machine mods, programming and setup, both on the sheet metal side and the machining. Your plate will not be flat enough. Not only will it not be flat after you put your bends into it, but 1/4" material won't be strong enough to maintain its own flatness on an uneven surby Koko76 - General
Incandescent light bulb in an enclosure.by Koko76 - General
I agree with the others on milling the ends square, but I have the luxury of some fancy machinery available whenever I need it. About the cheapest still safe method to get clean cuts would be to use a chop saw with a carbide blade designed for metal cutting. You can get these at most home improvement stores. With careful stop setup and making sure to use clamps to hold the extrusion, you can gby Koko76 - General
Ok, I'm on the latest and greatest firmware 1.09r-dc42 and I now have the ability to talk to the board over ethernet. My web interface says it's 1.06, which I think is a few steps back and most/many of the fields in the web interface are unpopulated with any sort of data. I was able to upload and start a print, but not many fields are filled in. What do I need to do in order to enable these?by Koko76 - Delta Machines
The probe is relatively low on my to do list. My machine is very square, and the towers located very well. It performs quite nicely with manual calibration. The principle will be the same as the Renishaw units, six balls arranged in a circle and a "spider" with 3 rods sticking out. Assuming that the same rod goes back to the same two balls (the entire spider doesn't twist) there is only one oby Koko76 - Delta Machines
Fazzios in Jersey. Bring a lunch.by Koko76 - General
Find the shop with a hole popper EDM and have them pop a hole in a blank. No burrs and it will actually be the size you want. Should only cost a few bucks.by Koko76 - General
I read your blog, and again sorry not interested. I have no desire to pull up the existing PEI to spray paint it and I don't personally feel that IR is the right choice for this application. I have tools and knowledge suitable for building a probe that will repeat within .003mm or so, I do this kind of work regularly.by Koko76 - Delta Machines
I have, but it doesn't meet my needs thank you. I am planning on making a probe which works like that Renishaw probes used on mills and lathes only smaller and not with the IR transmitter. At the moment I am using a PEI sheet over aluminum plate and I think I might have issue with the adhesive film underneath causing odd readings, I also don't want to be restricted in the future as to what I caby Koko76 - Delta Machines
Thank you for all of your help, and your hard work on the firmware. Still running 1.09m at the moment, I'll grab p as soon as it gets out of alpha. Working rather well so far, and I haven't even hooked up the ethernet yet. I also need to make a z probe, although my printer is very square and the bed is very flat and level.by Koko76 - Delta Machines
Got the board yesterday and got most things wired tonight. I notice that there is no M301 by default in config.g Is that something I need to add? I have values I used for the smoothie, I assume that they are no practical use here?by Koko76 - Delta Machines
Here is some great reading They explain pretty well why you would choose these over other sources of cooling, and how to size a junction and it's associated components to remove heat from it given heat input, degrees over ambient allowed etc. No association with the company, just a happy customer. I have one of their air to air units used to remove heat from a sealed electronic enclosure. Itby Koko76 - General
Thanks for the response, I'm looking forward to sometime moving the bed control to the board and the SPI chip was what I was thinking of using with the smoothie. Good to know it's being worked on. Do you mean invert the signs on the trim values? I currently use negative trim on the smoothie, which I think moves the carriages down towards the bed. Reprap Firmware does the opposite? As far asby Koko76 - Delta Machines
I've ordered a Duet0.85 from TP3D and waiting for it to ship, just trying to do my homework on what I need to do to get it set up. I have a working smoothie config, how much can I simply carry over? Max Z, delta radius, arm length I assume. Do trims work the same way? Anything else I should watch out for? I have a somewhat unique bed setup, I have M42 and M43 set up in smoothieware to turn onby Koko76 - Delta Machines